Chapter 16

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 I woke up the next morning to a loud, annoying buzzing sound. I rolled over and reached for my phone sitting on the nightstand and quickly answered it.

“Hello?” My voice came out raspy and I wiped my eyes, trying to read the clock on the nightstand.

“Happy Birthday!” I heard my moms loud voice scream from the other end of the receiver. Cringing, I pulled the phone away and smiled before bringing it back.

“Thanks Ma. You remembered.” I sat up in bed and realized Chres wasn't laying next to me. My mom scoffed over the phone.

“How could I forget? I was in labor with you for thirty hours. That’s not something you can forget, even if its been twenty years.” My smile widened and I got off the bed heading to the bathroom to see if Chres was there.

“I still appreciate it mom. I miss you.” It was true. I did miss my mom more than ever. I always spent my birthday with her and Brandon. They would bring me breakfast in bed and sing happy birthday to me, very loud and off key but I always appreciated their attempt. My mom sighed and I knew she was frowning.

“I miss you too but Dave and I are coming for your dance contest later this month.” She sounded very optimistic and excited but I knew not to get my hopes up. Her doctor could change that anytime.

“Yeah well I’m gonna go ma. I’ll call you later. Thanks again.” She said bye and I got off the phone heading to the kitchen. I walked in and found Chres at the stove, with his ear buds plugged in. He was cooking breakfast and dancing to who knows what. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, standing on my toes to kiss his cheek. He smiled at me and took out his ear buds.

“Happy Birthday!” He threw his hands up and gave me a big hug swinging me around the room. I laughed at his goofy behavior and he finally set me down.

“Thank you. Whatcha cooking?” He gave me a kiss on the lips and turned back to the stove. I looked over his shoulder and my nose was filled with the most delicious scent. I closed my eyes and breathed it in.

“My famous french toast with apples and cinnamon, made special for the birthday girl.” He slid the food onto a plate and motioned for me to sit at the table. I went and sat down and Chres put the plate in front of me followed with a glass of juice. I smiled at him and started eating. Chres sat next to me and I let out a moan when the flavors hit my mouth.

“This is so good. Why don’t you cook these more often?” I shifted in my seat and took another bite. Chres laughed and wipe some syrup from my chin.

“They are for special occasions and what is more special than turning twenty?” I gave him a smile and fed him some of the toast. He swallowed it and his eyes lit up like he just remember something. “So you got a call this morning?” I looked back at him and reached for my glass.

“From who?” I took a sip and looked over at Chres waiting for a response.

“Langston Corporations.” I started choking on my food and Chres pat my back and handed me my glass of juice. I swallowed half of it and finally calmed my coughing fit. Why did they call here? I didn’t...Sam. I told him not to say anything yet.

“What did they say?” I tried to act nonchalant but after my fit I already knew Chres saw right through my act.

“They offered you a job. I didn’t even know you had applied.” Chres didn’t seem very mad at this news, more like he was interested. Technically I hadn’t applied. I just was considering taking the position. It was what I wanted to pursue after school. Why not start early?

“Actually I didn’t apply. Sam told me about the position. I was just thinking about it but I wanted to talk to you first. I would have to stop working at the studio to make time but my professors agreed to give me college credit for the time I’ll be spending there. I mean I haven’t been interviewed yet, so it’s not a set position. I would still do the dance contest at the end of the month.” After saying everything out loud, I realized how much I was really considering taking the job. Chres looked at the table taking in all of the information I had just told him. I messed with my fingers and bit on my lip waiting for him to say something. He finally let out a sigh and looked at me.

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