Kendall & Kylie

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Hiiii!! ok yes I have used Miley Cyrus and Cody Simpsons names but just the first. I've also used Ashton and Luke from 5SOS, and this chapter I used Kendall and Kylie as in Kris and Bruce's daughters and Kim Khole and Kourtney. I like those names deal with it.

Chapter 12

It has been 1 year since I had my twin boys, Luke and Ashton. To fill you in Harry is now 30 years old while I am still in my 20s, I'm currently 25, and turning 26 in about 4 months. Dylan is 9 turning 10 in also 4 months, Alexis and Hunter turned 9 this year, Cara is 6 going on 7, Daniel and Christopher are both 5, Miley and Cody are now 3, and of course Luke and Ashton are 1.

Now this may seem crazy but my family is so far away from crazy, I am yet again pregnant with twins, this time they are both girls!

Now I've been pregnant for about 8 months now and the doctors think I'm due any day now since their twins.

Harry and I have talked about everything and anything. The girls names will be Kendall and Kylie. (please note that I did not do Kendall and Kylie because of what has happened in the recent events that has to do with Mr. Harold Styles and Kendall! I have actully liked Kendall for a very long time and I'm really hoping they are happy together. don't send hate what's the point?) As for the twins middle names Harry and I chose Kendall's as Kendall Rose and Kylie's as Kylie Anne.

Harry normally gets a tattoo for each kid but he hasn't done that since Dan and Chris were born. For Dylan and Alexis he got his big black heart on his arm, for Hunter he got that little locket on his wrist, Cara got his butterfly, and Dan and Chris got the sparrows on his chest. He went to his tattoo designer and asked him to make 6 more tattoos that he has gotten done. I thought it was a cool idea so I got a dream catcher that isn't done yet and won't be done until we have our last child. In my dream catcher I have all of my kids names on each string and Harry's and the date that Harry and I got married on. In the middle I plan on having the number of kids I have plus one for Harry.

Harry told me the ideas for the other 6 and he even added one in their for me. For Miley and Cody he got two little drama masks and it's suppose to show how much both of them like the idea of singing and acting, Luke and Ashton got the skull that's on his back arm and

Kendall and Kylie have gotten the rose that's on his arm. As for me I got his cross that's on his left hand, and I have the same one in the same spot. Harry said it's our matching ones.

All the kids love their tattoos that Harry has gotten for them. When ever Harry's away on tour or something the littler kids always ask to see them and Harry finds it super cute. I just laugh at it every time.

Since our family has grown so much over the past few years our house is starting to get kinda small. Harry is working on expanding it and adding more rooms for the kids and some other things.

If your wondering about the kids well they are all great. Dylan and Alexis have been in every school play since they were old enough to be in them. they always come home complaining that one of them got the role while the other got second best. Dylan said a new kid came to school and tried to get the lead role and told him that he was gonna get it, he ended up not even being in the play. Dylan said the kid was good but not good enough. That was of course 3 months ago and now he's Dylan's best friend, His name is Tyler.

Alexis has been the lead role just as many times as Dylan has. She told Harry and I that nobody even goes out for the role anymore besides Dylan, because she always gets it.

Hunter is in band and choir, he plays percussion, he's talking guitar lessons from his uncle Niall, Harry, and Ed, he takes piano lesson on Saturdays from his uncle Louis, and Harry called Helen up, their vocalist, and she is giving him voice lessons. Let's also not forget that he wrote a few songs on the new One Direction album, and Ed even had him write one song on his album. Ed ended up winning an award and had Hunter come up with him.

Cara does everything! She likes the music, she likes the acting, she likes everything. Harry is trying to get her to sing, since she can act and dance, I'm guess he wants a triple threat from her. I keep telling him she's gonna be a model, she likes coming with me to shoots more than anything else.

Daniel enjoys taking the video camera, phone, camera, anything that can video, record, or can take photos with and runs around the house recording us or taking photos of us. Harry took him to a show one day and he was hanging around with their photographer and taking photos of the boys and stuff, and the area. Christopher sat with their engineer and got to push the button that set off the lights and the screens, and the videos that played during changes. Both boys enjoyed it.

How we explain Miley is we say that she is both Harry and I together, she enjoys the singing, the modeling, acting, and than she joins Cara at her dance lessons and she can do that too. Her singing voice is wonderful and she joins Hunter at his voice lessons with Helen, like I said she joins Cara at her dance lessons, and he likes to go and watch every single play Dylan an Alexis do.

It's actually really funny how when we go and watch Dylan's and Alexis's plays we have Daniel with a video recored, Christopher with a camera, Miley not saying a word and just watching, which is weird since she never stops talking, and than we have Hunter, Cody, Ashton, and Luke all next to Harry talking about the music and how someone always messes up. Cara normally just sits their and watches but she soon gets bored and asks for my phone.

As for Cody he seems to be following in Hunters footsteps and likes the whole music thing. Hunter likes to try and teach him how to play the guitar and he knows a few things about it.

One day when Harry had the boys and the band over they we all in the studio practicing a song for a TV show, and the kids came home and went down and watched. I walked down and when I got there I saw Daniel with a video recored with Christopher behind him, Hunter on the gaiter with Dan, Josh had Ashton on his lap and was telling him when to hit what, and Niall had Luke with his gaiter teaching him somethings. Harry had Miley and Cody with him holding mics and showing them what to sing, while Louis was back with Jon on the keys, and Liam was with Sandy on Bass. Zayn was helping Harry with the twins. I looked on the couch and saw Dylan, Alexis, and Cara all just watching, from then on I knew which ones would be into the music world and which ones would go off and do other things.

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