Chapter Nine.

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Demi Lovato's POV.

Our lips were almost touching when I heard my door being opened and Marissa was speaking to me.
“Demi are you okay?” She said while she was opening the door. “Oh Gosh, I'm so sorry!” She added quickly. As soon as Cher and I heard her we both took a step back. I was blushing and Cher was staring at the floor, rubbing her neck nervously. “I was just worried about you.” She whispered. I looked at her and noticed she was also blushing.
“It's okay don't worry.” I turned to look at Cher who was still looking like she was afraid. “Do you wanna come in?” I asked her.
“No, I'm going back to Nadine's.” She answered without looking at me.
“Don't be silly, stay.” I said and took her hand in mine. I dragged her in my flat and the three of us stood in my living room awkwardly.
“Oh happy new years girls!” Yelled Marissa trying to cover her embarrassment.
“Happy new year babe.” I said to her and hugged her.
“Happy new year.” Added Cher without looking at me. She gave a quick hug to Marissa and I. Marissa gave me a small smile and gestured me to take Cher to my room. I nodded and took Cher's hand again.

“Here, put those on.” I said handing her a large short and t shirt. She took it and left the room to get change. I sat on my bed waiting for her. I was about to leave the room and go looking for her when she came back in. She looked at me quickly and stood by the door. “Cher?” I whispered, she looked at me waiting for me to continue. “You're shaking, come here.” I patted my bed. She slowly walked to me and sat on my bed too. I sighed and after almost ten attempts, I managed to make her lay on the bed next to me. I wrapped my blanket tightly around her. “Better?”
“Yeah, thanks.” She whispered with a small voice. We laid in the dark in silence. Both lost in our thoughts. “I'm sorry about earlier.”
“About which part?” I questioned back.
“Everything.” She stated.
“Wow.” I quickly sat up and started getting out of bed when she grabbed my forearm and made me fall back on my bed. “What are you doing?” I almost yelled at her in surprise.
“I can't let you go without telling you something.” She yelled back matching my tone.
“Well, I'm all ears.” I said, I laid as far away as possible from her.
“I'm sorry I've ruined your night with Marissa.” She started and I laughed.
“Don't worry, it wasn't really a party.” I said annoying. “If you're sorry for that, then you're sorry for no reason.”
“Are you going to listen to me?” She said quickly. I sighed and stayed silent for a while. “I'm sorry for what happened yesterday with Craig. I didn't realize that you were still in love with me or at least into me.”
“Are you done? I don't want to talk about it Cher, I don't care about that.” I said and sat again. “You can sleep here, I'm gonna sleep on my couch. Don't be sorry about what almost happened, I won't ask you to stay tomorrow so it won't be awkward between us.” I walked to the door. “Take care of you okay?” I opened the door but before I could take a step out of the room, Cher wrapped her arms around my waist and made me took a step back. She pinned me against the wall and looked in my eyes. I was able to see her thanks to the street's lights.
“I won't let you go.” She whispered and put my hair behind my ear. “What was going to happen in the corridor is the only thing I'm not sorry about. Actually, I'm sorry it took me a while to understand what you really meant to me.” She mumbled nervously and I smiled at her. She was always speaking really quickly when she was nervous and it was really hard to understand. She kept looking at me without moving.
“Are you going to do it Cher?” I whispered blushing slightly. I was still smiling and she smiled back. Her eyes were sparkling. She played with my hair gently as she leaned in. She closed her eyes and pecked my lips gently. She opened her eyes and looked at me. She could not look more beautiful right now, even if she had no make up on and was wearing awful clothes. The way she was looking at me almost made me fall on the floor. It made me feel like I was some piece of art, something fragile and beautiful. She made me feel beautiful. I wrapped my arms around her waist and made her take one step closer to me.
“Are you okay?” I whispered, our eyes still locked. She nodded slowly. This time, I kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck keeping me close to her. Her lips were intoxicating, they were so soft and moved perfectly with mine. My stomach was filled with butterflies. I could not believe this was really happening, I had been dreaming of the time when our lips would meet and it was perfect. I forgot about everything else. She was everything to me. She made me feel like I was flying, like I was perfect, like I was the only one in the world. When air became an issue we pulled away. She rested her forehead against mine, her eyes still closed. I stroked her cheek gently which made her opened her eyes. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead. I took her hand, closed the door and laid the both of us on my bed. I did not let go of her hand. She was laying on her back staring at the ceiling while I was staring at her. “What made you come here?” I asked her after more than half an hour of silence.
“I wanted to. I spoke with Cheryl about you and I guess she reassured me.”
“What did she say?” I asked curiously, I was playing with her hair which was all over the pillow.
“She made me see the truth.” She answered me and turned her head to look at me. “I think I've always known that you meant a lot to me.” She said looking in my eyes smiling.
“So, you're not freaking out?” I whispered and she laid closer to me. She wrapped her arm around my waist and kissed my forehead.
“No.” She pecked my lips. “Do you have any plans for tomorrow?”
“No, I don't think so, my family's here so I don't know.” I stated and she smiled.
“Well, now you guys have something to do.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked her smiling too.
“You'll see.” She kissed my nose and laid on her back again, her eyes closed. I kept looking at her for a while. “You know, you shouldn't look at me when I try to sleep, it's disturbing.” She said giggling, her eyes still closed. I laughed and blushed. “You look really pretty when you're blushing.” She added wearing a smirk.
“Cher, it's a bit weird that you're able to say those kind of things with your eyes closed.” I stated and she laughed. After a while of a peaceful silence, she turned her head and looked at me with a smile. She looked so happy. “Can I give you a goodnight kiss?” I whispered feeling my cheeks burning up. She did not say anything, she just nodded looking at me. I moved closer to her and kissed her slowly. When we pulled away, I laid my head on her shoulder. Her arms were wrapped around me keeping me there. I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I looked around and saw Cher who was trying to hide her head under the pillow. I laughed at the sight. I turned my alarm off and I took the pillow from Cher's head.

