They Call Me a Dreamer

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Ethan's POV

"Chloe.." I moan out in her ear, sliding my finger tips across the outline of her purple bra.

"Hmm?" She whispers, kissing below my ear.

I slide my hands slowly up and down her back, making goosebumps shoot across her soft, tan, skin.

"You like that?" I smirk.

She raises up slightly, straddling my waist.

"You're so gorgeous," I whisper, looking from her eyes to her chest to her stomach then back to her eyes.

She rolls her eyes and puts her hands behind her back, trying to unhook her bra.

*knock knock*

"What was that?" Chloe asks, stopping what she's doing.

I look around my room.

*knock knock*

"Ethan!" I jerk upward and rub my eyes.

"Dammit that was a dream." I mutter under my breath.

"I'm coming in!" Chloe shouts on the other side of my door.

I stand up, walking to the door.

She starts twisting the doorknob, as I walk past the mirror.

Oh shit, I have a boner.

"Wait!" I shout, making her stop from opening the door completely.

"I'm uh naked." I cover, throwing myself in bed, jerking the covers up and around my waist.

"Really? Why would someone wanna sleep naked?!" She exclaims, shock in her voice.

"Because it's relaxing and comfortable!" I shout back, "you can come in now."

She walks in my room wearing spandex volley ball shorts and her volley ball jersey. I look at her feet, her socks coming right below her knees, her feet covered in black converse.

"You have to take me to volley ball practice." She says, sternly.

"Why are you so mad?" I snap back.

"Nothing." She ignores my question and grabs my keys off my bedside table.

"I'll drive myself since you don't want to." She starts walking away.

"Ugh! Fine, I'll take you, I know you hate driving. What time do we have to be there?"

"In like twenty minutes." She says, throwing my keys at me.

I catch the keys and sit them down beside me. "Get ready!" She says, before closing the door behind her.

What is her fucking problem?

I get out of bed and pick a shirt up off the floor, smelling it.

Hey, I'm a guy. I do that stuff. I don't have a different outfit for every day of the week.

I slip on the shirt and grab some cargo shorts. I ruffle my fingers through my hair and walk out the door.

"Are you ready?!" Chloe asks frantically, when I get downstairs.

"Yes, gah. Let me eat woman." I state, trudging to the kitchen.

She sighs and follows me into the kitchen, slamming herself into a seat at the island.

"Why are you so on edge?" I ask, concerned, grabbing a bowl down from the cabinet.

"I don't wanna talk bout it.." She trails off, fiddling with her fingers.

"Yeah you do. C'mon, tell brother Ethan what's wrong." I sit down in front of her with my bowl of chips.

"It's just Leslie is dating Jonathan and I thought Jonathan liked me, so I guess I'm kind of jealous they're dating." She frowns, stealing a chip from my bowl.

"Well all you have to do is get a boyfriend to make him jealous." I say, trying to solve the problem.

"I don't want a boyfriend except for him. I don't like anyone else but him. Sure I say guys are hot and stuff but I just want him and only him." I frown, noticing how sad Chloe is.

"Well, he is too blind to see how much you actually like him and care about him and if he'd rather date Leslie than you, so be it, because he is missing out on a extraordinary girl." Honestly, I'm just speaking what I feel about the

Yes I like Chloe, a lot. I know how she feels about Jonathan because I feel the same about her, so I'm gonna try to help her, if I can.

"I am?" She asks, raising her head a little, blushing at the cheeks.

"Of course, now lets go, don't wanna be late." I put my bowl in the sink and we walk to the car.

"Thanks." Chloe wraps her arms around my waist, hugging me edits getting in the car.
Chloe's POV

"Mine!" I shout, spiking the volleyball.

"Okay ladies, good practice!" Coach Allan congratulates us.

I start putting all my junk in my bag: knee pads, elbow pads, etc.

"Hey, you're really good!" Ethan walks up behind me.

I sling my bag over my shoulder and smile at him, "thank you."

"Chloe good job!" My ginger haired friend Mia walks up to me.

"Thanks Mia!" I smile at her, and notice her looking at Ethan.

"Is this your boyfriend?" She ask, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously.

"Hey, I'm Ethan. You are?" Ethan grabs her hand, kissing it.

Wow, desperate much.

Mia giggles, blushing. "I'm Mia, Chloe's team mate. Are you her boyfriend?"

"No, I'm her brother. Step brother." I notice how he puts the emphasis on the word step and winks at me.

Is he trying to make me jealous?

It isn't working.

"Would you like to go on a date tomorrow night?" He smiles at her, still holding her hand.

"She'd love to." I spit out, pulling their hands away. "Sorry Mia, gotta go, he'll text you later!" I grab Ethan by the wrist pulling him all the way to the car.

"What the hell was that all about?!" I whisper shout, still clinched to his wrist.

"What are you talking-ohh, you're jealous." He says, smirking.

"No I am not." Am I jealous?

"Whatever, you so are!" Ethan sticks out his tongue and smirks.

"No, I just don't like my brother hitting on my teammates."

"Whatever you say cupcake." He winks at me and pulls away from my grip, sliding into the drivers seat.

Why would I be jealous? Over Ethan and Mia of all people.

A/N: okay you guys! Changing it up a bit!

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Thanks lovelies!

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