Kids Interview

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Chapter 20

Today is a day full of interiews! First is Dylan's interview about a movie he is doing. Than Alexis interview about the new season of her series. Cara has one as well about being one of the youngest VS models, as well as Hunter got his tour.

Cara asked me to watch hers as well did Alexis, Harry is going to Hunter and Dylan's to watch behind the scenes as well.

"Cara! Hunter! Alexis! Hurry up!" I called up the stairs. I went back into the kitchen and grabbed bottles of water and bananas.

"Mom, how long are you gonna be?" Aric came and asked me.

"Not long. Your dad and I are just gonna go watch the older kids interviews." I told him while putting Eleanor and Edwards bowls in the sink. "Besides Matty and Ben will be here watching all of you. Than later Sam will be here."

"Alright." He said while getting down from the stool and starting to walk out if the kitchen.

"Hey Aric, can you tell Ken and Ky to come down here of a sec, oh and tell Cara, Hunter, Dylan, and Alexis to hurry up please. Oh and tell your father to get down here as well."

"Ok." He said while running up the stairs.

"Ok I started the car, where are the kids?" Harry said while walking in from the garage.

"There you are, I just sent Aric off looking for you." I told him. "and he went to go get them."

"What's up mom?" Kendall asked me, with Kylie soon following behind her.

"Can you guys do the laundry. Please and Thank You." I said while kissing both of them on the cheek.

I walk out of the kitchen and to the stairs as Cara, Alexis, Hunter were walking down them.

"You guys are going to be late! Here." I said while handing each of them a bottle of water and a banana. "We gotta go pick up your brother as well, so come on out the door!" While I held open the front door.

"Daniel and Christopher are in charge until Matty and Ben get here!" Harry yelled, he got a few okays. "I love you!!"

"I love you too!" came from downstairs, upstairs, and the kitchen.

Once we finally got in the car, we arrived at Dylan's and he brought Hayden a long as well. We were listening to the radio, when the DJ decided to play "a hit that was so widely popular from a boyband when they first started out"

The first beats of 'What Makes You Beautiful' started playing in our car.I turned to Harry and smiled. I than looked back at the kids and Cara had her phone out and was recording this.

"That's what makes you beautiful!!" Harry sang and waited until Zayn sung his part. We got to the na nana na nana na and I turned down the radio and just let Harry sing his solo. You can still hear his younger voice in the background but mainly his current deep raspy voice now.

Once it was finished Cara said she was sending it to Uncle Liam, Uncle Zayn, Uncle Louis, Uncle Niall, Uncle Josh, Uncle Sandy, Uncle Jon, and Uncle Dan.

"I'm sure they will get a kick outta that." Harry said while pulling into the studio where the interviews were happening.

We got inside and their stylists all grabbed them and started doing there hair and makeup.

"I always hated but enjoyed this part of interviews." Harry said.

"That's just because your a guy and you had to have makeup on." I said while teasing him.

"That's true. But I did enjoy Lou." Harry said while wrapping his arm around me.

"Cara! Alexis! Follow me!"

"Hunter! Dylan! This way!"

"Seen you in a bit." Harry said while kissing me.

"Ready?" I asked both my girls.


"Let's do this!"

There was just one room and the interviewers had about 10 minutes each to set up and stuff. First was Cara and Alexis and I just sat there behind the camera and watched.

"Welcome Cara Styles! It's nice to meet you finally. I see you all the time when I go into Victoria Secret." The interviewer said.

"Hello it's nice to meet you as well." Cara said.

"Now your parents are Harry and Miranda Styles, what was that like growing up?"

"Um it was crazy, really fun thought. Not only having world famous parents but also having a bunch of sibling." Cara said while looking over a me.

"Now I understand you have your parents here."

"Yeah, Dylan and Hunter are next door with my dad, and I have my mom and Alexis is here as well cause she has interview too."

"And she's your manager?"

"Yes. She has been my manager since I was little."

"Is she all of your guys manager?"

"Yeah, everyone but Ashton, Luke, Kendall, Kylie, Aric, Edward, and Eleanor."

"That's really cool thought that she is your manager. Now we have some questions from some of your fans. Alright the first one is Cara what is it like living with Daniel and Christopher?"

"They are my little brothers, so their annoying, crazy, stupid, but I love them." Cara said while laughing. "and I swear they have more videos and photos of me than anyone."

"Alright this one days Cara do you get to keep the underwear and bras that you have wore during the shows before?"

"Yes I do. I have so many! It's crazy."

"Now you are a VS Angle just like your mum. And you have worked with Burberry before and DKNY, do you think you would do anything else but modeling?"

"No not really because I've been modeling for like 7 years now so no. I mean I have sung before like with my dad and my siblings but not really."

"Now how old are you?"

"I turned 16 last year in October."

"And your are one of the youngest VSA? That's crazy."

"Yeah, it's pretty weird."

"Well Cara they are telling me it's time to wrap up so it was very nice to meet you and talk to you for a bit."

"Yea very nice to meet you as well." Cara said smiling and shaking the interviewers hand.

"Alex you up after her." I turned and said to Alex.

"That was rather boring." Cara said while sitting down next to me and taking Alexis spot.

"Not all interviews are fun." I told her while pulling out my phone.

"Yeah but that one was really boring."

"Be nice. We are almost done here, after Alexis we should be out of here."

"Yeah but than the boys need to finish."

"Your dad said that they are almost done with Hunter and than they will come in here and watch the last bit of Alexis and than we will go home and eat lunch."


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