Best Anniversary Ever

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Chapter 6

Any day now Harry and I could be parents all over again. That and our second wedding anniversary is coming up in less than a day, February 26th.

For our anniversary we decided to just stay home because of how close we are to the due date. We decided to just sit and watch movies with all the kids and Matty.

I got up and went to use the bathroom. I was walking down the steps when pretty soon I was walking in water. My water broke!

"Harry!!" I yelled and tried my best to keep calm.

"What is it babe?" He called from the living room.

"Get the bag Matty!!" I screamed.

Soon Harry and Matty were running in and Matty had the bag and everything we need for the hospital.

"Breath baby." Harry told me while walking me towards the door. "Dylan can you get mum some pants! Matty call the boys!" Harry said. Dylan got me different pants and I changed into them while Matty called the boys.

A few days ago the boys flew in because of how close we were to the due date and they wanted to be one of the first people to see the twins.

Matty ran out and put the bags in the car while Harry was telling the kids to wait for their uncles who should be here any minute. Right when he said that the boys ran thought the door.

"We're here!!"

"Good luck you guys!"

"Your uncles are waiting!"

"I love you"

"See ya soon Daniel and Christopher." Was all the things I heard when we were walking out the door. Matty was in the drivers sit and had the door open for me to get into. Harry sat in the back and held my hand the whole ride.

When we got there Harry already called the hospital and they were already ready for me.

8 hours later and we had Daniel Jack and Christopher Finn Styles. Born on our wedding anniversary, the 26th of February. Weighing in at 4 lbs 3oz and 10 inches long for Daniel, being the oldest out of the two, and Christopher weighting in at 3 lbs 7oz and 9 ½ inches long. Daniel was born at 3:26 and Christopher being born 3 minutes after Daniel.

Matty was in the room with us when the twins were born and got to be the first one to hold Daniel since I was having Christopher and well Harry was busy and they just handed him Daniel. When I looked up at Matty he was looking down at Daniel and was crying. It was the cutest thing ever.

-A Week Later-

It's been a week since I had Daniel and Christopher. Harry made the comment in a recent interview that its like raising Alexis and Hunter because of how close they in age, and I couldn't agree more.

Its a lot more helpful now that we have Matty and Ben here helping us with the older kids when we are dealing with the twins.

Harry especially likes the idea of having his cousins here. He told me last night that he was gonna tell them to stay as long as they want and just wanted to run it by me to see if that was ok. I said I didn't mind because I enjoyed having those two around, I especially will when Harry has to go to Australia next week for band stuff.

That was the whole plan to when we got pregnant to have Matty here to help me when Harry's gone. Than when Harry realized that their was two babies and still 4 other children he asked Ben to come. Ben gladly agreed to it and couldn't wait to come to Los Angeles.

-week later-

Harry left for Australia a few days ago so its just been Ben, Matty, Hunter, the Twins, Cara, Alexis and I, because Harry took Dylan with him to Australia for the week. I took Alexis and Hunter to Hunters god fathers house for the night, so its just Cara, the twins and the boys and I for the night and part of the day. Ben went to the store to go get some food with Cara while Matty stayed here with me to help with the twins.

"I was thinking, are you and Haz ever gonna have more kids?" he asked me while he was feeding Daniel.

"We haven't really talked about that but how come?" I asked him while rocking Christopher to sleep.

"I was talking to Ben about it and well we would like to stay here officially and help you guys out with the kids and everything." he told he while doing what I'm doing to Christopher to Daniel.

"So your telling me you and Ben want to live here and help out?"

"Yeah, I mean I've almost been here for a year, and Ben and I love the kids, and we know what you guys like and dislike, and instead of paying someone to watch them when your gone you guys would just have us, plus were family and its better to have family watching them than someone you barely know." He told me.

"I would love it if you guys stayed here, I love the both of you, you're like my brothers. I would ask Harry as well, but other than that yes of course I would love it if you and Benny stayed." I said smiling at him. He smiled back at me and looked down at Daniel who was asleep.

"Come on lets go put these two to bed." He said while standing up and walking to the boys room.

After Matty asked me if him and Ben could live here, I texted Harry and told him what Matty had asked me, he replied within minutes with "Yes of course! I would love it!!" I told Matty.

It was official we had our own live in babysitters.

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