Hot Stuff pt.2

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Colton's POV

*flash back to when Colton spilled his drink on Chloe.*

I watch Chloe walk up the stairs. Wow she is pissed. I saw the girl who hit my elbow, she was wearing a teal dress that cups right under her butt.

I'm gonna go find where she went. She isn't gonna just knock my elbow and make Chloe pissed just cuz she feels like it.

I shuffle my way through the sea of people. I walk into the living room to find no one in there. Hmm, this room must be 'off limits.'

"Hey cutie." A soft raspy voice behind me speaks. I feel the brush of her fingertips on my back before I see her. I whirl around to see the girl in the teal dress.

I look her over, seeing her feet first. My eyes trail up her long tan sleek legs, up to her hips, a walk past her curves, and up above her chest. I finally see her eyes; they're blue and miraculously gorgeous. Her hair is curled and almost down to her waist.

Wait. I recognize her from somewhere.

"Cutie?" I respond.

"Yes you are." She smirks and puts her finger on my chest, pushing me closer until my back is to the wall.

"I-I have a date." I try to avoid her perfect gaze.

"So do I." She winks, sliding her fingertips down below my belly button.

I close my eyes in relaxation.

"Who are you?" I whimper.

"Wow," she chuckles. I've heard that laugh somewhere before. I just can't see her face good enough. "It's Mia smart one."

Ah! Mia! I knew I know it was her!

"Mia? Uhm.." I wiggle, trying to remove myself from the wall.

"Ya know," she pushes her body closer to mine. "I don't know why I set you up with Chloe. I'm way prettier." She smirks, pressing her lips to my collarbones.

I know I don't like her but his is seriously turning me on. I need to get away.

"Mia stop." I try to push her away but she grinds her hips into mine.

"What? I know you have always had a crush on me. Don't need to hide it." She traces her fingertips under my shirt on my side, giving me goosebumps.

"N-no I like Chloe.." I stutter out, looking down at her.

She looks up at me, her eyes meeting mine then pretty soon her lips do the same; crashing into mine.

I groan as she starts running her fingers through my hair. "Mia." I break away, breathing hard.

"Hmm?" She bites her lip.

"I can't do this." I shake my head, looking around for witnesses.

"What do you mean?" She pouts as I finally push her away.

"I like Chloe!" I start to storm off.

"I could give you what you want." Her words stop me in my tracks, making me whirl around.

"Why do you think I would want sex from you? I don't want you to take my virginity." I speak through clenched teeth.

"It's not like Chloe is going to take it from you." She retorts.

Those words sliced my heart like scissors cutting paper. "Why do you think that?" I speak softly; not really wanting the answer.

"She's not a virgin, stupid." Mia rolls her eyes at me.

"Y-yes she is. She told me she was!" I step closer to her, so my height gives an advantage.

I thought we could take each others virginity. Was I wrong?

"Well she lied. She lies about practically everything. Did you ask her about her relationship with Ethan?" Mia bites her lip, knowing I had.

I nod. "Yes."

"And what was her reply?" Mia retorts.

"We're just a step brother and step sister best friend kind of relationship." I repeat Chloe's words.

"Right." Mia sighs, "which is why they are always hanging out. Which is why Ethan likes her. Which is why they're probably off somewhere making out. She's a liar."

"She wouldn't do that to me." I clench my fists together.

"Or would she?"

Mia has a really good point. She said she would go get cleaned up and come right back. It has been like thirty five minutes, why isn't she back?

Does she like Ethan back?

Ugh, I am so mad. "C'mon." I grab Mia's hand and pull her out of the living room.

We walk upstairs, I accidentally bump into someone on my way up.

"Colton." Her voice so sweet and simple; Chloe.

I stop in my tracks and glare at her. "What." I state more than ask.

"Wh-why are you holding hands with Mia?" She looks at Mia and frowns.

"Why are you fucking lying to me all the time?" I get defensive.

"Lie to you? Colton, I have never lied to you." She wrinkles her eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh yeah? What about you being a virgin? Hmm?" I spit out.

"What about it? I told you I was." She frowns again, thinking.

"Yeah sure, well we're done." I speak through clenched teeth and her face falls and then anger ignites in her eyes. "Whatever! We never even started!" She storms down the stairs while Mia and I run up them.

Time to lose my virginity once and for all.
A/N: OOOOOHHH DRAMAAAAA! I know this chapter is kinda short and it has been a LOOONG wait but I will updating the next chapter Saturday. Vote and comment lovelies!(:

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