Chapter 14

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WARNING: Some sexual content. (let's just face it guys...I'm a pervert. I like writing about sex. I'm sorry. 😂😂)

Bristol shot a confused glance at me. I just shrugged.

"Ok. For this suprise, y'all need to be blindfolded." Ashley said as Andy handed him two black cloths.

"Ummmm, ok." I said as Ashley tied one around my eyes.

"Santanna hold my hand." Bristol said as Ashley tied hers on. I felt around for her outstretched hand and grabbed ahold of it.

"Come on lady's." Andy said, grabbing my free hand. He led us out to the car and helped us in.

"Alright. The drive's gonna be about 15 minutes, but it'll be worth it. I promise." Ashley said. I assumed he was driving, because we hit every pothole on the way there.

"Ash, go back. I think you missed one." I laughed.

"Shut the hell up Santanna." He chuckled.

"'d you know I was driving?" He asked.

"Because it SUCKSSSSS!" I said as I crossed my legs.

"Good thing we're here then." Andy said as he opened his door.

"Can we take our blindfolds off yet?" Bristol asked.

"Not yet." Ashley snapped. They led us up a hill, and stopped.

"Ok...1...2...3." Ashley counted. Our blindfolds were taken off at the same time. Set out in front of us was a picnic. It was set up with a perfect view of the beach down below.

"Guys, this is beautiful." Bristol said as she kissed Ashley.

"We wanted to give you guys the perfect date. We realized that we hadn't ever really done much for you girls, and we wanted that to change." Andy said.

"It's perfect." I smiled. I shot a glance at Bristol and smiled. We were thinking the exact same thing.

"coughcoughsomeone'sgettinglaidtonightcoughcough" I chuckled. Bristol smiled and kissed Ashley again.

"Us? Nooooo." Andy joked.

"Mhmm, keep it up." I laughed as I took a drink of my water bottle.
"Oh come on babe. You know ypu love meeeeee" Andy said as he kissed my neck.

"Andy, you know not to do that." I said as I took another drink. He did it again

"Andrew!" I shouted.

"Oooohh. Someone's getting aroused. Let's see if it works on this one..." Ashley said as he kissed her neck.

"Ummm, Santanna...I think we better go home..." Bristol said as she closed her eyes. Ashley was practically chewing on her neck now.

"I agree..." I said as I stood up.

Andy and Ashley practically ran to the car, and about halfway there Ash caught his foot on a rock.

"Fuck." He said as he hit the ground. Bristol and I laughed so hard we started crying.

"Shut up." He laughed as he got back up. Andy had already gotten in the car and had had it started before Ashley even got off the ground.

The drive home was pretty short, and we were there in no time. Ashley picked Bristol up and headed towards the house.

"Ashley, be careful with her. You better not hurt those twins. I'm gonna kill you if you do." I shouted towards him. They disappeared into the house and left me and Andy outside alone.

"Hey Andy...would you be mad if I said I didn't really wanna have sex tonight?" I asked him.

"What? Baby of course not. What makes you think I would be mad?" He gave me a sympathetic look.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Santanna...I love you. I respect you. I'm not gonna be mad because you don't want to have sex with me right now. That's not what our relationship is built on. Plus...I'm gonna marry you...I have plenty of time to do all of that..." He chuckled.

"I know Andy. I love you to. Let's go mess with Ashley and Bri." I laughed.

"This is gonna be great." He said as we took off towards the house.

We sat outside our guest room listening to Ash mumbling curse words every so often. Andy smiled and laughed quietly as Bri goes "ah fuck I think I'm gon-" She's cut off by Andy yelling "FINISH HER!" Ashley just dies laughing.

"Ouch!" He yells as Bristol slaps him. You hear him moan and the bed creeks.

"So you guys were out here the wh-" Ash starts to say as he comes out of the room with just boxers on.

"Yep." Andy cuts him off.

"Did you two ever h-" He asked.

"Nope." I say.

"Oh...well then."

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