The Twins and Other things...

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Chapter 11

Well if you can believe it or not I had my twins and they are both boys! Lucas Paul Styles is 4 minutes older than his younger brother Ashton Carter Styles. Luke's middle name is after Paul as in Harry's body guard and Ashton's middle name is Carter because their godfather liked the name. Just like we promised Niall, he got to be the twins godfather. Even thought the twins are 1 month old Niall has found so many ways to spoil them! Them being born on September 14th, the day after Niall's birthday, he found an excuse to get them presents for being born the day after his birthday.

And of course Niall has stayed at our house at least every day of the month, expect when he had to fly to London to record something, than right after he was on a plane on the way back home to the twins.

Everyone is shocked that Harry and I are 29 and 25 and that we have 10 kids. Some people say that we are going overboard, but when Harry and I first got together and we had Dylan Alexis and Hunter we wanted more. I had always wanted at least 5 kids and Harry wanted at least 5, when we had Cara all we needed was one more child and we said we were gonna be done. Well than we had the twins and that changed our plans. Six kids wasn't our plan but we just changed our 5 children plan to 7 children...that didnt work either and well now we are at 10 and we are both still at a very young age and Harry said he wouldn't mind having 20 kids!

When interviewers ask him about it his reply was that when he was younger he wanted 2 kids and that's what he got, than he met me and I already had Hunter and his father wasn't in the picture much so Harry was a father figure to Hunter, than he had 3 and he wanted one more so that him and I could have one, than that's when our 5 children plan came in and it just grew more and more. He also says now that the bigger the family the better, and I couldn't agree more.

For me I always pictured a big family considering my family was huge and Harry agreed also. After Ashton and Luke were born we decided 3 more kids and we were done, that gives us a total of 13 kids! don't ask why 3 more but that's what we wanted. Its either a set of twins and a single child, or 3 single children. And it would be perfect timing because Harry and I wanted to stop having kids at the age of 40 and we said we would stop when he was 33 and when I was 29.

Apart from the kids mine and Harry's career have been amazing! At the age of 25 I'm still an Victoria Secret Angle, and my goddaughter Ariana is starting off in an acting singing career and asked me to be her manager. I was more than please to do it. Apart from Ariana, my godson Austin is becoming a singing as well and looks up to Harry a lot when it comes to music so he's over at our house all the time in our home studio.

As for Harry he gets invited to all the award shows, he and the boys play everywhere around the world and he tries to take at least 2-3 of our kids with him when he goes to the many different countries. When he goes to London he takes all of us and he spend time at his moms house or at our house in London, sometimes we go to the other boys house, we normally stay at Niall's since his house is so big and he adores the the kids! The boys are still going strong. They have put out at least 4 albums since Harry and I have gotten together, as for tours, they are at number 6 and their is one world tour already planned. They kids are planning which weeks and months they get to come on tour. Since it starts in May in Europe the kids will be spending most of the time with him during the summer.

Since the twins were born we have gone to London, Australia, Ireland, and Italy! For the twins only being 2 weeks old they have been to the 4 country's that most people have never gone to.

In the next following weeks are mine and Cara's birthdays, for my birthday Harry is taking us to Paris, and for Cara she wanted to go to Hawaii, so that's where we are going. We fly to Paris 2 days before my birthday and than we spend a total of 5 days there than fly to Hawaii for Caras. We reach Hawaii on her birthday and we left 4 days after hers so we have a bit of traveling going on in the next few months.

The older children are taking well to the two new edition to our family. They are also doing well in school, Dylan, Alexis, and Hunter are all in public school which is very close to the house, while the others are in private school because we didn't want them out in public when our family is the biggest most popular family right now and we didn't need paps and other people photographing our kids. We didn't worry to much about the older 3 because they know what to do when paps are around unlike the young ones.

*2 months later*

Three months since I had the twins. They have been amazing and growing beautifully! Since than Hunters real father spoke out and came to the house and asked to see him. I refused because he hasn't seen Hunter in over 7 years! When I got pregnant with Hunter his father and I had been dating and we went out for 2 years while we went to high school together. We had known each other since the beginning of junior high. Right after I told him I was pregnant we stayed together for 2 months and I of course was traveling the world. When he wasn't in the picture anymore I didn't get full custody, I didn't think I would need it since he didn't even come to the hospital when Hunter was born. So now when he suddenly showed up while Hunter was at school I said no he couldn't see him and he said he could because I didn't have full custody. Now the news, paps, and everyone else has a story on my son and his birth father. "Hunter Styles Father Steps Out And Demands To See Son" Nathan Wells his Hunters birth fathers name, and since Harry adopted Hunter when we got married, he wouldn't be able to get custody because so Hunter is Harry's son. Now Nathan is taking me to court over it saying he wants Hunter ever other weekend. It's not happening!

*In court*

Nathan took us to court and of course we had every news thing and pap outside of the court. The judge called to order and he heard both sides, at the end he have me and Harry full custody. Nathan was mad, but not as mad as I soon asked the judge for a restraining order on Nathan. The judge granted me the restraining order and that was it. So when we were walking out of there I had Hunter in between Harry and I, everyone was shouting at us asking us all questions and we got into the car and took off. Now if your wondering if Hunter wanted to get to know his birth father, he didn't when he saw the news he told Harry that he was glad that he had him as a father rather than someone who ditches out of their first born child.

I did tell Hunter that if he wished to see Nathan that he could but Nathan couldn't contact him and only he could.

Alexis and Dylan are spending a week in London with their birth moms brother Thomas. Hunter and Cara are going to spend the week with Cara's godmother Perrie. Daniel and Christopher are spending it with their godfather Grimmy, and Miley and Cody are spending it with their godfather Ed. Luke and Ashton are staying home with us, and Matty and Ben went home and are spending time with their parents and younger sister.

Once they all get back our lives will be just as crazy as it normally is.

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