Chapter 2

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Chres POV

Destiny stopped and stared at me. Brandon had to snap his fingers to get her attention.



"These are the guys. This is Craig, Jacob, Rayan, and Chres."

Everyone said hey but me. Me and Destiny just kept starring at each other. Brandon looked back and forth between us. He turned to Destiny and pointed at me.

"Am I missing something?"

"That's the asshole who apparently doesn't need my help." She stormed out of the room and seconds later we heard a door slam. Brandon followed her and the other guys looked at me. They started laughing and i snapped for the second time that day.

"What?" Jacob finally stopped and looked at me

"Damn man. She hasn't been here a full day and she already hates you. Must be a new record." He smirked at me and the other guys laughed harder

"Shut up! She almost cost me my job. I wasn't just going to sit there."

Brandon walked back in the room and sat down

"I don't know what you did but she is pissed. You need to go apologize."

"For what? She's the one who called me an asshole."

"Look she lives here now and if you wanna come over you have to get along."

"Fine." I set down my beer and headed to her room

I knocked on her door and she opened it wearing short shorts and a tank. Damn. I looked at her body and she scoffed.

"What do you want?" She crossed her arms and leaned against the door

"I wanted to apologize." I saw the surprise in her expression but she quickly changed it back to anger

"Brandon is making you do this isn't he?

"Yes but I really do mean it. I had a bad day and I took it out on you. Do you forgive me?" I gave her a smile and she rolled her eyes

"Fine. I forgive you."

"Good" She turned to close her door but I put my foot in the way to stop it

"Is there something else you want?"

"There is a contest that Tara wants us to enter. The winners get two grand for their studio. It's during spring break but I think we should get started now."

"We're doing a couples dance?"

"If you can handle it."

"Trust me I can handle it."

"Good. See you on Thursday." I turned and headed back to the living room. I sat down and Brandon looked at me.

"So? Are you guys good?"

"We're all good."


Destiny POV

The next two months went by pretty fast. Me and Chres found a way to work together and five new girls joined the class. My classes were still going well and I had made some friends. I was standing in the kitchen when Chres came in.

"Hey. What are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for Brandon. We have to work on something for work."

"Oh well he's not home yet. He's out with Bre."

Bre was one of my best friends. Her and Brandon hit it off when they met and were going out now. It was gross at first but I learned to deal with it.

"Again? Man they are attached at the hip."

"I know but they are good together." I turned around and started making myself a sandwich

"Yeah I guess......That sandwich looks good."


"Can you make me one?"

"You can make our own sandwich. Your hands aren't broken." He gave me his puppy dog eyes and poked out his lip

"That's not going to work Chres." I heard his chair scrape against the floor and him walking towards me. He put his hands on either side of me trapping me against the counter. He moved my hair off my shoulder and got close to my ear.

"Please" He whispered

"Fine" He laughed and smiled at me

"Thank you"


"Oh I almost forgot. I'm having a party at my house on Friday. I want you to come."

"Sure. It sounds like fun." I handed him his sandwich and he gave me another smile

"Thank you."

"Just eat your sandwich"


Friday Night...

I decided to ride to the party with Bre and Brandon. We pulled up the Chres's house and the party was already packed. After minutes of searching for him, we finally found Chres in the kitchen with Jacob,Craig,and Ray.

"Sup Destiny."

"Hey Chres"

"Do you want a drink?"

"Sure." He handed me and Bre shots while Brandon grabbed a beer. I threw mine back while Bre just held onto hers.

"What you don't like shots?" Ray said

"No I do. I just don't want to get drunk." She looked at Brandon and he smiled

"One drinks not going to kill you Bre." I said nudging her with my elbow. She smiled at me and threw it back. That drink didn't kill her but she and Brandon ended up drunk and making out on the sofa two hours later.

"Beer pong in the kitchen!"

Ray's girlfriend Sarah grabbed my hand and dragged me into the kitchen. We loved beer pong and were actually pretty good at it. We were up against Chres and Ray.

"Are you ready to lose?" Chres scoffed at me and rolled his eyes

"In your dreams Princess."

Me and Sarah went first. We made both of our shots and the boys threw back their cups. The guys went and both made it in. Sarah missed her but I made it in. Both of the guys made it in. They started winning so me and Sarah tried to distract them. When Ray went to shoot Sarah leaned on the table so he could see her cleavage. He missed his shot. When Chres went I bent down and faced my butt in his direction. His ball didn't even hit the table. This went back and forth until Sarah and I finally won. I threw my hands up and started backing away from the table.

