Chapter Nineteen.

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Demi Lovato's POV.

“Come on DivaDem don't be that Doring.” Groaned Miley as we were laying on the bed, looking at the ceiling.
“What the hell Doring is supposed to mean?” I giggled at her reaction, I knew she was only joking but I had to admit that making Miley grumpy was one of my passions.
“Something clever, Demi plus boring, Doring.” She explained and I rolled my eyes sighing. “It's gonna be fun, just one night!”
“You know I don't drink anymore.”
“I'm not asking you to be drunk.” She almost yelled and sat up next to me. “Just to go out, with me, and some of our friends, for a drink.” She explained, for the tenth time. “Is it because you miss Cher?” She asked and I sighed, again.
“I do miss her but she's not the reason why I don't drink anymore and you know it.” Cher went back to the UK last month, and we had not seen each other since. We called and skyped, but that was all. It was quite hard, I really wanted to see her, but I had to be patient. It was not her fault. She wanted to here for her sister and try to help her out with their father.
“You know she's probably partying right now.” She continued, ignoring my answer. “She's on tour with the most popular band in the UK, I don't think she's just chilling!”
“I know that.”
“So she won't be mad if you go out. It's not because you'll have a drink or two that all of your demons will come back.” she explained and I stayed silent. “Please Dems, come with me.” She looked at me with puppy dog eyes, I rolled my eyes at the sight and she gasped, slapping my arm playfully. I jumped when I heard my phone ringing and quickly took the call without checking who was calling. At least, Miley would have to stay quiet for a while. 

“Hello?” I said laughing at Miley who was pouting.
“Hi Dems.” I heard a very familiar British accent saying which made me smile instantly.
“Hi you.” I whispered and left the room. “How are you?”
“I'm okay, and you?” Cher answered speaking quietly.
“I'm fine.”
“DEMI HURRY UP!” Yelled Miley from my bedroom.
“Oh who's here?” Asked Cher.
“Miley, she came over last night.” I explained and she stayed silent. “Are you sure you're okay?”
“Yeah I am. I just miss you.”
“I miss you too babe.” I sat on the couch and took one of her hoodie, holding it against me.
“It's been a month, way too long.” She sighed and I nodded completely forgetting that she could not see me.
“I know, it sucks. So, tell me, what did you do today?”
“Nothing that interesting. I spent time with Sophie. She's doing fine, I think.”
“How's your father?”
“To be honest, I don't really know.” Cher sighed. “I mean, I don't think he's upset about Sophie being with a girl, I think he was just surprised. But Soph doesn't want to call him. I went to see him yesterday, he looked tired.”
“It must have been quite a shocking news to him.”
“Maybe, he'll have a heart attack when he will know about us.” She said and I could tell she was smiling.
“We don't have to say anything.”
“I know we don't, but eventually, one day we will.” I knew she was right. I knew she was trying to hide the fact that she was nervous about coming out to him.
“Anyway, how are the girls?” I said trying to change the subject.
“They're doing great.” She said, smiling. “Their tour is amazing.” Girls Aloud was touring all around the UK and they were in London for now.
“And Kim?”
“She's fine, we all look after her.”
“You should go back to Miley, she's going to do something stupid if you don't and I don't think you want your flat to burn.” She giggled making me laugh.
“You're probably right.” I said and Cher hummed. “We'll talk soon, right?”
“We will. Have fun.” She said quickly.
“Yeah, you too.” I said and we stayed silent, after a while, Cher hung up. Things were not weird between us. We just did not want to say our goodbyes every time we were calling each other, knowing it just made things harder.

