Chapter 19

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WARNING: Sexual content. (by now, I'm sure you've learnt that this bold print means fun in my story. Let's just say this chapter may be Call Me Master kinky. You know what that means if you've ever heard the song. It's by Blood On The Dance Floor. Yeah, I know most of your reactions to that band. "Gross." "Suck ass." "Literally cancer." and my personal fave..."Rapists" all of those came from my best friend btw. 😂😂)

*At Andy & Santanna's*

I climbed out of the car, and Andy picked me up. He carried me bridal style through the door.

"Do you have any idea what I want to do to you, Mrs. Biersack?" He growled in my ear as he pushed me up against the now closed door.

"No. Tell me." I demanded.

"Let's just say I want you, and I want you now." He said, grazing my earlobe with his teeth. I shivered as a shock of pleasure hit me. I smiled an evil little smile. In one quick movement, Andy crashed his lips against mine, our tongues fighting for dominance. His won.

"Jump." He said, breaking the kiss only long enough to speak. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to the downstairs bedroom and sat me on the bed. His lips traveled from mine, down to my neck while his hands pulled at the zipper on the back of my reception dress. He got it unzipped and pulled it away from my body leaving me in my underwear. He backed away and removed his clothes as well. My eyes traveled to his waist.

"My eyes are up here." He said with a smirk.

"I know, but what I want is down there." I said pointing to the buldge in his boxers.

"Then take it." He smiled stepping closer. I removed his boxers and pressed my lips to his tip. A low moan escaped his lips. He grabbed my hair and force me down farther, earning a slight gag from me as he hit the back of my throat. He grabbed my arms and lifted me up to meet his gaze. I watched as his hands went to my bra, unfastening it and throwing it to the floor. He kissed my neck and went down, leaving a trail of wet kisses down my body. He got to my underwear and ripped them away with no problem. Kissing the inside of my thighs he laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Just the fact that I'm about to fuck someone with the same last name as me." Andy said, sounding so fucking creepy.

"Oh my god Andy. What the hell." I laughed.

"Sorry, sorry." He laughed harder.

"Well stop talking about it and do it!" I demanded.

"Are you telling me what to do? That's not how it works. I'm in charge tonight sweetheart." He said as he grabbed his belt. He secured both of my wrists to the headboard with it.

"I don't want to hear a sound out of you unless I say so. Got it?" He said. I nodded. He kissed my thighs once more and then moved in deeper. I gasped at the sudden wave of pleasure. He stopped.

"What did I say about noises?" He said as he turned me part of the way over and slapped my ass.
" quite." He said as he went back to what he was doing. I wiggled around a little bit, causing him to go deeper, not stopping for anything. He kissed my thighs once again and kissed back up my body, untying my wrists.

"Are you ready for this Santanna? No protection. Are you ready for the baby that could possibly be made made tonight?" He asked.

"Andy, with you I'm ready for anything." I reassured him. With that, he pushed himself into me, causing me to moan. His pace was slow at first, but it increased gradually.

"Ahhh, fuck Andy." I moaned as he hit just the right spot. He did it again, seeing as I liked it so much the first time. I felt him cum inside me (A/N: I really have no idea how to put it other than that. Sorry if it's awkward for you.) and it sent me over the edge.

"Santanna...we may have just made a baby together." Andy said as he layed beside me, out of breath.

"I hope so. Goodnight Andy. I love you." I said, kissing him. I rolled over and snuggled into him, falling asleep.

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