You Meet ~ 2

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The Next Day ~ Ten Thirty-Two

You're woken up by what sounds like Zoe shouting," They're here!" You thought she said her brother was coming over not brothers. You walk down stairs to see Zoe at the door, " Oh Y/N, come here and meet my brother Joe and his friend Casper!" You walk up to the door and shake the hand of the first person, "Hi, I'm J-" you look up and you see the boy from the park, your eyes lock, "I'm Joe, I'm Joe," he searches your eyes, " Have we met before?" you look away and Zoe says " You can't have, silly, she just got here yesterday from New Zeala-" Zoe realised Joe had been in New Zealand for the last 5 weeks and just got back last night. The other guy who must be Casper notices the awkward silence and says" Hi, I'm Casper Lee," you shake his hand and notice he has an accent," Yeah, I'm that South African teenager who sometimes talks to a camera." I smile and put my hand out to shake Casper's hand but instead he picks me up and engulfs me in a hug.

"Oooo, and guess what," Zoe says extremely excited and everyone just looks at like she crazy. We just stand there waiting for her to continue, when she doesn't Casper finally screams 'what', "Its Y\N's Birthday today!" I look down at the ground and blush, " Come in the kitchen, Alfie's making a cooked breakfast." You walk in the kitchen behind Zoe, Joe and Casper behind you. There's bacon, eggs, sausages and pancakes! You all sit down and feast on the delicious food. Zoe gives you her present, its a beautiful silver bracelet with swirly writing engrave saying 'Friends Forever'. You thank her and Alfie hands you his present, its a beautiful ballerina music box, "Zoe told me that you came her to dance at Extreme School of Dance, she also told me that you have to audition to get in."

" Yeah, I'm doing Jazz, Ballet, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Street and Dancehall." Everyone had surprised expression on their faces, "What?" you ask, Zoe smiles," Don't you think that's a lot to take on, you said you only had classes Wednesday, Thursday and Friday?" you smiled back and replied, " Zoe smiles at you sweetly while all the boys look shocked, me and Zoe start laughing, " How do you live?" Casper asks but you just laugh more and get up with Zoe and walk over to the TV. You basically spend the rest of the day watching TV, Alfie had meeting to be at; you didn't get anything for lunch, everybody was still full from breakfast well except Casper but he just ate the rest of the Nutella out of the pretty much empty jar- Alfie wasn't to happy about it when got home but he cheered up mainly beacause he got to hit Casper over the head with a rolled up magazine. We have ordered pizza for dinner, it should be here any minute now. The pizza arrives and you all sit down to eat it, Joe keeps playing withn his food putting the pepporoni over his eyes and sticking his toungue out at you, you think its really cute. You all have sore stomach from laughing and eating.

Zoe has a idea to play Truth or Dare so we all sit down in a circle I'm next to Joe and Zoe. Before we actually start Zoe pulls Casper away.


Zoes P.O.V

I pull Casper over to the kitchen and say in a quiet whisper," We need to get Y/N and Joe in a 7 minutes of heaven, if Joe gets picked he will choose you after then choose me and I will choose Joe to do a 7 minutes in heaven," Casper looks confused," Why Joe, why not Y/N?" you look at him like he's stupid," Because Joe either has to choose Me or Y/N and do you think he's going to choose his sister. But if I choose Y/N she could choose you or Joe and I mean its obvious they like each other!" Me and Casper go sit back in the circle. " What was that about?" Alfie whispered in my ear, " Nothing, you'll see" you say normally so everyone in the circle can hear, " Now lets play!"


Your P.O.V

"Now lets play!" Zoe exclaims.

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