“Dems?” Called Miley as she sat next to me on the couch. I did not even realize that she was in the living room until she spoke. “You okay?” She asked looking genuinely worry about my answer.
“I am okay.” I answered and she shook her head.
“No need to lie. Something's wrong with Cher?”
“No no, she's fine.”
“And you?” She grabbed my hand and smiled at me.
“I'm fine too, it's just hard. I miss her.”
“I know you do.” She sighed and kept staring at me.
“I think I might have an idea.” She said, smiling. “Come on, follow me.” She grabbed both of my hands and dragged me to my bedroom. She sat on the bed and took my laptop.
“I thought you wanted to go out, not spending time on internet.” I said sighing and Miley shook her head.
“I do want to party, but I can do it on another continent.”
“What?” I said and she looked at me rolling her eyes.
“What what?”
“Stop playing smart.” I said slapping her arm.
“You're very slow today.” She giggled. “We'll party tomorrow night, at a concert, in London.” She started and I smiled.
“Are we seriously going to see Girls Aloud?”
“We are!” She exclaimed. “Sounds good?”
“More than good, but we can't do that, we didn't say anything to our management. We don't have tickets, we don't have hotel rooms.” I said and Miley sighed.
“For once in your life, just let yourself be. I'm Miley Cyrus, you're Demi Lovato, do you really think that we won't be able to find tickets? You have a week off, so I'm sorry but I don't really know why we have to say something to them.”
“Maybe because we'll more likely get harassed if we don't.”
“I'll protect you.” Miley laughed and winked. I could not believe we were actually going to the UK just like that. “Demi!” Yelled Miley, making me jump.
“You've been staring at me with this cheesy smile of yours. You know this one.” She said trying to smile very weirdly.
“I don't look like that when I'm smiling!”
“Oh believe me, you do.” She giggled and closed my laptop. “Our flight is tonight, we should prepare our suitcases.” She said rubbing her neck laughing.
“Could be helpful, yeah.” She got up and I quickly pulled her into a really tight hug. “Thank you thank you thank you.” I whispered in her ear and she laughed.
“No need to thank me.” She winked and started to walked towards the front door. “I'll come and pick you up around 7.”
“Okay, see you.”
“And don't keep this constipated smile on your face all day.” She yelled and ran out of the flat, laughing loudly. I shook my head, laughing too. I was quite happy that Miley was back in my life. She was very busy, her life was changing dramatically but she managed to spend time with me. No matters how different we were, she was one of my best friends and it was not going to change anytime soon. She was a huge part of my childhood. I spent the rest of the day packing things. I did not know for how long I was going to stay in London so it was a bit weird. It was almost 8 when Miley finally showed up, almost in time, as usual.

“D.Dem!” She said smiling proudly.
“Could you, just for once in your life, call me Demi like everybody else?” I said laughing while we were hugging.
“No, I can't. I find it quite offensive that you want me to be a regular person.” She joked, looking serious.
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” I took my suitcase and we left the building together. Saying there was a crowd of paps separating us from Miley's car was an understatement.
“Okay, now that sucks.” She sighed and took her phone out. “I'm gonna call my driver to ask him to come and help us. I swear when I arrived there were only one or two of them.” She sighed clearly disappointed. I patted her shoulder, trying to make her feel a bit better. Everywhere she went, she had to fight to take a step forward. Either she was going to the studio or just shopping. “Okay Tom's coming.” I nodded smiling at her.
“Oh crap.” I said when realization hit me.
“We'll be in the papers tomorrow, Cher will know that we're coming.” I said starting to panic.
“Demi chill. There's something amazing call time difference. We'll be, most likely, with her when she's going to find the pictures. Plus, I'm not sure she's one the girls who live for gossip.” Miley said smiling sweetly. I nodded and Tom finally entered the building. He was quite tall and very well built. He had been Miley's body guard and driver for more than 2 years.
“Hello Demi.” He said smiling politely at me. “Are you ready?” He asked us and we nodded. He took my suitcase and I grabbed Miley's hand tightly in mine. “Here we go.” He said as he opened the door, the three of us took a deep breath and bowed our heads.

