Chapter Eight.

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Cher Lloyd's POV. 

“Do you have everything?” Asked Kimberley while we were packing my suitcase. She had been helping me a lot during the past month. I was almost living with Cheryl and her, but it felt great to be honest. I was not alone. Cheryl and I were doing good, she would be able to walk in about a month and my shoulder was not really hurting me anymore which made me really happy. 
“I think I do.” I said and she nodded smiling at me. “Where's Chezza?” 
“She had to go to the studio, we have some performances to work on.” She explained. We took a seat on my bed. 
“I can't believe that Girls Aloud is back.” I said smiling. “I mean, the last time you were doing your music, I was in Malvern, a simple girl with a big dream.” I continued and Kimberley smiled. 
“And here you are now. In our house, Cheryl Cole's best friend.” She said and her smiled faded slightly. 
“Eh Kim, don't cry.” I said quickly as I saw her eyes watered a bit. I wrapped my arms around her slowly and held her tight against me. 
“It just sucks you know.” She sighed. 
“People will always call her Cheryl Cole, they will always associate her with Ashley.” She said and I pulled away. I put her hair behind her ear and looked in her eyes. 
“She's not Ashley's wife anymore, she's yours.” I started, looking in her eyes. She took a deep breath. “Have you talk about that to her?” 
“No, not really. It's a bit stupid.” She answered me. “I just think that.” She started and was cut by Cheryl. 
“Kimberley, Cher!” She yelled from downstairs. Kimberley took a deep breath and put a smile on her face. I shook my head, and followed her. “How was your day?” She asked to Kim as she pecked her lips gently. She looked at me smiling. 
“Good, everything's ready for tonight.” Kim answered and quickly walked out of the room. 
“What was that?” Asked Cheryl as she sat on one of her massive couches. I sat next to her.
“Chezza, it's time for you to do something for her.” 
“What are you speakin' about?” She asked frowning.
“You need to tell everyone about your relationship.” I answered and she sighed. 
“Come on, everyone knows about us.” She stated. 
“They know that you guys are married yes, but you've never said anything about her, about your feelings for her.” 
“Maybe because it's no one else's business.” She yelled at me and got up from the couch. 
“Don't shout at me Cheryl, I just want to help you. You need to tell her what you did.” I stated and she shook her head. 
“I don't know if I can do that.” She said and looked at me. She seemed so fragile right now. I took her in my arms and rubbed her back slowly. 
“Of course you can, we are talking about Kimberley.” I stated and kissed her cheek. “Come on, it's time to go, we have a flight to catch.” She nodded and went upstairs. I waited for them in their driver's car. They walked out of the house holding hands. Kimberley always seemed to be relaxed when Cheryl was around. 

“Are you ready?” Asked Cheryl when we were in front of the airport where a lot of people were waiting for us. They had cameras in hands or some posters. It was the first time I was going to be seen since the accident. I just wanted to take some time to be on my own, to try to remember why I wanted to do this so much. 
“Yeah.” I whispered. 
“I'll be right there, I won't let go of your hand.” She said gently and took my hand in hers. I nodded. Kimberley took Cheryl's other hand and led us to the airport. After more than 15minutes of battling, we finally managed to reach the airport. We kept walking quickly to the private lounge of our flight.
“Are you okay honey?” Asked Kimberley looking at me. 
“Oh Cher.” Said Cheryl and took me in her arms. I knew my eyes were filled with tears. “I'm so sorry.” Whispered Cheryl. 
“You don't have to be sorry.” I whispered back. “My shoulder hurts that's all.” 
“And it's me fault.” She said as she pulled away. 
“No it's not, it was their fault.” I answered referring to the paparazzi who caused our accident. 
“Girls look at me.” Said Kimberley out of nowhere. We looked at her and she put one hand on one of our shoulders. “What happened happened. You can't keep on being sorry Chez. You need to move on.” She started gently looking in her wife's eyes. “I know it's hard, for the both of you.” She said looking at me too. “But, we've got each other, and we'll stick together, okay?” She smiled weakly. 
“Sure.” Said Cheryl. 
“Every time you feel down, you're not alone.” Kimberley continued looking at me. “We're here for you.” She said and I smiled at her. She was right, I knew Kim and Chez would be there for me. They were always here when I needed something. I took them in a tight group hug. 
“You don't know how much I care about you.” I whispered to them. Kimberley and Cheryl shared a small kiss and then kissed my cheek. 
“You're a part of our family.” Kimberley whispered to me and Cheryl nodded. Our flight was announced, we got in and took our seat. I was next to Kimberley while Cheryl was with Lily. I quickly took my phone out of my bag. 

“To Demi Lovato: Hi Dems, I'm on the plane, will be here soon! xx” I texted her quickly and turned it off. It was the first I would see Demi since the accident. She was very busy with the X Factor and was working on her new album. We were calling and texting each other everyday but it was not the same. I really missed her. The plane took off and closed my eyes directly. I slept almost the whole time, like I always did. As soon as the plane stopped moving in LA, I took my phone back. 
“Demi Lovato: Great, I'll be waiting for you xxx” I smiled and called her quickly. 

“Cher? Where are you?” She said clearly excited. 
“I'm walking out of the plane, I'm almost here!” I said matching her excitement. We saw Craig who helped me with my bags and I ran as fast as I could to the door. “I'm here!” I said quickly through the phone and hung up. I ran through the door and looked around me. She was nowhere to be in sight. I turned around and that was when I spotted her. She was there, looking at me smiling. I walked quickly to her and she opened her arms for me. I almost jumped on her and she wrapped her arms as tightly as possible around me, keeping me close to her. 
“I'm so happy.” She said in my ear and kissed my cheek. She let go of me and said hello to Kim and Cheryl. 
“Ready to go?” Asked Craig. The four of us nodded and Demi took my hand. We walked to my driver's car and got in the back together. 
“How did you come here earlier?” Asked Cheryl smiling at Demi.
“Took a cab. Where are you staying?” She asked them.
“At Nadine's.” Kimberley answered smiling. 
“Oh, we're here.” Said Demi as she looked through the window. “So, I'll see you soon?” 
“Sure.” Kimberley responded with a huge smile. 
“Bye girls.” Said Demi and got out of the car. 
“Oh Gosh, I feel like our little baby is goin' to have her first sleep over.” Cheryl said looking at me with tears filling her eyes. 
“I totally agree with you.” Stated Kimberley and kissed my cheek.
“It's going to be okay guys.” I said and kissed Cheryl's cheek. “Thank you so much for everything.” They nodded and I kissed Kimberley's cheek too. I quickly got out of the car because I did not want to see them cry. Plus, they needed some time alone. Demi was waiting for me, my suitcase in her hand. I walked to her and headed to the building.

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