Flower Crowns and Paparazzi

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Thank you so much @littlemissugg for spamming me this morning with votes! I appreciate it and everyone else who takes the time to press that little star! Best wishes,
Meggie xx

You wake up next to a smiling Joe, "Were you watching me sleep?"

He blushes and smiles cheekily, "Nope."

You roll your eyes and begin to giggle as he starts to tickle you.

"S-stop!" You begin to lose your breathe as he tickles you harder, "P-p-please, J-o-oe!"

"Who is the most amazing person in the world. The person you love most and think is so cool. the person you completely adore?" He say evilly

"MY MU-u-mmy!"


"NO T-THAT'S NOT F-FAR! Y-YOU weren-t Specific!"

He chuckles, "It's me, darling."

He stops tickling you and smile, "Very modest aren't, honey."

You peck his lips softly and try to get up. But he holds you there and kisses you sweetly but slowly deepens it. You smile, get up and shout, "Breakfast time!"


"You should wear this," you says holding up a smaller version of the orange rose flower crown sitting on your head.

"And turn into Tyler, no way!" He smirks and walks away as you grabs his arm, in one swift movement and place it on his quiff.

"One, Tyler is more stylish than Queen Beyonce herself, and two you look so cute!" You giggle and adjust the small line of flowers on his head. He gives you a fake smiles, rolls his eyes and walks out of the room, "If you take it off Mr Sugg, you will be in trouble!"


You are walking home from your and Joe's special lunch date. Oo! When....

Dun, dun, duuuunnn!

You see about 12 people with big black cameras, "Joe do I look okay?"

"Okay? You look gorgeous babe. Why?"

You smile, " Nothing, just smile, walk and laugh like they do in magazines. Just pretend we are that couple in the magazine."

You Joe looks down at you and gives you one of his cutest smiles, " There's cameras aren't there, don't worry."

"But we haven't confirmed it! You viewers might think you're cheating on them, they mi-"

"I'm cheating on my viewers? With the most gorgeous girl in the world. Y/N, " he grabs your face and squeezes you cheeks together to make a pouty face, " don't worry! If they say anything to hurt you, I will literally go to their house and yell at them. Because you're too sweet and you wouldn't let me kill them!"

You giggle and blush. You hear camara clicks throughout your conversation and have to walk right past Joes house just to make sure they don't figure out where he lives which took you on a train ride. A trip to the prime ministers house! Number 10! Which was a bit of a detour, but made your day more exciting.


You lay next to a sleeping Joe his arm wrapped tightly around you, his breathing soft. He starts smiling, you'll ask what he was dreaming about tomorrow.

"I love you," you whisper softly and fall asleep.


"I love you more." You hear as you open your eyes to the sun shining through the thin curtains.

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