Hunter John

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Chapter 27

After Dylan's interview we have many interviewers call and ask if they could have Cara on, some called for Harry and I. We did accept some of them and we are suppose to go on them later tonight.

Tonight was Cara's interview and Isaac is going on with her since they did ask for both.


All of the family was at the house getting ready for Cara and Isaacs interview.

"Hey dad could you help me with a song?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah sure, how about after Cara's interview?"

"Yeah sure thanks." Hunter said while looking down at his phone. "I'll be back."

"Hey sweetie, have you realised how different Hunter has been?" Harry came and asked me.

"Well yeah he does seem different." I said while holding Christian.

"And when did he get those tattoos?"

"I don't know."

"He got them about a month ago." Frankie said.

"He also got caught stumbling out of a bar at 3 in the morning." Daniel said.

"Everyone but Daniel, Dylan, Frankie, Alexis and Christopher out of the room!!" Harry said and everyone soon went out of the living room.

"Now what happened?!?"

"A few weeks ago Hunter was with all of his friends and his girlfriend and he was out until 4."

"How drunk did he get?"

"Pretty bad considering he didn't remember it the next day and I pretty much beat his ass." Dylan said to us.

"Why didn't he tell us?" Harry questioned.

"He didn't want us to tell you guys." Christopher said.

"Someone go get him." I said "now!"

Daniel got up and went to find his older brother.

"Anything else we should know about?" I questioned my oldest children.

"He changed after he worked with that Justin guy on his album." Dylan said.

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Hey you guys wanted to talk to me?" Hunter asked when he walked in.

"Hunter sit." I said while standing up and pointing to the chair.

"When were you going to tell us about your little party at 4 AM?" Harry asked.

"I'm over age, its perfectly fine!" Hunter said while looking between Harry and I.

"Its still not okay!" I yelled at my son.

"Why are you just now yelling at me, its been 2 weeks and I haven't drank since!"

"It's still not okay Hunter! You don't get it! You are 22 years old and coming out of bars at 4 AM!!"

"Mom tell me you have never came out of a bar and had people take photos of you! Yeah sure I was drunk but you know what I haven't had a drank since than!"

"Hunter your not getting it you can't do that! You have to think! You are a Styles, you are always going to have people taking photos of you! You have to be careful!" I yelled at my child.

"Can you guys leave for a sec." Hunter asked us.


"I have to talk to Dylan and Alexis."

"5 mins."

Harry and i walked out of the living room and into the kitchen where Kendall and Kylie were.

"Mom, are you yelling at Hunter because of his drunk night?" Kendall asked me.

"Yes, because he shouldn't have done that and because he didn't tell us."

"You should go look what he has in his room." Kylie said.

"Why what is in his room?" Harry asked.

"Ashton said he went and talked to him and saw he was smoking weed with Jackson and Justin."

"Weed? In this house?"

"Cody!!!" I yelled for my son.

"What" Cody asked when he walked in.

"You have worked with Hunter a lot on the album, has he ever smoked weed?"

"He told me not to tell you guys but yeah, he smoked weed, drank, but he doesn't smoke cigs. He won't do that." Cody said while looking at Harry and I.

"Hunter John!!!" I screamed while walking into the living room to find Alexis holding Hunter.


"You smoke?!?!" I asked my son.

"What is so wrong with that! I haven't got caught in the media with it!"

"What as changed you so much!"

"Mom its not so bad! Yes you still are my parents but I am fine! Your just now finding out about this and I've been doing it for years! It's not like I use started doing it! Everyone does it! Why can't you guys just see it's not my first time doing it and that I'm fine!"

"Hunter I don't think you understand we want what's best for you and your off drinking and smoking pot!" Harry said.

"I know and I am very grateful that you guys have done everything for me! Okay but I'm not always going to be your little son that never does anything wrong! Truth is since Cara, Daniel and Christopher have came out here they have gotten drunk a bunch! The only reason why I even came out the front door of that bar was because my friends and my girlfriend were going out the back and my friend was so drunk he couldn't even walk! Plus he just put out a movie and we all knew that was gonna be bad for him and the movie! So yes I did walk out the door but only because I knew it would cause distraction for my friends to go out the back with out getting caught! Yes I do smoke weed but you know what I still fuction right!"


"No mom your not listening! I'm not going to stop no matter what your gonna say or do! You might as well just accept the fact that i smoke weed and drink beer!!"

"Fine tommorow moring we will have a family meeting and we will talk about it."

"Than will you accept the fact thati do this?"

"Not around your younger siblings and don't you dare start smoking with them! You are of age and you don't live with us anymore so all i can do is tell you its bad and just hope you stop."

"So you are accepting it."Hunter asked me.

"Yes but as long as you don't do it with your siblings."

"I won't.. but FYI Miley as smoked before."

"I-I'll deal with her later. Go to bed..and i better not smell anything!"

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