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First of all go list to this amazing song! I'm absolutely in love with it and you must... MUST listen to it! Love Meggie xx

"Bye baby girl, see you soon." Joe says kissing you forehead and walking out the door.

Today he is being interviewed by some live show on channel  6 who has apparently heard a rumour or something.

You scroll through Twitter and a few tweets catch your eye.

@ThatcherJoe was seen kissing a red haired girl yesterday who definitely wasn't @Y/T/N . Is he cheating?

@ThatcherJoe how dare you cheat on Y/N! I thought you were better than that!

@ThatcherJoe I really hope the cheating rumour is a rumour!

What the heck! Joe's not cheating on you! You look at the picture attached to the first tweet. He looked liked he was really deep into that kiss. You begin to get extremely worried. Joe did go out yesterday, alone, for two hours bit he said he met up with Caspar. Did he really meet up with Caspar? Joe wouldn't lie! But you call Caspar anyway.
(You= Bold)

"Hey, Y/N, what's up?"

"Twitter. Did Joe really meet up with you yesterday?"

"Um.. well actually... no, but he said he was stuck in traffic and just decided to go to the shops instead. What's on Twitter is probably not true."

"So you know what im talking about?"

"Yeah, that red head and Joe."

"He has an interview today channel 6, I know they're going to ask him!"

"Do you want me to come round, we can watch it together?"

"Yeah, sure, I might just give Joe a call."

"M'kay, good luck. See you soon girlfriend!"

You rolled your eyes as you hung up and called Joes number.
(Same as before)

"Hey, bub, what's up?"

"Please tell me it's not true!"

"What's not true?"

"Have you check Twitter lately?"

"Nope, not yet sweetheart. Whatever it is just trust me okay?"


"Caspar told me he invited himself over. No pranks okay?" You smile, "Sorry, love I've got to go now! Love you! Bye."

"Love you too!" You says quickly as he hangs up.

There's a knock on the door and Caspar standing there with a tub of ice cream and about three bags of different chocolate and lollies.

"You're gonna be the reason I get diabetes." The blonde smiles and walks in making himself at home.

You turn to channel 6 and hear the interviewer call his name.

(Skip of random questions)
Person in studio P0V


"So, Joe I heard that you are cheating on Y/N with a red haired girl. Is this true?"

"No, why would I? She's my everything. If I didn't have Y/N I'd be stuck somewhere in the Caribbean being beaten up by a monkey."

*Laughs* "Well I think that answers everybody's question perfectly. I also think that, that is as much handsome Joe Sugg we can take. Joe Sugg everybody!"

Your P0V

You smile as the interviewer finished and as Casper finished the ice cream.

"See I told everything would be fine?" He says smiling with ice cream in his teeth.

"If you don't get diabetes in the next 5 years I'm gonna be amazed!" You says giggling.

Caspar leaves and leaves the chocolate. Yes!

Joe walks in and run up to hug him. "I meant every word and would've said so much more but the interviewer would think I'm crazy."

You look up at him and blush pink like crazy. "You're so cute when you blush!"

You look down and lifts your chins up almost immediately, "Don't look away from me princess, I was about to kiss you."

You giggled and stick you tongue out as Joe picks you up you wrap you legs around his waist. You lean down and begin to kiss him slowly as he deepens, you start to smile.

You hear the door open and hear the familiar voice, "Sorry I forgot my chocolate."

You open your eyes but continue to kiss Joe as you him pull the finger. You smile and continue to enjoy this special moment with the amazing Joe Sugg.

Sorry! I know it's terrible but it's 11:10 pm and it's hot and I'm bored. I really have no good excuse. Do yeah, sorry, again. Definitely listen to that song!

Thank you,
Best wishes,
Meggie xx

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