Chapter 10

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"So Andy, what's been up in your life?" Ronnie asked as they sat down. Us girls stood by the end of the couch.

"Oh nothing. I think Ashley and Bristol have the most exciting life right now."

"Oh really? How?" Ronnie asked.

"She's pregnant." Ashley smiled.

"Oh yeah, about that...there's something I forgot to add..." She tugged at her shirt collar.

"What's that?" Ashley raised an eyebrow.

"It's twins..." She laughed.

"How did you forget to tell me that? Ashley asked.

"Never mind that. We need to go discuss stuff!" Natalie exclaimed.

"Yeah. She's right. Let's leave the boys to talk about whatever it is they want to talk about." I winked as we walked into the den. There was a coffee table in the middle of the room, and some leather couches. We need to renovate the house, but it'll do until we get married.

"So have you decided on names yet?" Natalie asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"No, I don't even know what I'm having yet."

"So what, it's always good to have names picked out. Nothing wrong with being prepared. Just pick out two boys names and two girls names. If you end up having a boy and a girl, you can pick your two favorites." I added.

"Nothing wrong with being prepared? I bet you don't know what you're naming your first kid yet." She challenged.

"Bet." I laughed.

"Oh yeah? What are they then?" She chuckled.

"Well...for a girl, Venus Rose, and for a boy, Carter Layne." I smiled.

"I think you just made those up. ANDY!" She shouted.

"WHAT?" He asked. She got up and walked over to the doorway.

"What do you and Santanna plan to name your kids when you have them?"

"Venus Rose for a girl, and Carter Layne for a boy. Why?" He responded.

"Just wondering." She said as she came back in and sat down.

"But really, you need to decide. Let's play around with some names, and then you can run them by Ashley. How bout that?" Natalie told her.

"Fine. What do you got?"

"Well...I also have Maci Lynn, Alexandria Hope, Autumn Brooke, and Jessa Lauren for girls. For the boys, I have Seanix Finley, Austin Carter, and Andly Kellic. Please ignore the last one I said. I was just kinda playing with some of my ship names." I blushed.

"I think that one's kinda cute. I might actually consider that one. I think my son would wear Andly Kellic Purdy kinda proudly. And Alexandria Hope Purdy is super cute too. You have some good names Santanna. You said you wanted 4 kids one day right?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Pick out 2 more names and I won't even consider naming my kids that."

"Oh, ok. I'm kinda partial to Autumn Brooke and Austin Carter. The rest you can freely pick from."

"Awesome. I think I'm gonna run Andly Kellic by Ashley. I hope I have a boy and a girl. That way my daughter will have a brother to protect her." Bristol smiled.

***author note***

I swear, Andly Kellic isn't one of my real baby names, it just kinda came to me while writing this chapter. It's 1:00am. What else do you expect lol? Ok, well goodnight guys. The next chapter will probably be in Andy, Ashley, or Ronnie's POV so we can see what they talked about while the girls discussed baby names. Tbh...I'm kinda scared...😂😂


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