“I'm up, I'm up.” She groaned. She looked up at me and smiled. “It's really too early.”
“It's almost 11am.” She sat up quickly and opened her eyes wide.
“What? Already?” She got up and ran to the door, she left the room and I could not help but laugh. After almost 10 minutes, I left my room too and went in the living room were my mother was watching TV.
“Hi mum, happy New Year.” I said and kissed her cheek.
“Happy New Year baby.” She said. The door opened and we saw Maddie and Marissa walked in. “I've seen Cher by the way.” My mother said laughing.
“What did she do?” I asked knowing it must be something stupid.
“She was running to the bathroom and well, she missed the turn and fell on the ground.”
“Oh God.” Marissa said laughing. “You've got a good one there Dems.” She said smiling and I smiled back.
“Hello!” Greeted Cher when she entered the room. “Happy New Year everyone.” She said smiling.
“Are you okay?” Asked my mother looking at her smiling. Cher blushed slightly and nodded.
“So, I've something to ask you.” She said and stood in the centre of the room. “Do you want to come with me to Nadine's? The girls will be there.” She looked at my sister. “This way, little missy over there can meet them.” She added knowing how much Maddie loved Girls Aloud.
“Is that okay with Nadine?” I asked her and she nodded. “Well, I don't see why we shouldn't go.” My mother nodded.

“Cher!” Greeted Sarah while we were walking in Nadine's house.
“Hi you.” Answered Cher and kissed her cheek. “Where's Chez?”
“Here, follow me.” Sarah said and led us to the back yard where all the girls were. Cheryl ran to Cher and hugged her tightly which made me smile. They did not see each other for less than a day and they were missing each other already. We all sat down around a large table outside. Maddie was on cloud 9, she was always speaking with Kimberley who was her favorite Girls Aloud's member. My mother seemed to get along well with Sarah. And Cher, well she was messing around with Cheryl, Nadine and Marissa. I could not think of a better way to start the year. Even if I did not really know if we were together or not, it was just perfect. Later that day, Nadine and Sarah were playing with Maddie, Marissa and my mother at Just Dance. Cher and Cheryl were outside in the garden and I was helping Kimberley doing the dishes.

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