Chapter 11

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*Andy's Point Of View*

"So Ashley, are you nervous about this, man? I mean it's your first kid and all." Ronnie asked as the girls went into the den.

"This isn't gonna be my first kids. It's gonna be my second and third." Ashley snickered.

"Second and third?" Ronnie coughed.

"Yeah. Santanna's his first kid." I smirked.

"Wow. I didn't know that!" Ronnie shook his head.

"Where have I been?" He added as he walked into the kitchen. He emerged with three beers.

"Here." He said, handing Ashley and me each a beer.

"ANDY!" Bristol yelled into the living room.

"WHAT?" I yelled back at here. She came to the doorway.

"What do you and Santanna plan to name your kids when you have them?" She asked me.

"Venus Rose for a girl, and Carter Layne for a boy. Why?" I questioned.

"Just wondering." She replied as she disappeared back into the den.

"That was strange." Ashley said as he took a drink from his beer.

"Little bit." I said as I relaxed into the couch.

"Ok guys, I need y'alls opinion on something. I just met Natalie yesterday, but I'm thinking of asking her out. Do you think I should?" Ronnie piped up.

"I think you should." Ashley said as he finished off his beer.

"Same here." I agreed with Ashley.

"Haha, oka-" Ronnie was cut off as the girls came back up from the den.

"Hey babydoll." Santanna said as she sat on my lap.

"Hi princess." I kissed her nose.

"What were you guys talking about? You got awfully quiet when we came in." She questioned.

"I'll answer this Andy." Ronnie said as he got up and walked over to Natalie

"Natalie, I have a question." Ronnie blushed.

"Yeah...?" She smiled.

"Will m-" Ronnie was cut off by Kellin walking through the door.

"Santanna I have a question. Who was that girl that you brought to Ronnie's concert. I kinda wanted t-" Kellin stopped when he looked up and saw her.

"Hey Kellin..." She waved.

"Hi..." He smiled, obviously embarrassed.

"You kinda wanted to what?" Santanna asked as she met Kellin's glare.

"Well...I kinda wanted to ask her out on a date. I saw her when y'all were talking to Ronnie, and then I was about to come over there but y'all left. I never had the chance." Kellin told her.

Natalie sat there looking shocked. Santanna got up off of my lap and smoothed out the wrinkles in her shirt. It got pretty awkward in there. We all knew Ronnie really liked Natalie, and me and Ashley knew he was about to ask her out, and then Kellin comes

"Ummm, Kellin I don't know what to say." Natalie said as she stood up, pushing Ronnie away from where he was crouched in front of her. He stood up and walked out the front door.

"Ronnie wait!" Santanna called after him. She ran out the front door behind him, Bristol on their heels.

"What was that about?" Natalie asked as she pointed to the door that Ronnie had just escaped from.

"He was about to ask you out." Ashley told them. Natalie's face dropped.

"Oh." She sighed.

"FUCK!" Kellin screamed.

"I think I just ruined my fucking friendship with Ronnie..." Kellin said, shaking his head.

"Kellin, it's ok. It's not like you knew." I said as Kellin paced the living room.

"I have to fix this." He said as he walked out the door.

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