Not A Chapter

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Alright so I know when you read a book you have a certain image of the people in the book and how you picture them. Because I wrote the book and it is my ideas I do know what they look like and it might look different from your point of view but I kinda wanted to show all of you guys what I picture what the people look like and what my background of them are.

So first I'm going to start with Harry.

Harry Edward Styles. You all know who he is and what he does. Now that he's a father he has grown a lot older because let's face it having 16 children is a bit. He's not horrible looking. Picture David Beckham, yeah he's super hot still, that's Harry. So pretty much Harry has not really changed. Just picture him a bit older looking.

Miranda May Styles. She is the person that caught Harry's eye. Out of everyone he saw her and fell in love. She is a model, she started modeling when she was 15 years old. She was always a fan of One Direction and when she finally got to meet them she about died. Harry at the time was only 20. By the time she was 17 she had Hunter and that changed her life, even more than when she became a model. She has long brown hair with blue eyes, she is at a 5 foot 9 in height. Miranda is part Australian, British, and American. Her father is Australian and British leaving her mother to be American. Miranda grew up in Australia and when she became a model she moved to the United States. That's where she met Harry and the rest of the boys for the first time.

Dylan Silas Styles. Dylan is the first child of Harry Styles. Harry wasn't really expecting to be having him. Neither was his girlfriend at the time. Harry was in the middle of a world tour at the time when he found out he would be a father. When Dylan was first born he had blonde hair like his mother than as he got older his hair turned light brown and now it is a dark brown, his eyes are a brown color now but when he was a born he had hazel color eyes. Harry and Alexandria were great for each other, everyone loved them. They never got married, they didn't even moved in together, they had not even been dating that long but when they had Dylan it made them closer and it was great for them.

Alexis Ariana Styles. Alexis was Harry's little princess! He did everything for her. From the first time he laid his eyes on her to the first time she looked at him, he never left her side. Alexis had a full hear of hair and green eyes, she was Harry's child. Shortly after Alexis was born Harry and Alexandria broke up. They had been dating for about 2 years in total. Because they never got married or moved in together they really didn't make it a big real. Alexandria did go to a judge to get the custody thing all settled. She gets the kids one week while Harry gets them the next. When he is on tour it stays the same, but his body guard had to get them from London and then fly with them to where ever Harry is. Harry was about 21 at the time and being able to drink now, everywhere in the world, he turned into a party person. And because he now didn't have a girlfriend he was linked with a lot of different women. He really didn't care at that point. A lot of people said that it was because him and Alexandria broke up, he shot all of those down and said "I'm a 21 year old, look at other 21 year old's, this is normal!" That was about 5 months after they broke up. Than he met Miranda.

Hunter John Scott. Hunter is the first child of Miranda Styles. Hunter is the child of Miranda and Nathan Scott. Miranda and Nathan dated in high school, being the age that they were when Miranda had Hunter, they didn't really know what they were doing at the age of 16. When Hunter was born he had light brown hair with hazel eyes. Like Dylan and Alexis, Hunter grew up in the spot light. After Hunter was born, Miranda and Nathan stayed together for about 3 months and then they broke up so Miranda was a single mom with Hunter for about 2 years. Than she met Harry.

Cara Nicole Styles. Cara is the first ever child from both Harry and Miranda. She has dark brown eyes, with her full head of brown hair. She was the fourth child of Harry and Miranda, and if you thought Harry was bad when Alexis was a baby, you should have seen him with Cara, because that was his pride and joy. Always from the beginning Cara was always showing signs of being a model, always. She was the one that as soon as she heard that camera came on she was smiling and looking at it. Plus she is the daughter of Harry and Miranda Styles!

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