2016 Christmas Special Part 2

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Joe carries you bridal style to the car as you are crying to much to walk. He starts the car and doesn't say a thing. He didn't ask what was wrong he just pick you up and left.

He brakes the silence while we are sitting at a red light, "What happened?"

"It was nothing, i'm overreacting." You say simply, tears still in your eyes.

Trees pass quickly as we drive home, the way seems longer than before. You stop at a red light, "It's not nothing, Y/N, I know you, you don't overreact, it's just not you."

"It was honestly nothing." You knew he could tell it was a lie.

"Fine." He puts the car in park.

"Joe what are you doing? There are cars behind us and we're at a traffic light, you can't just park."

He smirks, " But I just did," he face is flushed of cheekiness, and replaced with all seriousness, " What happened, I won't move until you tell."

"I don't know who it was." His frown gets bigger and the lights turn green. The car behind starts to honk there horn. "What did they do?"

"I won't tell until you move." You say sternly.

"Why we have no reason too, it's not like we have to be somewhere."

I roll my eyes, "but they do!"

I point at the cars behind, he rolls his eyes and takes the handbrake off.

He park just after the light, you watch as the guy behind us drives past, casually pulling the finger and yelling something you probably shouldn't repeat, "See, he had to be somewhere."

"Spit it out!"

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