Chapter 1

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*Santanna's Point Of View*
I cracked open my eyes to a blinding light. I was no longer numb, and completely aware of the burning pain in my left wrist. I looked over to see gause and bandages covering my entire left arm, all except for an IV. Great. I must be in the hospital.

"You're awake!" Bristol said.

"ANDY! WAKE UP! SHE'S AWAKE!" Bristol exclaimed, shaking Andy awake. He was at my side in an instant.

"Santanna, I'm so sorry. Please don't ever do this again. I almost lost my whole world over a stupid drunken mistake. Please forgive me Santanna. I need you back. You're my saving grace. You're my rock. You're my entire life." Andy cried.

"Andy. I forgive you. It's ok baby. Come here." I said as I took him into my arms. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"It's ok baby. I love you. I don't want to lose you. I can't imagine my life without you. That's why I did what I did. When you got up and left, it broke me inside. I couldn't take it. I turned back to my blades. They were my comfort. I thought I had lost you to who ever the other girl was. I thought I was not longer good enough for you. I thought I had finally become all of those things you tried to tell me I wasn't..." I cried with him.

"Santanna, you are enough. You've always been enough. You're all I've ever wanted, and SO much more. No one has ever made me happier. That's why I left. I went to pick up Bristol and set this entire thing straight. I wanted to prove that you were all I wanted." He told me as he wiped away my tears.

"I better go call Ashley and tell him she's awake." Bristol said as she left the room.

Andy crawled into bed with me and layed with me as I relaxed. A nurse came in and told me that I had gotten enough blood back and that I could go home if I wanted. I jumped at that offer. Hospitals creeped me out. Andy helped me out of bed, keeping me upright when my legs got wobbly. Ashely came in and they both got me in my wheelchair and out to the car five minutes after the hospital discharged me. I was on my way home with my dad, best friend, and the love of my life. I looked over at Andy as he drove us home and I smiled. He was mine, and he wasn't going anywhere.

***author note***
Hey guys. This is the sequel, I repeat, SEQUEL, to "I Really Believe You Were The Greatest Thing That Ever Happened To Me". If you haven't read the first book, you kinda need to so you understand this one. Love y'all!
~Mrs. Biersack

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