3 Years Later

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Chapter 14

Three Years Later.

12 Kids.

Dylan, Alexis, Hunter, Cara, Daniel, Christopher, Miley, Cody, Ashton, Luke, Kendall, and Kylie.

Plus our dog Ben and our cats Joe and Dusty.

Also our "Nannies" Ben, Matty, and Sam.

Our life is the exact same. But now Dylan is 15, Alexis and Hunter are both 13, Cara is 11, Dan and Chris are 9, Miley and Cody are 7, Ash and Luke are 5, and Ken and Ky are 3. As for Harry and I, he is 33 and I am 28 going on 29.

We got a TV show called 'Living It Up With The Styles.' We have been on air for about 2 years now.

Dylan Alex and Hunter are in the teenage stage. Plus we have Cara at the beginning of it. 8 more to go after her. Looking forward to that.

Speaking of Dylan and Alexis. They have been in movies and TV shows, their acting as gotten even more better over the years from when they were younger.

Hunter is in the process of writing a album with the help of his uncles and father. He has played on a lot of radio shows, TV shows and opened for one of Harry's and his uncles shows last year.

Cara started modeling last year as well and she also tried out for her schools cheerleading squad.

As for Daniel and Christopher, they love anything to do with photos and videos and one of my good friends asked if they would like to be models for a kids collection for her line. So they modeled along side with some of my friends from the VS Angles.

We also moved Dan Chris Miley and Cody from private school to public and they seem to be adjusting. But Ashton Luke Kendall and Kylie are still is private school.

Our family may be the exact same and nothing has really changed over 3 years. With Dylan being 15 and getting his drivers license this month, Harry went and got him a car. Plus with Alex and Hunter taking their Drivers Ed class and in the process of getting their drivers license, it's been crazy.

Dylan couldn't wait to drive his new car and since Harry got him a blue Range Rover, we told Dylan he had to take a couple of his siblings with him to school. He agreed.

This past week Dylan Hunter and Cara flew to London for a movie premier that Harry and I were invited too, but we sent them instead. We also had a album release that we were invited to in Paris and had Alexis, Dan, Chris,and Sam all go to that party. Harry and I just wanted to stay home with our kids and wanted to let the older children know how it feels to be in a famous family and what it's gonna be like for them when they are older.

We have been in the my boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with me stage, and the I got a new boyfriend/girlfriend. Dylan has a girlfriend. Her name is Emma and she is in the same grade as him. When he first brought her over Harry and I were just getting done with a movie premier with the boys and him and I. We had all the boys at the house afterwards and some of our friends so when she came over with Dylan she was nervous but also wasn't expecting to see our famous friends.

They have been dating for about 5 months now. She is a lovely girl, very sweet and kind. Harry and I approved as soon a we met her. She also gets the fact the Dylan is a very busy 15 year old and that he might not always contact her back right away because of his acting job. She gets that there is other girls around the world that like her boyfriend and that she probably will get hate just because of who she is dating.

Dylan did tell her that every date they do have will probably be photographed by paps. He told us that she didn't care, and that she would have photos to remember them.

Other than Dylan and Emma, Cara started dating the quarterback on their school football team. We have yet to meet him but we have seen him play. All we know about him is that he's the quarterback, he's in the same grade as Hunter and Alexis, his name is Conner, him and Hunter get along well at school, but Hunter wouldn't consider him a friend he would hang out with outside of school.

Cara said lots of the older boys hit on her because of her last name, the fact that she is becoming a model and she has lots of friends...Alexis said that when ever they don't have classes Conner is right by her side and that the other boys know not to even talk to her.

My children are as you would say the popular kids in school. They do get dropped off in Range Rovers and they do have bodyguards. To other kids that's weird and odd but to mine that is perfectly normal. That is how they grew up. They always had bodyguards, cameras, paps, people screaming at them. That's just the life they grew up in.

Harry does worry with the amount of days our children have missed and that he has suggested home-schooling. We had a family meeting about it and we all agreed that if they were home-schooled that it would only be because of some job deal where they wouldn't be able to go to school. I said I wanted at least the child to go to High School or JH for a few years and then can decide if they want to be home-schooled.

It looks like none of them are going to be home-schooled..well at least not this group.

Next week Harry is taking Ben, Matty, Dylan, Hunter, Daniel, Christopher, Cody, Ashton and Luke all to London for a week, while I take Sam, Alexis, Cara, Miley, Kendall, and Kylie to Australia. Then us girls are meeting the boys in London for Gemmas birthday.

Until than Dylan has a TV show appearance that he is going to talk about his new movie. Cara has a cheerleading show and a modeling gig. Alexis is trying our for a movie. Hunter is recording in the studio and Harry is helping Cody with guitar lessons.

Today we have recordings for 'Living It Up With The Styles' the film crew are coming at 7 AM and will be here until 8 PM following us around and recording
what we are doing this week.

Before I end this chapter I just want to say one very important thing.

I'n Pregnant.

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