Chapter Thirteen.

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Cher Lloyd's POV.

“Cher!” Cheered Simon and LA while I walked in the Epic Records' building. “How are you sweetheart?” Asked Simon and hugged me gently.
“I'm fine thanks.” I hugged LA too and we walked to one of the conference room.
“Okay, tell us seriously, how do you feel?” Asked LA clearly concerned.
“I'm okay, just very tired.” I answered honestly.
“Yeah we can see that, you look a bit pale too. Is something bothering you?”
“No, not really. I mean this whole thing with my mother is playing on my mood yeah, but I'm ready to work now.”
“If you need anything, you can talk to us you know.” Proposed LA smiling sweetly at me.
“I know, don't worry.” I smiled and I turned around when I heard the door being opened. My jaw dropped when I saw Ne-Yo walked in.
“Hi Cher!” He said and hugged me. I stood there awkwardly, it always felt a bit unreal when I met people as talented as him. He shook LA's and Simon's hands and sat next to me. “Okay guys, I'm very excited about this project.”
“So are we.” Added a man I had never seen before, he smiled at me and sat next to Simon in front of Ne-Yo and I. “I'm George McIntyre, Fruttare's principal shareholder.” He explained and I nodded. “So here's the idea, you two find an idea for the song's topic and we post it on our site. Then, your fans can come and suggest some lyrics, you read them, choose some and use them in the song.” He continued speaking in a monotone which was boring as hell. I could not help but think about Demi and how I hurt her last night. I knew I did. I just was not ready to tell her if I loved her or not. He kept on talking about it for about 10 minutes until he finally shut up. “So, what do you think?” He asked us and I looked at Ne-Yo a bit embarrassed that I had no idea what he was talking about. Ne-Yo looked back at me with the same expression and we busted into laughing.
“Do we need to come up with the idea right now?” Ne-Yo asked George who nodded. He sighed and looked at me smiling.
“Well, I think we need a song which claims good values, and positive spirit.” I proposed and Ne-Yo clapped.
“You've got the topic now.”
“Really? You agree with me?” I asked dumbstruck.
“Sure, it's going to be fun and that's what people love to listen to.” He explained and I nodded. “Do you need us for something else?”
“No, it's okay.” Said George who looked at Simon and LA.
“Cher it's okay, you can go too.” Said LA with a terrible face. He had to stay here and talked about the song for the day. I smiled and I got up. I walked out of the building without a clue of what I was going to do. I sighed and sat on a bench next to the building.

“What's up?” Asked Ne-Yo, he put his sunglasses on and looked at me smiling.
“Nothing.” I said shyly.
“You don't have to be shy or anything, tell me, what's wrong?”
“What? Nothing.” I said and smiled.
“You were barely paying attention to the poor George.” He chuckled.
“It didn't look like you were either!” I said and poked his shoulder.
“So what are you going to do today?” He said laughing.
“I don't know, I'll call a friend of mine and I'll see from there. I thought this meeting was going to last the whole day and not less than an hour.” I answered and he laughed. “And you?”
“I'm heading back home. Need a lift to your friend's place?” He proposed gently and I nodded. I called Nadine quickly who was pretty excited to see me. I followed him to his car and he drove me to her house. “Well, I'll see you soon British girl.” He said smiling.
“See you.” I said and got out of the car. I walked to Nadine's gates and rang the bell. She opened them and waited for me in front of her front door.

