I Hate You (pt. 2)

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*Ethan's POV*

I watch Maria intently as she sways her hips to the beat of the music. Her emerald eyes meet mine and I instantly look away. I wonder what she thinks of me.

"Do you want a drink?" She gives me a smile small and hands me a plastic cup. One drink can't hurt. Besides, I can so what I want. I don't need Chloe fucking holding my hand all the time.

I take the cup from her hand and our fingers brush against each others when she pulls away. Her cheeks get pink and I can't help but to chuckle. "What?" She asks, looking up at me.

"You blush a lot." I tease her. She rolls her eyes before speaking, "Yeah, well, you stare at me a lot." I stop laughing and she lets out a giggle and I swear her laugh is mesmerizing.

"Whatever, I'm going to go find Joseph." She sticks her tongue out at me before I walk away. I can't figure her out. She's sweet and nice but does bad things. Maybe it's peer pressure?

I make my way through the crowd of sweaty and intoxicated teenagers. Any other time I would be having a great time and these things but there is something unsettled in my stomach and I feel like something rather bad is going to happen. It's probably just the vodka-scotch mixture messing with me.

Joseph isn't in the kitchen so I walk into the living room and start looking through the heard of people. This living room is so big I'm certain you can put a shopping centre in here.

The music starts to slow to a slow song and everyone breaks off into couples so now it'll probably be easier to find Joseph. I notice the silky black hair of the girl I met today. Alex I think her name was. I soon enough figure out Joseph's face but it's attached to Alex's as they have a full blown make out session during a slow song. Then, my eyes travel to the last person I thought I would see here tonight. The halo of ashy blonde curls drape over her shoulders as she sways her hips to the sound of purple rain. I feel my feet moving faster than the rest of me and it feels as if I'm running toward her instead of taking in large strides. As I approach her I notice she's dancing with the guy I saw from last night. Who the fuck is this douche?

Our eyes meet and panic washes over her face. When I walk up to her so does a familiar yet foreign figure. Caleb Taylore. What the fuck is he doing?

"What the hell are you doing here?" I shout. The drink is making me get a headache and I try to stay calm but it's hard when Caleb begins talking to her, "You could've told me you already had a date."

She looks as if she could die at any moment. Her cheeks are pale as she tries to keep contact with all three of us. What is her story with the other two? I didn't even know she knew Caleb. I don't even know this fucking pricks name! The guy with brown eyes looks so cool and calm. I want to bash his head into the floor for dancing with her but instead I ball my fists to my sides and try to stay calm as possible.

"Brandon brought me." Her voice is shaky as she faces me. I take in her worried features and it almost makes me want to not be mad but I am. I can't help it. Why would she do this to me?

"The fuck is Brandon?" I slur my words. My headache is getting worse by the minute because of all the confusion and alcohol.

"This is Brandon. He's a friend of Jasper's." Who the fucking fuck is Jasper! None of this makes sense!

"Are you fucking him too?" I raise my voice and she seems startled but her eyes flash with a sting of hurt before turning into flames.

"I'm not fucking anyone! Brandon and I are just friends! And Jasper is Josh's boyfriend so no I'm not fucking him!" She yells back, earning stares from everyone in the room.

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