Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

A week after Christopher got the house he started to move in. A few days ago he went and got all of things he needed for the house. He moved everything in and unpacked. Daniel put some of his things in his soon to be room as well. 

Daniel and Cara did tell me and Harry about him moving to London in the following year. I was okay with it as long as he comes and sees us even once and awhile.

Christopher went and signed up for all of his classes at UCLA. Daniel went and walked around with him. they both came back and said it was good, Daniel liked it. 

 In his house he has 6 rooms and 5 1/2 bathrooms. I guess Hunter, Cody, and Daniel might all move in with him, so that is already 4 rooms gone. He's making one of them into a guest and the other he is having his Uncle Zayn come in and spray paint the walls with a bunch of things, looking forward to that one. Other than that his house is pretty normal. He has a pool, a hot tub, and a very nice view of LA. It's good as well because his house his gated and very private. So as a mother I really like the idea that he will be safe and not have people at his front door.

He stayed in his house for two nights and than he came back to our house. How is he going to stay there all by himself. He told us that he got bored, if that's the case he will be over at our house all the time. 

We are nearing the end of school year for the kids and they are excited! Dylan and Frankie will be redoing parts of their house.  Alexis will be making room for the new baby at her place, as well will Ian. Hunter is working in the studio with his new album and I believe he and Emily will be going to London for a bit. Cara and Isaac will also be doing a lot of traveling this summer for work and enjoyment. Also Cara will be helping Daniel find a place in London. As for Christopher and Daniel, Chris will be working on his house and schooling. Daniel has started mapping out his travel plans, he told us that his friends from his old school in London will be joining him as well. Miley and Cody will be touring the states and other areas around the world. Ashton and Luke, they are a handful. Luke didn't want to do anything this summer while Ashton wanted to play everywhere and wanted to promote their band. Harry decided that it would be best for them if they were an supporting act on a tour. So we decided that while Hunter is working on an album he can also supervise Luke and Ashton on Cody's tour. Those 4 boys are over the moon happy and they are all planning on telling everyone on Twitter. I'm staying out of it. Kendall and Kylie will be doing nothing, a few things will happen here and there but I am making sure it doesn't get to out of hand because I don't want them to go into the modeling thing to early. Aric will be in London with his Uncle Louis, Louis will be teaching him soccer skills. He will be gone for about 3 weeks. It will officially be the longest time Aric will be away from both Harry and I. Edward and Eleanor are staying home and enjoying their time.  When you are 5 there is really nothing you can do but do nothing. As for Christian it is he same because he is 2. For Harry and I, I will be at home most of the time with the younger ones and Harry said he would be traveling from home to where ever the kids are at touring. 

 Alexis went to the doctors with Ian and they found out the sex of the baby! Ian freaked the shit out of himself when the doctor told them. Alexis was expecting it but didn't know for sure, but they now have to think of two names. 

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