After a very long fight with paps in and out the airport, we finally managed to get in the plane on time.
“I really hate those kind of things.” Sighed Miley as she let herself fall on her seat.
“I know you do babe, I know.” I said and sat too. I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and sent a quick text to Cher knowing she must be sleeping by now. “To Cher Lloyd: Just thinking of you, I miss you. <3”
“Are you excited?” Asked Miley and I looked at her raising my eyebrows.
“Of course I am.” She smiled and leaned in, her face inches away from mine.
“Are you excited?” She yelled causing everyone around us to stare at us. I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her away.
“God, I don't know what I am doing with you.” I said laughing.
“Well, if I wasn't here, you weren't going to London right now. So please, enjoy my greatness and stop being ungrateful.”
“Please tell me you're tired.” She gasped and slapped my arm playfully.
“I'm wide awake and ready to make this flight seems really long to you.” She laughed and I shook my head. Mid-way through the flight, Miley was fast asleep. I could not be more grateful for that. She had spent the whole time embarrassing me in front of the everyone. I was not really tired but I knew I should try to get some sleep. I knew tomorrow was going to be a long and eventful day. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me. When I woke up, Miley was still sleeping next to me. I sighed and looked at my watch. I had slept two hours, great. I was going to be knackered. I sighed and got up, heading to the restroom. Once I was done, I saw a stewardess looking at me, smiling. I smiled back and she walked to me.
“Are you okay?” She asked gently.
“I am, you?”
“Me too, thanks. I wanted to ask you something.” She continued blushing slightly. I took a closer look at her and noticed that she must be around my age. She had long blond hair and piercing blue eyes.
“Could you sign me this?” She said handing me a little notebook. “I'm a huge fan of yours.” She added, blushing. I smiled and nodded.
“Of course I can, Hayley.” I said after I read her name on her uniform. She smiled widely. “Wanna take a picture too?” I asked and she nodded. She took her phone out and we took a lot of pictures actually. We were laughing and started talking about anything. She was really nice. I found out she was only 23 and coming from Dallas, too.
“Thank you so much for staying with me but I really have to work now.” She said as she got up of the floor. She gave me her hand and helped me get up too.
“It was good fun, thank you.” I said and hugged her. I smiled at her and went back to my seat.
“Where the hell have you been?” Asked a really grumpy Miley.
“Just talking with one of the stewardesses.” I said and she nodded.
“You look very happy, she must have been quite nice.”
“She was, yeah.” I confirmed and I put my headphones on, listening to music. I closed my eyes again and waited until our plane landed.

Cher Lloyd's POV.

Through wind and rain we got here.” I yelled with Mollie King and Sophie as Girls Aloud was performing Untouchable. I wrapped my arms around both of them. Mollie was a member of The Saturday and more importantly, one of my friends. She was friends with Cheryl too because they toured together. I met her at a party hosting by Chezza.
“Let's go backstage, I think they have spotted us.” Yelled Mollie in my ear. I turned around and saw people staring at us. I nodded and grabbed Sophie's hand. The three of us walked backstage, still laughing at the fact that Mollie almost fell 3 times when we were fighting our way through the crowd. “I'm knackered.” She sighed, falling on the couch and looking at my sister and I. I had to admit, Sophie looked like a lost puppy here but I was glad she was with us.
“We're going to miss the whole show.” Sophie said looking at us, blushing slightly.
“No, don't worry.” I dragged her behind me, to the corner of the stage. “You okay?”
“I am fine.” She smiled widely. “Thank you for taking me with you.”
“You don't have to thank me.” I said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She smiled at me and kissed my cheek. We spent the rest of the show together, Mollie sat behind us and I held Sophie against me. Girls Aloud were amazing, I always liked their shows, even before I knew Cheryl. They were such an inspiration.
“Babe!” Yelled Cheryl as she saw me, she ran to me and jumped in my arms.
“You were amazing.” I said to Kimberley who was walking to us smiling.
“Thanks hun.” She kissed my forehead and hugged Sophie. “Wanna come with us after the meet and greet?”
“What do you wanna do?” Cheryl hugged Sophie too and smiled at me.
“Just a little party at our place.” I looked at Sophie who nodded.
“Come on, Cher, it's gonna be fun.” Nicola added, making it really hard for me to say no.
“Okay.” I said and Sophie smiled, leaving with Nicola and Nadine.
“You're really good at this, you know.” Said Mollie walking to me.
“At what?”
“Being a responsible older sister.” She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me closely. “It was good to see you.” She whispered in my ear.
“You too.” I said once we parted. She smiled and waved, leaving me. I sat on the floor, staring down at my phone which was resting on my lap. Everything was a bit weird lately. I did not know what to do with Demi anymore, we did not have problems but I happened to think that Dallas was kind of right, being away from her for this long was hard. I sat there, alone on the stage. I heard some footsteps behind me but I did not look at the direction they were coming from knowing it was probably a crew member. I felt like someone was staring at me, I got up and turned around.

