Chapter 16

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*Santanna's Point Of View*

Andy and I got home at about 8 that night. It wasn't to late. We sat in the living room for a little bit. I was reading a book and Andy was flipping through channels.

"Santanna..." Andy said as he turned to me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I-I want a baby...with you." He mumbled.

"You what?" I asked.

"I wanna have a baby with you Santanna. I love you. What do you think?" He stated.

"Andy, I've wanted a baby with you for a while now, but I didn't know how you would feel about it given your career and all. I was gonna present the idea after we were married." I smiled back at him.

"I love you Santanna. I wanna do everything with you. I want to raise a family with you. I can't wait until I marry you." He admitted.

"So you wanna wait until after we're married to start our family?" I asked him.

"What do you think?" He questioned.

"As much as I love you Andy, I think waiting would be the best option right now. It's not that far away though. In less than a month I'm gonna be Mrs. Biersack and then we'll have a little baby Biersack on the way. It'll all be perfect." I told him.

"That sounds like a good plan sweetheart." Andy said as he kissed my forehead. I went back to reading my book and only got about four more chapters in before Andy starts talking to me again.

"Remember that trip we took to the aquarium?" He asked.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"We named our kids that day. Do you still like those names?"

"I mean, I still like them, I've just thought of some I like a little better." I told him.

"Can I hear them?"

"Of course Andy."

He smiled.

"Ok, so I have two for each incase we happen to have twins like Bristol and Ash."

He nodded.

"Ok, for the girls, Venus Rose and September Ann. And for the boys, Andley Kellic and Carter Layne." I told Andy.

"Santanna, I really like all of those."

"Do you have any ideas you want?"

"Not really. I'm kind of in love with all four of the names you've chosen." He smiled back at me.

After that, there wasn't much more said, and we were in bed and asleep by 10 o'clock.

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