“Cherbear!” She yelled and hugged me tightly.
“Hi Nadz.”
“How are you sweetie?” She asked me as we walked in her living room.
“I'm fine, and you?”
“I'm okay. So, what are you up to?”
“A new song with Ne-Yo.” I said and Nadine smiled widely.
“Wow, congratulations! I mean, Kimba sang with him before and she loved it. You lucky girl.” She pinched my cheek and laughed.
“Yeah I can't believe it's really happening.”
“You better get used to the feeling.” She answered proudly.
“Go back to Earth miss 10 years in the industry.”
“And 20 top 10 songs!” She yelled and jumped around in the living room.
“Oh Gosh.” I whispered annoyingly.
“I'm sorry, I can't help it. I'm so happy to be back with the girls.” She added and sat back next to me.
“I can understand, plus, your new song is absolutely awesome.” I complimented her and her smile grew even wider. “I have to say that your album has been playing for quite a while in my phone.”
“Oh really?”
“Don't be surprised, it's not like my best friend is in your band too.” I said trying to sound annoying. She laughed and smacked my arm.
“That's true.” She smiled at me and studied my face. “Are you okay Cher?”
“You asked me that 10 minutes ago.” I said trying to make her drop the subject.
“Okay, talk to me missy, what's up?” She asked gently. I knew I could talk to Nadine about everything. “I saw the papers, is it about your mother?”
“Oh, I think it's a lost cause.” I answered and she pulled a face. “Don't be sorry about it, there's nothing you can do. And I don't want you to get obsessed with it, because Cheryl doesn't let me breath already.” I added and her face softened a bit. “Can I tell you something?” I continued feeling a bit shy all of a sudden.
“Of course you can.” She said smiling, she took my hand and waited for me to continue.
“You know Demi Lovato, right?”
“The Disney's singer?” She asked smiling. “I was just messing around, of course I know her, she's huge.”
“You know we're friends?” I added.
“Have I been living under a rock? Of course I know the Chemi thing.” She said laughing. She opened her eyes and looked at me. I was wearing a serious expression and she gasped. “Are you trying to say what I think you are saying?” She murmured.
“That depends on what you're thinking.”
“Don't play smart mini Chez.” She pinched my chin again.
“The Chemi thing is true.” I confirmed her doubts and she smiled.
“I knew it!” She yelled proudly.
“No you didn't.” I said seriously and she laughed.
“Okay, I had honestly no idea.” She squeezed my hand. “Sorry, keep going.”
“She told me she loved me last night.” I blurted out and looked at her reaction. She was still smiling at me.
“And I didn't say anything.”
“Why?” She asked gently. “You don't love her? You were surprised?”
“No, it's not that, I knew she loved me way before we even got together.” I answered and lowered my head.
“It's okay, you know you can talk to me.” She continued gently and squeezed my hand again.
“I've never said those words to someone I've been with.” I whispered feeling a bit embarrassed.
“There's nothing wrong with being afraid of saying it. It's a big deal. You'll say them when you'll be ready.” I looked up at her and she was still smiling.
“But I must have hurt her yesterday. She walked out of the room and spent the rest of the night alone.”
“Then, what are you doing here?” She stood up and dragged me to the door. “I'm taking you to her place and you'll talk to her, you care about her right?”
“Positive.” I said playing along with her bossy mood.
“Then, you'll arrange this whole situation.” She walked to her car and got in the other side. “Oh Gosh I'm just as excited as I was when we heard that Adele was fangirling Chezza.” She giggled and I sat on the car.
“You really need to spend less time with Sarah, it's not doing you any good.”
“Oh shush little brat!” She poked my ribs laughing and started driving.
“No wait, don't go to her place, I know what I'm going to do.”

Demi Lovato's POV.