“Hi you.” Said Demi Lovato smiling widely at me. I blinked several times just to make sure I was not dreaming.
“Hi.” I whispered as I walked closer to her and put my hands on her hips. She smiled sweetly and leaned in. Our lips met. She was giving me the most tender kiss ever.
“I missed you.” She whispered against my lips.
“I missed you too.” I said and pecked her lips. “What are you doing here? When did you arrive?” I asked her as we sat on the stage next to each other. She laid her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arm around my waist.
“Today. It was Miley's idea.” She said and I kissed her head.
“Remind me to thank her later, then.” She did not say anything, we just sat there in silence. It was not awkward at all. We did not need small talks.
“Cher where are you?” Yelled Cheryl.
“Here.” I yelled back and we got up. Cheryl walked to us and gasped when she saw Demi.
“Oh shit. I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt.” She said quickly, blushing.
“Don't worry, it's okay.” Smiled Demi and walked to Chez, hugging her. “You were amazing tonight. You can dance!”
“Thanks pet.” Said Cheryl smiling, she kissed my cheek and looked at the both of us. “We're having a little party at our place, do you wanna come Demi?”
“I'd love to but I came with Miley.”
“And? She can come too.” Cheryl said smiling and Demi nodded. “Come on, you two.” Once we finally found Miley, we followed Cheryl to her limo. Kimberley, Nadine, Nicola, Sarah and Sophie were already there laughing. They looked at us smiling and Kimberley kissed Demi's cheek. The ride to Chez and Kim's house was not long but Sarah and Miley managed to drink two bottles of wine. We got out of the car and entered the house. I completely lost sight of Demi because of Cheryl who wanted to speak to me in the garden.
“I wanted to tell you something.” She said looking a bit disappointed.
“Are you okay?” I asked getting worried about the way she looked.
“I'm fine, and Kim is too.” I let out a deep breath of relief and waited for her to continue. “It's our last tour.”
“Yeah. Time to move on, and focus on our personal project.” She said and I nodded. I knew Cheryl did not like the idea of Girls Aloud being over. She liked her girls, touring with them and singing with them. She smiled sadly and I knew she was about to cry. I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her tightly.
“You won't lose the girls you know, and you have something pretty exciting coming soon.” I said and she squeezed me.
“I can't wait.” She whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.
“You're gonna be an amazing mum.” I said smiling at her and she blushed. “Come on, we should head back in.” She nodded and took my hand, we walked together to her living room. I saw Demi who was with Miley and Nicola, they were downing shots. Cheryl dragged me to where Kimberley and Sophie were dancing and we joined them.

“Oh Gosh I can't do it.” Said a very drunk Miley as we were walking to my flat. Demi tried to walk straight forwards but it was like she was attracted to every walls. I wrapped my arms around both of them and tried to help them. Sophie opened the door and we walked in. I led them both to the spare room. “It's weird.”
“What is weird?” Giggled Demi as she undressed herself.
“Cher is the tiniest thing ever and she managed to take us home.” She took a step closer to me and looked at me in the eyes. “Are you an alien?” She asked very seriously.
“Okay, I think that's enough. Go to bed.” I laughed and she laid on the bed.
“Gosh do you live in a boat or something? It keeps moving.” She said looking at her hands.
“Nope, it's only in your head.” I giggled and closed the door, leaving them alone. I walked to my bedroom and saw Sophie asleep in my bed. I was not really tired so I closed the door and went to the living room. But before I could take a step, I felt someone wrapped their arms around me, pinning me against the wall. Demi smiled and kissed me roughly.
“I really missed you.” Demi mumbled between her kisses. Her hands on my hips pulling me closer to her.
“I missed you too babe.” I said quickly once we parted. She looked at me smiling and leaned in again. She kissed me, diving her tongue in my mouth abruptly and that was when I realized something was wrong. I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her slightly. She took a step back and kissed my neck, biting my collarbones once or twice. All of this was making it hard for me to breath. “Dems.” I whispered and Demi did not react, she just kept kissing my neck. Her hands landed on my butt making me gasp.
“I want you.” She whispered and kissed my again, trying to open my jeans. I took her hands in mine and she took a step back. “What?”
“You are drunk.”
“And you are hot.” She whispered smiling. I shook my head.
“Come on, we should sleep.”
“But I don't want to.” She complained, wrapping her arms tightly around my waist and kissing my jawline.
“Demi, stop.” I said firmly.
“I know you want me just as much as I want you.” She whispered against my neck, biting my skin slightly. I shook my head and pushed her slightly. “What?” She took a step back and raised her eyebrows. “Is it because I'm not blond or pretty enough to be with you?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I saw you with Mollie, Cher.” She shouted.
“And? I was talking to her. She's one of my friends. I'm still allowed to have friends, right?” I said trying to stay calm and she laughed.
“Really good one. I saw pictures of you in the magazines. Did you really think that I was not going to find out?”
“I'm not the one who kissed someone else.” I snapped, loosing control, and felt my right cheek burning. Demi looked at me, her eyes wide open in realization of what she had just done. She had slapped me.
“Oh gosh, I'm sorry.” She said trying to take a step closer to me but I took a step back.
“Don't touch me.” I warned her. I put my hand on my cheek and felt blood. She must have cut me with one of her rings. Demi looked afraid and lost. “Go back in.” I said gesturing the spare room.
“But.” She started but I raised my hand.
“Please. It takes me everything I have to not make you leave the flat.” I said looking directly in her eyes.
“I'm sorry, I was drunk and I had no control on what I was doing.” She started sobbing but I did not move. I kept staring at her. “I'm sorry.” She repeated and walked in the spare room where I heard her sobbing. I heard Miley speaking. I knew Demi was not alone. I sighed and walked to the balcony. I really needed to smoke. I took one cigarette and stayed here. After 3 cigarettes, I decided to go back in and tried to sleep.

