Our Happy Family

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Chapter 13

Our twin baby girls were born. 7 months ago, Kendall Rose was 5 pounds 3 ounces an 17 inches long. Kylie Anne was 4 pounds 7 ounces and 15 inches long. Kendall is 4 minutes older than Kylie.

Birthdays have come and gone. Our children get older every day. People write stuff about us everyday. Harry gets more popular each day since him and those five boys started out. As for me, I have taken a break from modeling and now I design stuff and I just became the manger for my goddaughter Ariana and for Harry's godson Austin. Their both great kids, and I couldn't be more happy not to have them as my god children.

Dylan is 12, Alexis is 10, so is Hunter, Cara is 8, the Twins are 6, Miley and Cody are 3, and Luke and Ashton now 2. It's been pretty crazy. The kids are doing amazing in school.

Having 12 kids at the age of 30 and 26 is crazy! Normal 26 year olds have maybe 1 kid, not me I have 12.


Today is our family interview with 60 minutes.

"Please welcome The Styles Family! Harry, Miranda, Dylan, Alexis, Hunter, Cara, Daniel, Christopher, Miley, Cody, Ashton, Luke, Kendall and Kylie! Jeez that's a lot!" The interviewer said. "Welcome! It's nice to meet you all!"

"Hello. It's nice to meet you as well." Harry said while helping me get all the kids to sit down. "This will take a sec." He said laughing.

"That alright, have 12 kids is a lot of work."

"Oh yeah."

"Alright so Harry, What are you 30? 12 children by the age of 30! What's that like?"

"It gets crazy at times. I wouldn't give up the world for it. I love each and everyone of my kids. If someone doesn't like the fact that Miranda and I have this many kids at the age we are, well that sucks for them because my kids are my pride and joy."

"Now job wise how do you keep up tours, albums, leaving home for so long without seeing them. How's that for you?"

"It's hard. I do fly them all out when I'm on tour so I can see them. On trips I'll try and take a few of my kids with, just so they can see the world and travel. Plus it gives me some family time with them." Harry said while wrapping an arm around Hunter. "And for the albums I do have a studio built into our house so when I record the producers come to the house or I sing what ever they tell me and if it's not right then I try again. That way it helps me not being so far away from them and they get to see what I do."

"I did realize that Hunter here has written a few songs?"

"I have written a few for my dad and uncles. I also wrote one for my brothers godfather Ed and I have an award for that one." Hunter answered.

"Now how old are you Hunter?"

"I just turned 10."

"10 years old and you are already writing song for big name acts? That's crazy, now would you like to follow you dads footsteps and becoming a artist?"

"I do enjoy writing, playing, making, and recording songs. I would like to become an artist. I do know how to play the gaiter, piano, drums, bass, and the um..what that one called mom?"


"Yeah the Cajun drum, where u sit on it at an angle an hit it. I just learned how to play that one."

"You are a very talented young man."

"Thank you."

"Have you ever played in from of people before?"

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