Zoë | Request

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Hello! This imagine is for the lovely JessSuggxjoe ! Go read her Joe Sugg Imagines! Its pretty cool! X

This weekend you and Joe are going to visit Joe's sister; Zoe. She seems really nice, from what Joe as told you, but you're worried she won't like you and you know, you could never date Joe know his older sister doesn't approve of it.

"Jess? Sweetie? Are you ready to go?" You hear Joe call, "If we're going to leave we need to go now."

"Yes, I know," You reply carrying the your bags, placing them at his feet and looking up to hug him, "I'm just really nervous. What if Zoe doesn't approve of our relationship?"

"Then i'll fight for us." He pulls out of the hug and leans down to peck you soft, pink lips, "I promise."

You load the bags into the car start the long drive to Brighton.


Joe knocks three times and Zoe appears from behind the door with bright smile, that shrinks as she see's your and Joe's connected hands. She looks back up at Joe and her smile reappears, "Hey, Joe. How are you? and Jess, right?"

You just nod as Joe makes polite conversation and Zoe invites us inside. You're greeted by Alfie and Nala. You talk to Alfie for quite a bit about Nala and YouTube. He tells you that Zoe's been baking and has started preparing a cooked lunch. He then shows you to your room and helps you carry the bags up the stairs. You decide to take a nap, you have been stressing so much about this trip and haven't been able to sleep.


You wake up to the sound of the bedroom door closing, "Joe?" you call groggily.

"No, sorry." You hear feminine voice say as Zoe appears and sits on the end of the bed, "Can I talk with you?"

"Sure. What's up?" You smile kindly.

"H-How old are you?" She speaks with worry as your smile fades slowly.

"18." You whisper, "I know Joe's 25 but simply, I don't care."

"You're only 18, you haven't lived life and Joe wants commitment, not just some.." She think for a second and says the word she was trying to replace, "Some fling."

You decide to stay calm but add a tinge of sass, "What do you know about my life Zoe? How do you know I don't want commitment too?" You say tilting your head slightly.

"I don't. I just-" She scoffs, gets up and walks out of the room.


I walk out into the hallway after hearing bickering between Zoe and Joe; Joe getting pretty upset that Zoe doesn't agree with your relationship and Zoe getting annoyed that Joe won't listen to her. You peak your head around the corner just in time to see Joe loose it, he turns read and his hand raises.

He's going to hit Zoe!

In the spur of the moment you rush out in front of Zoe and feel Joes hand collide with your face. He gasps at the realisation of what he had done, of what he was going to do. He immediately begs for your and Zoe's forgiveness.

You, knowing who Joe really is, forgive straight away and turn to Zoe with a glint of hope in your eyes.

"This doesn't change a thing." She huffs and walks away.

Important A/N:

Hey! So, I'm really busy at the moment and I'm going through some stuff. Life is well... Life. Ya' know.

So basically, I'm really not in the space to be writing anything at the moment.

I really hope you understand.
I should be back in a month or so. Not incredibly long.

Sorry. X

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