Chapter 21

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*Santanna's Point Of View*

The sun shone in the window of our bedroom as the warm light threw rays across my skin. I rolled over and kissed Andy's nose.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiled.

"Good morning Andy." I smiled back.

"So, uhhh, last night?" He questioned.

"What about it?"

"Do you think it worked?" He blushed.

"I hope so. I really want a baby with you, but then again like I don't want to make Bristol feel weird." I said.

"Feel weird? How would you make her feel weird?"

"Well, I don't want her to think that I'm getting pregnant and having a baby just because she is." I sighed.

"Oh sweetie, she won't think that. She's your best friend. She's going to love you and support you no matter what choices you make or what you do." Andy said, kissing my forehead.

"I love you Andrew." I smiled.

"I love you too Santanna." He said, pulling me into a warm Andy hug.

We layed in bed and cuddle until about 10 or so, and then we went into the living room/kitchen area.

"So what do you want to do today?" Andy asked me as he put on a pot of coffee.

"Well, I think it would be fun to just relax today. Nothing special. Just coffee, pajamas, and Netflix. How much Supernatural do you think we could watch today?" I laughed.

"No. No Supernatural. You scare me when you watch that."

"Ok, how about American Horror Story?"

"You scare me then to. You get mean!" Andy said, acting like a baby.

"Oh my god Andy. Do you realize how much I love you?" I giggled.

"Ahhh, just a little bit." He said, winking at me.

"Hey I have an idea!" He exclaimed.

"What!?" I asked, getting just as excited as he was.

"Let's go back to the zoo!" He cheered.

"Let's do it." I chuckled.

Andy and I got ready and headed out to the car.

"Oh, I better call Bristol and tell her where we're going so she doesn't try and come over." I said as I pulled out my phone.

*3 rings later*

"Hello?" Bristol said in a sleepy voice.

"Hey, sorry to wake you up, but I just wanted to tell you that Andy an I are going to the zoo. We'll be back later. Love y'all."

"Love you too." She said, hanging up.

"Ready now?" Andy asked.

"Yes!" I smiled. We drove for about 15 minutes before we actually started talking.

"Ok, so I know that we said we had decided on names, but let's think again. I've found some I like cuter." I said, turning to him.

"Oh yeah, let me hear them." He smirked.

"Ok, well, I was thinking if we have a girl, September Ann, or Venus Rose, or for a boy Andley Kellic or Carter Layne. I just really like all four names." I smiled. Andy turned to face me.

"Babe, whate-"

"ANDY WATCH OUT!" I cut him off. In an instant, we were hit on Andy's side. The sound of screeching tires and shattering glass filled the air.

"Andy?" I cried.

"Santanna, I love y..." He whispered before drifting off into a permanent sleep.

"Andy, no. Y-Y-You can't die. Andy, I need you. I-I-I can't live without you. You're my everything." I cried harder. I couldn't feel anything, and my neck hurt.

"We've got two over here!" I heard a voice shout. Everything was black.

"Ok, one is breathing but unresponsive, and the other has no pulse..." I heard a man say before I couldn't hear or feel anything else.

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