"Alright I'm done." Chres smirked and walked towards me

"You think your real funny. Don't you Destiny?"

"Just a little bit."

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer

"Dance with me." I nodded and followed him to the backyard where the music was playing. We started dancing to the music. The floor got crowded so we moved closer together. Both of Chres's hands were on my thighs and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I layed my head back on his shoulder and lost myself in the music. Every time I moved his hand would move up causing my dress to slide up. All of a sudden there was a loud crash inside of the house.

"What the fuck was that?" Chres let go of me and ran into the house. I followed him and stopped at the door. There was a big crowd standing around, watching two guys and two girls wrestle on the floor. Chres pushed through the crowd and pulled the guys apart while I went for the girls. I got the girl on top off but she turned around and punched the back of my shoulder. I yelled out and held onto my shoulder. Finally someone came and helped me separate the girls. I looked up and saw Chres was furious

"That's it. Everyone out! The party's over." Everyone groaned and headed for the door. I looked around and saw Brandon and Bre had left me.

"That's just great. Brandon and Bre left me here. I know it's late but can you drive me home?"

"Look why don't you stay here? I'll drive you in the morning."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I don't have a guest room but you can sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the couch in here."

"OK." I followed him down the hall into his room and sat on the bed to take of my heels. He went to his drawer and handed me a t-shirt.


"Your welcome. I'm going to go change then I'll be out of your way." He went into the bathroom and shut the door. I reached behind me to unzip my dress but the zipper got stuck. I tried to switch hands but my shoulder still hurt like a bitch and I couldn't reach the zipper. I struggled with the zipper and finally gave up. I heard the door open and turned to see Chres watching me amused

"Um do you need help?" He smiled at me and tried not to laugh

"Is it that obvious?"

"Kinda." He walked over and turned me around. I moved my hair out of the way and he grabbed the zipper. Chres started pulling it down and I could feel his warm hands touching my back. It sent a chill up my spine and I closed my eyes.

"How's your shoulder?" He snapped me out of my daze and touched my shoulder

"It hurts a little but I'll survive."

"There's a bruise." He bent down and started kissing my shoulder. I closed my eyes and he moved to my neck. I let out a moan and he slid my dress off my shoulders. It fell to the floor and pooled around my feet. He turned me around and covered my mouth with his and wrapped his arms around my waist. It surprised me at first but I quickly started moving my lips against his. I moved my hands into his hair and pulled on his curls. He let out a groan and pulled me closer. Chres started walking forward towards the bed and I stepped back until I could feel the bed behind me.

Chres POV

Destiny layed back on the bed and I followed her. I started to kiss her neck and she let out another moan. She slid her hands up my shirt and started pulling on it. I finally realized what she was doing and stopped kissing her so I could take it off. I crashed my lips back down to hers and she opened her mouth without hesitation. She put her hands in my hair and pulled on it. I let out a grown and moved my hands down her body. I started to undo her bra and her body went stiff.

"Chres..... Chres..... We should stop."

I sat up and looked at her. She looked like she was at war with herself. She started pushing against my chest and I rolled off her. Destiny got off the bed and quickly put on my t-shirt. She wrapped her arms protectively around herself and moved away from the bed

"Um. I think I'll go sleep in the living room instead." She started walking towards the door and I stopped her.

"No stay in here. I'll sleep out there." I turned and grabbed a pillow off my bed and walked towards the door.

"Goodnight." She wouldn't look me in the eye and I put my hand under her chin and waited for her to look at me. She finally did and I gave her a smile. She smiled back and gave me a small hug. I left the room and went to go sleep on the couch. I laid down and stared up at the ceiling. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing Destiny was only one room away. I finally started to doze off when I heard my door open. I sat up and Destiny was standing in the doorway to the living room. I looked at her and saw she wanted to say something but was hesitating.

"Are you OK?"

"Um. I can't sleep knowing your out here on the couch..... Will you come sleep with me?" I was surprised by her question. She started worrying her bottom lip and messing with her fingers waiting for me to answer.

"Are you sure?" She nodded in response and came over to me. She grabbed my hand and led me to the room. Destiny crawled in the bed and moved over so I could fit. I climbed in and she grabbed my arm to wrap it around her waist. I pulled her closer and prepared to ask her the question that had been on my mind all night

"Destiny will you go out with me?" She rolled over and gave me a smile

"I thought you would never ask."

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