Chapter 4

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Chres POV

"Are you sure you want to go? I mean we can stay here and-"

"Destiny, I want to go. Calm down. I'm the one who should be nervous."

"But what if Tara calls and needs us for something?"

"The studio is closed for the week."

"What if-"

"Do you not want me to meet your parents?"

"No I do. I'm just nervous that's all."

"Well don't be. Parents love me." I gave her a smile and she gave me a weak one in return. Destiny's been like this all week. Ever since Brandon told me we were going to Arizona for Thanksgiving, she has been finding reasons not to go. Why does she get so wound up about going home?

"You guys ready to go?" Brandon said closing the trunk

"Yep" We turned to Destiny and she let out a whine and got in the car. Brandon handed me the keys and I headed to the driver's side. I started the car and looked over to see Destiny starring out the window. I grabbed her hand and she looked at me.

"Relax its going to be great." I leaned over and gave her a kiss. When I pulled back she gave me a smile and bit her lip.

"Are you guys going to kiss the whole time or are you going to drive?" I glared at him and pulled out of the parking lot

5 hours later....

We had finally made it to Phoenix. I looked over and saw Destiny asleep. I nudged her with my elbow and she opened one eye


"We're here. How do you get to your house?" She sat up and started giving me directions. The closer we got to her house the more familiar everything seemed. I know I've never been here but it all seemed so familiar. Where have I seen this before? We pulled up to Destiny's old house and it all clicked. I had seen pictures of it at my Aunt's house. She showed them to me when I was younger. I couldn't remember why though.

Destiny POV

I looked over at Chres and he looked like he was in deep thought.

"Chres, Whats wrong?"

"Uh...Um...Nothing. I'm good." I looked at him and decided to ignore it. He was probably nervous about meeting my parents. Well my mom and her no good boyfriend. We piled out of the car and headed for the front door. Before we could knock my mom came out and grabbed me and Brandon in for a hug.

"My babies are home!" I could see tears in her eyes and I started to cry too.

"Mom I missed you so much." We all finally let go and her eyes landed on Chres

"And who is this?" I grabbed Chres's hand and stepped closer to him

"Mom, this is Chres. Chres this is my mom." She looked back and forth between us and finally stopped on Chres

"It's very nice to meet you ma'am." He stuck out his hand and my mom looked at it in disgust

"What's that?" Chres's smile dropped and he quickly looked at me

"First thing you need to know is I'm a huger. Bring it in!" Chres relaxed and gave her a hug. " And call me Hope. None of the ma'am nonsense. It makes me feel old. Come in. Come in." We followed her in and sat down in the living room.

"Dave the kids are here! Excuse the mess. I was in treatment all day and didn't have a chance to clean."

"You know Dave could have cleaned it."

"Don't start Brandon. He works hard to help me."

"Whatever. I'm going to go take a nap." Brandon got up and headed for the stairs. At the same time Dave was coming down and bumped into Brandon. He gave Brandon a smirk and Brandon just pushed past him. He walked over to my mom and gave her and kiss. I almost gagged. He turned to us and looked at Chres.

"Who's this?"

"Dave this is Chres, my boyfriend." Chres stood up and offered his hand to him. Dave took it and eyed him up and down

"Have we met before?"

"I don't think so sir."

"Are you sure? Where are you from?"

"L.A. born and raised."

"I used to live there with my family before moving here. My sister still lives out there...." Dave trailed off and his eyes grew wide. Chres gave him a weird look and Dave recovered from it.

"So how did you guys meet?"

"Why do you need to know Dave?"

"Destiny, don't start." Dave cut his eyes at me and put his hand up to my mom.

"No Hope. It's OK. I understand. She doesn't want us to embarrass her." He gave me an evil smile and raised his eyebrows. I quickly looked away and turned my attention back to my mom. We talked for about an hour before Chres started to falling asleep.

"Mom I'm going to show Chres to his room and then head to bed."

OK, dear. Good night. Nice meeting you Chres."

"You too Hope." Me and Chres grabbed our bags and headed upstairs. When we got upstairs to the guest room, Chres closed the door behind us.

"We need to talk."

"About what?"

"About you and Dave." My heart stopped. How does he know? Did Brandon say something? 

"What about him?" I squeaked out

"Why do you guys hate each other so much? I mean he's lived here since you were eleven and you guys haven't found peace yet?" I let out the breathe I was holding. I went and sat on the bed and he followed me.

"When I was little I thought my mom and dad were so happy. They never fought, always worked together, took care of me and Brandon. I thought they had the perfect marriage. Then one day I came home and I saw bags by the door. I walked into the kitchen and my mom was in there drinking. I went up to her and asked what was going on. She just looked at me. My dad walked down the stairs with a box and saw me standing there. I asked what was happening and he just said he was leaving. He gave me a kiss and walked out the door. I called after him but he didn't turn around. I yelled and screamed at my mom to stop him but she just ignored me. I never saw my dad again."

"Then why are you mad at Dave?"

"I know it was his fault my dad is gone. A week after he left Dave moved in. My mom told me that he was her boyfriend and he was going to stay with us and help with her treatments. Dave never really was a father figure. He just didn't seem to care for me or Brandon." I finished and realized I was crying. I hated not telling Chres the whole truth but I wasn't ready to go down that road yet.

"So he split up your family." I nodded and cried harder. I never told anyone about my dad. I always kept it to myself. Even me and Brandon never discussed it. Chres pulled me in his arms and I cried into his shirt. He put his hands on my face and kissed my tears away.

"I'm sorry Destiny. It's going to be OK." He gave me a small kiss on my lips and pulled back. I put my hands in his hair and pulled him back to me. I tilted my head so I could deepen the kiss and Chres moan into my mouth. I laid back and Chres got on top of me. I ran my hands under his shirt and he pulled his mouth away. I started kissing his neck and he tensed up.

"Destiny, Don't start something you can't finish." I stopped kissing his neck and laid back on the bed. 

"What if I want to finish." He gave me a smile and kissed my lips

"I don't think you wanna have sex when your mom is right next door." He laughed and climbed off of me. I sat up and watched him move around he room.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'll finish what we started and I don't care who hears us." I smiled and got off of the bed. I gave him a kiss and heading for the door.

"Night Chres."

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