Chapter 17

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*Santanna's Point Of View*

*about a month later*

"Are you ready?" Bristol asked as she came downstairs. Today was our wedding day and we were going to get our nails done. Ash and Andy had the kids so we went out and prepared for the wedding. We sat up everything at the venue over the course of last week, so everything was ready there. All we had to do was get our dresses from Bristol's house and head over there.

*getting our nails done*

"So are you excited?" Bristol asked me.

"Of course I'm excited. But you should be too! We're both getting married. Not just me."

"Yeah, but I have kids already, you don't. This could be the turning point for that." She said.

"Yeah...Andy and I talked about that last night. We plan on trying tonight."

"Are you serious!? That's fantastic!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah. I'm kinda excited. I want a baby, and so does he."

"Then why didn't y'all have one earlier?"

"We thought it would be best to wait and have a kid after we were married. That way it wouldn't effect his career as much. Kid or no kid, he's still Andy Biersack and that's never going to change. Plus taking on this new solo project? He's busy. This way, I can be sure that nothings going to happen and he's just gonna get up and leave. That's my biggest fear. That one day he'll wake up and realize all of my flaws. That he'll find someone better. I don't want to loose him. I really love him."

"I know you do sister. You're marrying him today. I don't think he's going anywhere."

"All done." The lady doing our nails chimed in.

"Alright. 5 hours until tye ceremony and we still have to do our hair and makeup." I said as I glanced at my phone. We payed the lady and went to Bristol's. Andy and Ash were feeding the girls when we walked back in.

"Hey guys. We came to get our dresses." I said as we walked through the door.

"Where are y'all going now?" Ash asked as we came back down.

"To the venue to get ready. I'll see you in 5 hours when we walk down the aisle. Wait...we never thought about're Santanna's dad. Are you going to walk her down the aisle?" Bristol asked him.

"Bri...we decided this 3 weeks ago. Where were you? We're walking down together. Me and you." I said as I waved my hand infront of her face.

"Oh yeah." She laughed. We said bye to the guys one more time and headed to the venue.

"So tell me more about your plan with Andy." Bristol said as we pulled out of her driveway.

"Well, we've both decided that we want a kid, and we're gonna try tonight. After the wedding." I smiled at the fact.

"Any names?" She asked.

"Yeah. Four of them actually. We wanted to be prepared incase it happened to be twins like yours."

"Can I here them?" She pressed.

"Oh yeah. Sorry." I shook my head.

"September Ann or Venus Rose for the girls, and for the boys, Andley Kellic or Carter Layne." I finished.

"I like those. It looks like you have everything planned out. Do you know which room in the house you'd want the nursery to be?"

"No, but if this all works out, we'll have nine months to figure it out." I said. The drive from her house to the venue wasn't very far so it only took about 15 or so minutes. By the time we had gotten the dresses and talked to the guys we had killed another hour and only had 4 left. We didn't really have enough friends to have a wedding party, and this is a private ceremony. It's only really going to be like Andy's parents, my dad (obviously), and a few close friends of Andy and Ashley's. Nothing to major.

*like 3 and a half hours later*

"It's time. Are you ready?" I asked Bristol as I took her hand in mine.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Are Natalie and them coming today?" She asked.

"No. She had stuff to do. Kellin's here though."

"Oh that's good."

"'s time..." Andy's mom said as she popped her head in the door. I gave her a nod and we walked towards the door. The doors swung open and Saviour started playing. Everyone's eyes were on us, and I was getting really nervous, but then I met Andy's gaze. In that moment, everything felt right in the world.
*Bristol's Point Of View*

The doors opened up, and Santanna and I walked down the aisle as the song Saviour played softly in the background. I locked eyes with Ashley and couldn't help but smile. He was everything I wanted.

*skips ahead to the vows*

Andy's: "Santanna, I knew from the day I ran into you on that street, and I mean literally ran into you, I had feelings for you. Little did I know that those feelings would blossom into something so much more. I know I've made some mistakes, and I'm sorry. This really is our Rebel Love Song."

Santanna's: "Andy, you are such an amazing man. You loved me when I couldn't love myself, and you showed me that there was more to life than what I was seeing. I vow to love you, mistakes and all, til death do us part. You really are my Saviour. "

Ashley: "Bristol, where do I begin? I cannot express how much you mean to me. You're this beautiful, and caring women who I'm so lucky to call my own. I can't think of anyone else I'd want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you Bristol Paige. Forever and Always. To infinity..."

Bristol: "...and beyond. Ash, I know this seems weird, but since I was like 12, I've had this little crush on "Ashley Purdy, The Ladies Man." Over the course of these last few year, that crush has blossomed into SO much more. The thought of living without you sends me to the point of tears. Seeing you play with our daughters melts my heart, and I know that there's no other man that I'd rather spend my life with."

Andy and Santanna & Bristol and Ashley kissed and were announced as Mr. and Mrs. Biersack, & Mr. and Mrs. Purdy. Bristol and Ashley grabbed their kids and headed to the back followed by Andy and Santanna. The reception started in like half an hour so everyone made their way to where it was being held. All in all, it was a beautiful ceremony.

**Author's Note**

Hey guys. Sorry about the crappy POV on the vows. I couldn't really think of another way to put it or end it. The reception is in the chapter to follow. Also..sorry for not describing what the wedding looks like. Or the dresses...sorry.

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