On The Bright Side..

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*Ethan's POV*

It has been almost four hours since I witnessed Chloe reach her breaking point and rush out of the hospital like a mental woman. Honestly, I don't blame her for how she acted. That damn doctor was being a total douchebag and basically told us that he was gonna pull the plug on her mom. I bet she feels awful considering that her biological dad is dead and now her mom is basically, well, you know..

Although, it does piss me off that she hasn't answered my texts or called me nor my dad back. I told him that we shouldn't worry too much and that she's probably with Colton; even though I don't want her to be but he's better than that Brandon guy she was mumbling about in her sleep.

"Are you okay?" My dad sits down next to me on the couch with a bowl of chips, despite it being almost twelve thirty.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just stressed, I guess." I fumble with the phone in my hands, waiting for Chloe to text or call but neither happen.

"I understand," for some reason his voice irritates me and I begin to come unglued for a split second.

"Do you, really? I don't think you do!" I immediately cool back down as I think of my boxing therapy. I have to control my anger, even though its hard. "Sorry," I mumble.

"It's okay. I know how you're feeling, even if you don't believe me. I wish I could do something to make your life simpler but even as an adult, things get stressful."

The front door slams shut and before I realize it I'm on my feet. Chloe is standing at the counter with a coffee cup in hand and a bandage near her eye. Although, she had never looked more beautiful; her skin seemed to glow. The smile she is wearing seems brighter and her hair seems lighter.

"Chloe, where've you been!?" I wrap my arms around her and it surprises me when she hugs me back.

"I was just hanging out with my friend," she smiles as we pull away from the embrace.

"Oh," I try to sound like I'm not interested but honestly it is killing me to know who it was.

"Well, I'm going to go to sleep." She lays her bag on the counter and starts to walk toward the stairs but before I realize it I grab her hand.

"Um, do you want to talk?" Really? That's the best you can come up with?

"No? Do you want to talk?" I let go of her hand and mine falls limply to my side.

"No, we can talk in the morning. Go ahead to bed," I give her a reassuring smile and she nods, walking up the stairs.

I rub my eyes with my hands and let out a breath of air. At least she is okay and safe at home. My dad is passed out on the couch so I turn off the TV and jog up the stairs and to my room.

I don't even bother to change my clothes before I'm in bed and fast asleep.


"Ethan, wake up please. I need your help," Chloe's voice startles me awake and I'm on my feet before I know it.

"What's up?" I rub my hands over my eyes as I walk into her room. I furrow my eyebrows as I notice several packed boxes lining her room. It looks completely bare; no curtains, posters, rugs, nothing.

"Can you help me take these downstairs?" She slaps some tape along one of the large open boxes and I take a deep breath. This is it.

"You're leaving today?" I dismiss her question and sit in her rolling chair.

"Yep," she pushes the hair out of her face and I notice how her skin is still glowing. She looks so beautiful.

"I thought you weren't leaving for another four days or so. What about your mom and Josh?" I wipe my palms against my shorts. "What about me?" The last phrase comes out more as a whisper than as strong as I would like it to be.

"New York is going to be a fresh start for me so why not go sooner? Besides," she takes a deep breath and sits on the bare mattress on her bed frame. "I'm going to move in with Brandon." Her voice is quiet and my stomach begins to spin like a washing machine.

"Oh," that's all I can come up with at the moment. I feel so happy for her but yet I am such a selfish little fuck that I don't want her to go. I don't want to move to Canada without her. I'm afraid.

"Are you okay?" She places her hand on my shoulder and I stand up. She copies my motion and looks up at me with those beautiful eyes of hers and I can't take it anymore.

Before I realize it, my lips are planted against hers and I am relieved when she doesn't pull away. We fall backward on the bed and I straddle her waist, deepening the kiss. Her hands move fast through my tangled hair as my hands move quickly to her hips.

"Ethan," she heavily breathes out as we pull away.

"Hmm?" I press my lips to hers again but this time she places her hands firmly on my chest and pushes me away.

"I can't do this," she sits up and ruffles the hair out of her face.

"Sure we can. We can try this again," I beg. My whole world feels like its caving in again.

"No, Ethan. We can't." She stands to her feet and I stand up to face her.

"Why?" I look down at her desperately.

"Because I'm in love with Brandon!" Her voice is sharp but her tone is quiet.

"How?" Several thoughts race through my mind and my heart feels as if its crumbling right inside my chest.

"He's just so perfect. I love him," she puts emphasis on 'love' and I finally understand where she's getting at.

"You slept with him?" My voice is loud and unrecognizable to even myself. She doesn't even speak but her face says it all. It's true. She had sex with him and she doesn't even feel bad about it.

"Well, I'm glad that's finally out of the bag because I lost mine a while back too!" Tears swell in her eyes but she doesn't cry.

"Good. I guess we're done; officially this time." I don't bother to respond so I flip the chair over and stomp across the hall and slam my bedroom door shut.

*Chloe's POV*

My heart is still racing from the fight that just broke out between Ethan and I. Honestly, I can't believe he is being so selfish. He is so possessive! He needs to get over me, already!

"Chloe?" David knocks on my door but I say still and silent, hoping he will think I'm not here. "I know you're in there. Please open up. It's important."

"Come in," I hope my voice is quite enough that he can't hear me but of course to my dismay he does and enters my room to sit on the mattress with me.

"The doctor called," he fumbles with his hands and I can't help the ripping in my heart. "He said that she started breathing on her own again!" Tears spill from my eyes and I wrap my arms around David while sobbing into his chest. I can't believe she is going to make it! I am so relieved.

"There is one more thing," he gently grabs my shoulders and pulls me away from him. "She has partial memory loss." Honestly, I think it's best that she has memory loss than to be dead.

"When is she coming home?" I wipe the wetness from under my eyes.

"She can come home today. Want to go get her?" He smiles at me and I nod.

"Does Ethan know?" I can't help but to ask even though the mention if his name hurts my heart.

"No, he went to the gym before I could tell him." I just shrug and buckle my seatbelt as we get in the car.

"Are you guys still moving to Canada?"

"Nope, I just hope Jane has forgotten even moving there because I won't say anything if you won't." I pretend to zip my lips together and I stare out the window as we make our way to the hospital.

Despite the fight with Ethan, maybe things are finally looking up for me.

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