“Dems!” Cheered Miley as I opened my front door. She literally jumped on me and made us fall on the floor. She got up and took my hand.
“Well, nice to see you too.” She giggled and smacked my arm.
“Don't be like that DivaDem, it's been a while!”
“Yeah, how are you?” I asked. We sat on the couch facing each other.
“I'm more than fine! I'm so excited for my new songs.” She giggled again and smiled widely at me.
“And your wedding.” I added making her blush immediately.
“Yeah, I still can't believe it's really happening to me. I've finally found a good guy.”
“You sure have.” I laughed.
“Stop laughing at me, it's a big deal.”
“I know it is, but you seem so not nervous about it that I do feel like my job is to make you nervous.” She threw a pillow at me.
“You're so funny, it's unbelievable.” She said with a serious face. “Let me play your game, how's your love life Demi?” She asked getting suddenly interesting.
“You so don't wanna know.” I said and she shook her head.
“Come on, talk to me missy.”
“Please, don't freak out.” I looked at her seriously and she frowned.
“Mmh, okay?”
“I'm in a relationship.” She got up and smiled widely. “But.” I said and she fell on the couch again. “It's with another girl.” I added whispering. I lowered my head and she stayed silent. I finally looked up at her and she was frowning. I could tell she was thinking about it. She quickly got up and clapped her hands.
“Oh my God! You're with Cher, aren't you?” She yelled laughing at me.
“Yes.” I confirmed raising my eyebrows.
“I knew it! I fucking knew it!” She giggled and jumped on me, again. She laid on top of me on the couch. “You little bastard, you should have told me sooner!” She added and poked my ribs. She sat next to me smiling. “I can't believe you only told me today.”
“We've been together for about a month, and I haven't seen you before.” I explained and she laughed.
“You're in love with her aren't you?” I nodded and she smirked proudly. “You've been in love with her for almost two years.” She added.
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh come on! Every time she's around, you're glowing. It would be a bit annoying if I didn't have Liam.” She laughed. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. “I'm really happy for you Dems, you deserve to be happy.” She pulled away and looked at me. “You're happy, right?”
“Yeah, yeah I am.”
“Don't fucking start liar. Tell me, what's the matter?” I sighed.
“I told her I loved her yesterday night, and she didn't say anything.” I explained and she frowned.
“Oh, how did she react?”
“It's exactly where the problem is, she didn't react. She kept looking at me and just froze. I got up and spent the night on the balcony wondering how I could be so stupid.”
“Okay wow, slow down please.” She said and took my hands. “First of all, you're not stupid. Second of all, maybe she just needs more time. It doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't love you back.”
“I know, but I freaked out.”
“She knows I love her. I told her last summer when she was on the X Factor with me.” I explained. I realized she did not know anything about that.
“Then why did you freak out? What you said doesn't really answer my question.”
“If maybe you let me speak, then I would be able to answer.” I said and she shrugged. “I freaked out because I just realized how much I care about her. I think I'm in love with her very deeply. And the more time I spend with her, the more I fall for her.” I blushed and she smiled.
“You have nothing to worry about. I'm sure it's gonna be fine.” She kissed my cheek. “You know, I prefer you as Demi the warrior, remember that time you stood up for me in front of that journalist?” She said laughing.
“Oh my God yes! I think it was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.” She slapped my arm playfully.
“Thank you so much Demi!”
“I'm kidding, you're one of my best friends, she was pretty stupid to think that I was going to say something about you.” I said seriously and she nodded.
“Exactly!" She laughed, clapping her hands. "Anyway, have you seen Sel recently?” 
“No, we have our careers, plus she's kinda busy with Taylor and Justin.” I said and she laughed.
“I still don't understand though.” She kept laughing. “I mean come on, Sel is what 20? And him 18.”
“And? They don't have that much age difference. You're a pretty awful gossip when we know that you're 20 and engaged.” She laughed and slapped my arm.
“What good friend are you, it's impressive.” She joked and smiled. “No seriously, it's good to see you.”
“You too.” I answered sincerely. Miley took her phone out of her pocket and laughed.
“Oh, your girl is trending worldwide.” She said and handed me her phone. I looked at it and saw pictures of her and Ne Yo on a bench. They were pretty close and laughing. She quickly took her phone back. “Eh, don't be jealous!” She yelled.
“You heard me. There're two problems, first: he's not you, second: he's not a girl.” She said laughing. I threw a pillow and she received it straight in her face.
“Thanks! You can talk about who's the better friend yeah!” I said and she laughed. We heard the doorbell ringing and I went to open it.

“Hi!” Said Nadine Coyle enthusiastically.
“Hello?” I said a bit surprised by her visit. I turned around and saw Miley gathering her things. She walked to us and hugged me.
“I've to go, I've something planned with Liam. I see you soon.” She kissed my cheek and hugged Nadine quickly.
“Do you wanna come in?” I offered Nadine and she nodded.
“Okay, I think you know why I'm here.” She said directly. I sighed and nodded.
“Cher is upset, isn't she?” I said and led her to my bedroom. “I'll help you pack her things.” I said and bent down to grab Cher's suitcase. Nadine quickly grabbed my arm.
“Eh what are you doing? Of course she's not leaving, I'm here to take you somewhere.” She smiled reassuringly at me.
“Really?” I was so not expecting something like that.
“Really Demi. You need to get change though.” She said laughing, I was still in pyjamas.
“What do I need to wear?” I asked getting excited.
“Something casual.” She answered and left the room. “I'll be waiting for you in the living room.” She closed the door. I quickly went through my closet and picked some clothes. I ended up with a pair of jeans, a white shirt and my black leather jacket. I wrapped my hair in a high ponytail and went to see Nadine. “Ready to go?” She asked as soon as she saw me.
“Yeah.” She smiled and we walked to the door. We walked to her car in silence and she started driving.
“You were pretty sure I was here to pick her things, weren't you?”
“Yeah.” I whispered honestly. “Can I ask you something?”
“How was she?”
“Look babe, I'm not going to say anything, I'll let Cher do the talking because she has quite a lot to say to you okay?” She said smiling. She looked at me briefly. “Don't worry.” We stayed silent for a while until I recognized the road.
“Are you taking me to the private airport where Cher's plane is?”
“I am.” She answered proudly. After another 20 minutes of silence, she parked her car in front of the entrance. “Okay, you know in what shed it is right?”
“Yeah don't worry.” I said and unlocked my seat belt. “Thank you Nadine.”
“No, thank you to make our little Cher happy.” She answered smiling, I smiled back and opened the door. The girls from Girls Aloud were all very close to Cher and it was pretty amazing how much they cared for her even if Cher was way younger than them. I walked to the shed where I knew Cher's plane was. I saw someone running out of the shed.

