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"...Protecting the consumer is the most important thing Europe is trying to achieve at this very moment."

Writing down the final words of my European law exam felt like heaven. After studying law for 5 years I had finally done it, I was going to graduate and start working.

I laid my pen down and looked to my side, to Jade, one of my best friends and fellow law student. She looked up and smiled, she has also just finished writing and it was like we were thinking the same thing: "we're partying tonight!."

When the assistant told us we could hand in our exams, we were the first two people to jump up. I grabbed my bag and waited for Jade outside the auditorium.

"How did it go?" she asked as soon as she saw me.

"Quite well if I'm honest, just that one question about migration was tricky I guess since you could forget the new motion they just accepted last week."

"True that, thanks again for letting me know that last week." She smiled whilst we walked back to our apartment. "So, where do you wanna go tonight? Felix told me XOYO and Egg have great line-ups tonight."

"I like both, whichever you want."

"Felix knew one of the DJ's that was playing in XOYO so he could fix us a table." Felix was Jades long time boyfriend. They had been together for nearly 3 years now and he had recently had a talk with me about proposing. Even I was ecstatically happy with that idea.

"XOYO it is then. Do you mind popping over to Topshop for a few? I'd like a new dress, we got something big to celebrate." I winked and laughed at her.

"Sure thing" She said as we strutted of to Oxford Circus.


this is just a little try-out, let me know what you think and if I should continue.

(sorry for the lack of Harry btw)

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