“Cher, is that you?” Sophie whispered sleepily. I closed my bedroom's door and walked to the bed.
“It is babe, don't worry.” I said as I made myself comfortable under the covers. I heard Sophie moving and next thing I knew, her head was on my shoulder. “How are you?”
“I'm fine.”
“Are you? Tell me the truth.”
“It's just hard you know. I can't talk to dad anymore and well, you know mum. I feel like I'm all alone now.” Sophie whispered, her voice shaking slightly.
“You're not alone, I'm here.”
“You're not really here.” She sighed and moved away from me. “You're never here. You're always in the US and I don't blame you. You're living your dreams, amazing opportunities and stuff are happening to you.” She said and I stayed silent. I felt sick. I could not believe she was thinking something like that. “Sometimes I just wish we could go back in time. You would have not auditioned for the X Factor and it would still be us. Us against the world.” She whispered trying to hold back a sob. I wrapped my arms around her, spooning her.
“First of all, don't say that. Nothing has changed. You're still my sister, and we are together.” I said kissing her temple. “Second of all, I know I'm not around everyday, but it doesn't mean that I don't think about you or Josh and Rosie. You're my family and you guys are what matters the most to me.” I added and Sophie turned her head looking at me.
“Are you mad at me because of what I said?”
“I am not. I'm glad that you're telling me how you really feel and I'll try my best to be more present for you.” I said and kissed her cheek. Sophie took my hand tightly in hers and sighed.
“I'm proud of you, you know? I was stupid before, of course you had to audition, it's your dream.”
“Stop, you're feeling down and that's understandable. I am not mad, and I know you weren't saying that to hurt me.”
“Still, I shouldn't have said that.”
“Maybe, but it's a bit late now.” I kissed her cheek again and laid my head behind hers. “But I'm always gonna be here, no matter where I am, what I am doing, if you need anything, call me.” She nodded and stayed quiet for a while.
“Aren't you scared?”
“Scared? Of what?” I asked confused.
“Being with Demi, I mean, one day you'll go public right? And then what? What if you lose everything?”
“You're really optimistic tonight, aren't you?” I said getting frustrated. I did not want to speak about Demi right now, not after what happened.
“I'm sorry, I just wanted to know if you were aware of the risks.”
“Of course I know them and Demi and I are not there yet.” I said firmly and Sophie squeezed my hand.
“I'm sorry.”
“I know.”
“Are you okay Cher? You smell like you were smocking.”
“I smoked and yes I'm fine.”
“Do you really think that I believe you? You only smoke when something's wrong.” Sophie said and looked at me. She frowned and gasped. “What happened to you? You're bleeding.” She said as she stroked my cheek gently with her thumb.
“I fell, it's nothing babe.”
“I know you're lying.” She sighed. “You don't have to tell me but I'm here if you need anything.”
“We'll talk about it tomorrow.” I said and kissed her forehead. “Close your eyes.”
“I love you.” She whispered and I laid a bit closer to her. I waited until she was sleeping and I got up. I left the room quickly and ran to the toilet where I threw up. I was too nervous, it was too much for me. I could not believe what Demi did. I sighed and went back on the balcony. I lighted up a cigarette and started smocking.  

Two Pieces. (Cher Lloyd and Demi Lovato.)Where stories live. Discover now