You Meet ~ 1

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You stroll through Hagley Park, this is your last day in Christchurch, in New Zealand. Wow. This is the last time in 5 years that you will see this beautiful park.

You're moving to Brighton tomorrow and staying with your friend who you met when you were like three and she was six and you've kept your relationship through the internet. You have face timed and sent letters and you just can't wait to meet her, she must be 24 now.

As you continue walking its starts to rain, you put your hood up and look down at the ground; you start having doubts, but you think about uni and how you will get to dance every day.

Out of nowhere you feel a strong impact and fall to the ground, "Hey!", you say as you feel a weight fall on top of you, "You're heavy!"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," he says or he at least sounds like a man. He puts out his hand to help you up, you hesitate but take it. As soon as you put you right foot down you groan and fall back onto the ground. "OWW!" you complain he immediately kneels down next to you and pulls back the hood of your coat to see you face, he stops and just kneels there looking at you.

You can't see his face because the big fluffy hood of his coat, he could be a pirate for all you know, will one eye and a scar down his cheek. You pull back his hood preparing to see a one-eyed-scar-faced pirate; but you don't, you see two blue eyes and a scar-free face, he's hot! You could stare into his eyes for days.

But you look away, your cheeks turn a light shade of pink. you can still feel his eyes on you, " Where, um, Where does it hurt?", I look at him and lightly touch my ankle where it hurts most, "O-on a scale of one to ten how much does it hurt, one, not at all, ten, I, I could die right now." You smile and giggle under your breath making him smile, you don't want him to ever stop.

 "I don't know, six maybe five." He looks like he's thinking hard about what to do. "Can you help me up?" He stands up to help me and walks me over to the bus stop. 

He smiles and says goodbye as your bus arrive; you get on carefully and swipe your bus card, heading home to finish packing and try to get that guy out of your head.

Next Day
On The Plane

You sit on the plane to Hong Kong, you open your laptop and open wattpad: you start reading 'The Hipster Next Door'.

You hate to travel and wish you weren't on this stupid plane.

You try to go to sleep several times but you are woken by the man next to you watching some comedy, you finally drift off and dream about some weird pig stuffing its face with cake.


Joes' P.O.V

I walk down the aisle, coming back from the toilet and I swear I see her the beautiful girl from the park, she's asleep, she looks so peaceful.

There is some really fit guy sitting next to her, he has muscle and everything; he's probably her boyfriend, I mean what was I thinking, of course, a beautiful girl like that has a handsome boyfriend like that; I had no chance in the first place.

The guy gives me a look as if to say 'what are you still doing here'. I keep walking to my seat.

I take the magazine and pretend to read through it and think about her.


Your P.O.V.

When you wake up the guy next to you taps you on the shoulder and says," When you were asleep this random dude came down the aisle and started staring at you as if he knew you and then he walked really sad and it was really weird and I didn't know what to do and-' he kept blabbering on about something so you put the headphones over you ears and started listening to 'No' by Meaghan Trainor.


The plane landed an hour later you grabbed your hand luggage and got off the planes as quickly as you can and ran to the grab your bag and check in at the front desk to catch the next plane to London in thirty minutes.

You walk to the food court and bought a chicken and cranberry Panini and a chocolate milkshake.


The taxi pulls up outside a big two story house, you walk down the stepping stone path and knock on the door, it's almost answered immediately,

"Zoë! I missed you soo much, its so great to see you!" She hugged you and said," Oh Y\N! You must be 22 to-tomorrow! Oh my goodness I'm so glad you're here, come and meet Alfie, my boyfriend." She whispered the last part.

"Hi, I'm Y/N. You must be-" I gasp, " Oh my goody gum drops," I look at Zoë, " Are you serious! " She nodded," Noooo," I denied, " Yes." she convinced me when she went over to him and gave him a kiss.

"OH MY GOODY GUM DROPS YOU'RE GOING OUT WITH ALFIE DEYES!" You scream as loud as you can. "So you've heard of the Alfrado?" Alfie says. "You're the only Youtuber she doesn't refuse to watch. Not even me." Zoë says in a fake sad tone, "Anyway I'll show you to the guest room. My brother should be here tomorrow. I think you'll like him, he's really funny."

She smiles as we walk up the stairs and opens a door on the left.

The room is beautiful, it's set out with fairy lights, a floral bed cover and pillows covering the bed with purple zig zags, blue dots and pink strips.

"Oh Zoë! It's wonderful!"

"I knew you'd love it. I'll leave you to pack, come down when your ready." She smiles and leaves the room to let you unpack. You unpack your things quickly, then sit on the bed. Your eyes become heavy and you fall asleep today as today been a long day, flight after flight.

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