Struggled Kisses

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You sit on the bed you and Joe share with your laptop laying on your lap open to YouTube, you laugh as you watch Oli White and his little brother, James try disgusting jelly beans.

Joe walks in when you're just about to start another video, "Hey."
"Hey, what you watching?" He comes to sit down on the bed next to you and leans in the kiss you on the forehead, but you lean back just in time, teasing him. He pouts and you stick your tongue out.

You shut the laptop lid and go upstairs to the kitchen, in the Jasper household. Casper is stuffing his face with the left-over pizza from last night.
You smile and grab a cold piece out of  his hand.

Joe comes upstairs at 10:35 saying he has a meeting and will be back at six. "Okay, bye. See you at six. Love you." You shout and he goes out the door.

You chill out all day watching TV with Casper. "Hey, Y/N,"
He say, you reply with a simple 'yeah' to tell him you're listening, "How much do you love Joe?"

"To the moon and back times a bitrillion, why?" He shrugs his shoulders, "He just asked how much I think you love him. I don't know though."

When Joe came through the door, you ran up to him like a three year old, "Hi," he said,     "my lips were wondering if they could meet your lips."
You smiled, "My lips don't feel like meeting your lips at the moment, they want to meet your cheek." You gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back to watching TV.
Joe's P.O.V

I walk in down to Casper's room and knock on the door, "Come in." Casper smiles, "How was it?"
"How was what? You mean the cringe worthy kiss on the cheek. What did she say when you asked her?" Casper smiles, which relieves me, "She said, I love him to the moon and back times a bitrillion or some weird number like that." I look at him still unsure, Y/N hasn't given me or received a proper kiss in two days, "So am I just a bad kisser?"
"Dude, eat, chill and when you're in bed ask her."
You finish watching Big Brother and feel tired so you go down to bed. As you walk down the stair to the bedroom, Joe is walking up the stairs into the kitchen, he gives you a half smile. Your worried first Casper asks you if you love Joe and now Joes giving you half smiles. You lay under the covers with your head under the blanket. You lay there for about ten minutes when you hear two familiar voices outsides the door, 'Are you sure?' Joe. 'Yes, mate, just talk to her.' Casper.

The door opens and you feel the bed dip down next to you. Heavy breathing. Shakey heavy breathing. Joe. You turn over and say quietly, "Are you going to break up with me?" You feel big warm arms wrap around you and pull you closer into a hug. "No." He says into your hair, "um, but" You pull the blanket away from your face and look up up into his dreamy blue eyes you fell in love with.
"Do you think I'm a-" you close you eyes wrap you arms around his waist squeeze him.
"Do you think I'm a terrible kisser?" You look up at him your eyes open in shock and your jaw drops. "Why do you think that?"
"You didn't answer the quest-" you lean in and place your lips on his soft pink lips. He pulls away and smiles.
"Why would you think that I think you're a terrible kisser?"
Joe looks down, " Because everytime I leant in to kiss you, you would lean back and you only gave kisses on the cheeks." He looks up to see you smiling, "I was teasing you." You plant a kiss on his lips and he smiles. Turn over and he spoons you and kisses the back of your head. You close your eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

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