“Hi Dems.” Said Cher shyly smiling at me.
“Hi you.” I said and she kissed my cheek. She took my hand and we walked to the building.
“Oh my God.” We heard someone gasped. We looked to where we heard the voice and saw a group of young girls looking at us. We smiled at them and continued walking. “Can we have a picture?” One of them asked us and I looked at Cher who nodded in agreement. We went to them, one of them was totally all over Cher, it was quite cute to see. They took some pictures with us and she asked Cher to sign her phone. She handed back to the girl and I saw Cher frowning slightly.
“You know I love you right? Be happy for me. Don't do this to yourself.” She said to the girl smiling and left. She took hold of my hand and we walked to her plane. I looked back to the girl who was smiling and crying at the same time.
“Why did you say that?” I asked and Cher smiled.
“You didn't see her wrists? She has some cuts on them. And I just thought maybe I could help.” I smiled and kissed her cheek.
“Believe me, I think you just made this girl really happy.”
“I've another girl to make happy right now.” She said poking my shoulder.
“What are we doing?” I asked her as she opened the plane's door for me.
“Get in.” I sat on the passenger seat and she went to the pilot one.
“You fixed it?”
“Yep, finally.” She smiled and started the engine. She handed me an headphone with a mick on it.
“You know how to fly a plane but you don't have a car driving licence?” I asked and she laughed.
“Nope, it's way more safer. This way, you can think of anything, no one would be bothering you. You're quite untouchable up-here.” She said and continued driving the plane to the runway. “Ready?” I nodded and the plane started to race up.
“Oh God.” I gasped as we left the floor. Cher was so focus on what she was doing. We flew for an hour in silence. I wished I was able to know what she was thinking right now. But I understood why she loved it so much, it was peaceful. “Cher?” I said as we walked out of the shed.
“Why did you make me come here?” I asked and stopped walking. I could not forget what happened last night. She turned around and looked at me frowning.
“You took me ice skating to make me feel better, see this as my way to pay it back to you.” She shrugged.
“You know I'm not talking about that.” She sighed and ran a hand in her hair.
“I don't know what you want me to say.” She walked closer to me. “Tell me what I can do to make you feel better.” I sighed and shook my head.
“You know what? Drop it. It doesn't matter.” I said and walked to the taxi which was waiting for us.
“Don't be like that.” She stated and I laughed.
“Be like what?” I said and she sighed. She got in the taxi and did not say anything until we finally reached my flat.
“I need to call Chezza.” She said and walked to my bedroom. She closed the door loudly and I sat on the couch. I just messed everything up. I took out my phone and texted Miley.

Cher Lloyd's POV.

“Come on, come on, come on Chez, pick up.” I sighed angrily.
“Chez what are you doing?” I said quickly.
“Wow, calm down babe. I was at an appointment.”
“Oh sorry.” I said feeling a bit ashamed.
“Don't be, it's okay. What happened with Demi?” She asked directly.
“How did you know?”
“You're in her flat, you spend your days with her. It's not complicated to know what's wrong with you.” She chuckled.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.”
“Why do you always seem so surprised every time I'm right?” She laughed. “Anyway, sorry, explain to us what happened.” She said and waited for me to explain everything.
“She told me she loves me.”
“Well, it's nothing new.”
“I know, it's not the problem. I didn't say anything which upset her. She left the room and spent the night alone. I went to my meeting this morning and then I saw Nadine.”
“Nadine, like in Nadine Coyle?” She asked clearly surprised.
“Yes, but it doesn't matter. We talked and Nadine agreed to help me to do something for Demi. Demi and I took my plane for a ride.”
“No way? You took her before us?”
“Chez please.”
“Oh sorry, go on.” She giggled. I sighed playfully.
“I thought it would make her happy and she would realize that I care about her, but I guess I was wrong.” I explained and she stayed silent. “Cheryl, are you still here?”
“Yeah I am babe. Do you love her?” I thought about it for a while, without knowing how to answer that. “Look, I know you find it scary but you have to let people in, you have to let her in. She's not here to hurt you.”
“I know.”
“Then what's the matter?” She said getting annoyed.
“Never mind. I'm sorry I disturbed you, go back to your appointment.”
“Actually, it's not mine.”
“What it's not yours? Where are you?” I asked getting confused.
“It's doesn't matter.” She said, she was clearly pissed because of me. I knew it, I knew she was a bit disappointed of me because I did not explain everything the way she wanted me to. “Look I've to go, you've your interview later right?”
“Okay, have fun, I'll talk to you soon.” She said and hung up before I could say anything else. I laid on my back on the bed and closed my eyes. I could not believe how things were right now. Yesterday everything was perfect, and today I had a disappointed best friend and girlfriend. Good job. I jumped when I heard my phone and I quickly took the call.

“Chez? I'm sorry, look I know you wanted to help me.”
“Cher it's Lily.” Lily answered quickly.
“Oh sorry.” I whispered.
“Where are you? You know you have an interview to do, right?” She said and I looked at what time it was.
“Oh Gosh.” I said as I realized I was really late.
“I'm waiting for you in front of Demi's building. Be quick.” She ordered and hung up. Great, she was pissed off because of me too. Another name to add to the list. I quickly wrapped my hair in a messy bun and took my purse. I ran to the front door and Demi looked at me raising her eyebrows.
“I've an interview, I'll be back later.” I said quickly and ran downstairs. I opened the door and saw Lily's car. I got in. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now.
“What happened to you?” Lily gasped as I sat next to her on the backseat. She gave me a mirror. “Here, put some on.” She said handing me some make up.
“Thanks.” She took her things and put them back in her bag.
“Are you going to explain to me what happened?”
“Nothing, I just had a bad day.”
“You know you can talk to me, don't you?” She said gently and took my hand clearly waiting for me to tell her everything.
“I know, don't worry.” She sighed but stayed silent.

“Please welcome the amazing Cher Lloyd!” Cheered the journalist.
“First of all let me tell you how happy I am to finally meet you.” She continued smiling at me. “So how are you?”
“I'm okay, a bit tired but I am fine.” I answered honestly because of the camera which was on my face. “I was in Malvern like 2 days ago.” I explained and she laughed.
“Oh yeah. LA must be quite a change from the fields and the stuff.”
“Exactly.” I laughed.
“Congratulation for your album. I mean it's really impressive. It was huge in the UK and now it's doing amazing in the US charts too.”
“Oh thank you.” I said smiling and she smiled back.
“So Cher, tell me, we saw a lot of pictures with you and Ne Yo, what's going on?”
“I can't really tell you, but some pretty cool stuff are coming.” I said laughing and she winked at me.
“You were on the X Factor right?”
“Yeah I was. I finished 4th.”
“The same year than One Direction finished 3rd.” She said proudly. I nodded my head in agreement. “Are you still in touch with your former fellow contestants?”
“No, not really. I mean I talk to the boys every now and then but that's all.” I admitted.
“But you're friends with Cheryl Cole, she was on the US version on the X Factor too.” She explained.
“Yeah, she was my mentor.”
“I read somewhere that Cheryl doesn't really stay in touch with her acts, so I guess you must be different.” She chuckled.
“I guess so. We're really close so, it's okay.”
“Is there any chances that you two do a song together?” She said hoping to have a scoop. I laughed.
“Maybe if she sings live with me!”
“It would be pretty amazing, I mean her songs with Will I Am are great!”
“Yeah they are.” I said smiling.
“Anyway, I hope we'll see more about you, maybe a tour or something?”
“Maybe yeah. It's not really up to me.” I said laughing.
“Come on Simon, let her do some touring in the US!” She yelled laughing. “Thank you for being here today Cher, it was really good to meet you.”
“Oh thanks, thank you for having me.”
“I wish you the best for your career but I'm not really worry, you're really talented.” She paused and smiled at me. “Cher Lloyd was here everyone!” She said and started to play Oath.

I walked out of the studio and met Lily in the corridor.
“Do you realize what you just did?” She said directly as we walked to the car.
“What are you talking about?”
“You almost yelled on the top of the world that Cheryl can't sing live!” She shouted at me and I took a step back.
“No, I didn't, I just say I wanted to sing with her live.”
“Cher open your eyes!” She shouted. “A lot of people keep on saying that Cheryl can't sing live and you just dropped the bomb. It'll be in every papers tomorrow! Look at that!” She threw me her phone. She was on twitter and Cheryl was already trending. I took a look and saw a lot of people saying that I was right. That Cheryl could not sing live and was not talented. They said that she was only a pretty face.
“Oh no.” I said and my phone started ringing. It was Cheryl. I took a deep breath and took a step away from Lily.
“Are you fuckin' serious Cher?!”
“Chez calm down, it's not what you think.” I started and she laughed.
“Not what I think? Don't “Chez” us anymore, it's Cheryl to you! Who the fuck do you think you are?”


Hi guys, I don't know when I'll be able to upload the next chapter. I'm going back to the hospital tomorrow because I probably need a surgery.. Anyway, thank you for your comments/votes and support, it really helps.

Two Pieces. (Cher Lloyd and Demi Lovato.)Where stories live. Discover now