Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons

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Sitting in an empty restaurant was something I had never quite experienced before. The restaurant Harry had picked out was called Inamo, was located in central London and had an Asian kitchen. They didn't have menus, instead they worked with projectors and mini track pads so that people could project their food onto their plate. Ordering was the next step and then a waiter would bring it. It was something quite special and felt very expensive.

After scrolling through the menu I decided on shrimp dim sum as my starter and the salmon as my entrée. Looking up I noticed Harry looking at me and smiled.

"This is something special, very cool." I told him and he nodded.

"Wills told me about this place, he and Kate have been here a few times and they absolutely love it. The food is supposed to be great."

"Looks like it yes, what did you order?" I asked him, I still couldn't get over the fact that he was sitting here, in front of me, looking as dapper as ever.

"The baby pork ribs and the cod" I nodded, quickly scrolling through the menu to see what it looked like. Just when I was about to ask something the waitress came up with 2 glasses of champagne, which I guessed he must've ordered. I thanked her and picked up mine, holding it up. He clinked his glass lightly to mine. 

"Cheers, and thank you already" I said, he couldn't help but grin.

"It's no problem, honestly." We both sipped our champagne.

"Can I ask you something?" I said whilst putting my glass down and he nodded confidently. "Do you always wake up as early as this morning?" Still wondering why he had texted me at 9 in the morning since I had still been fast asleep after my nightly escapade.

He shrugged lightly "I had an engagement to visit an HIV dedicated hospital, here in London. It had been planned for months now, so I couldn't get out of that anymore. But I'm used to waking up early, so it wasn't to bad. I hope I didn't wake you up with that text."

"Ooh, no, definitely not... I was just wondering..." That's when another waiter decided to bring out our starters which looked absolutely divine. "Please thank William for this recommendation, it looks great."

"I will." He laughed as we both started eating our food. "So, when is graduation? You're in the King's College London right?" He asked, looking up.

"Yes and next Friday actually but first I need to make sure I passed all of my last exams. I'm getting my grades tomorrow evening." I was quite curious what they would be if I'm honest. I had an average of 14 I needed to keep high for good impressions on job interviews. I was sure my International European law exam went well, but my deontology exam could go either ways. "It's all very exciting."

"Do you have your eye on any good jobs?" He asked sincerely.

"Kingsley and Brown offered me an interesting Junior Associate position which I'm thinking of taking." I said while eating the last of my dim sums. My dad was never going to talk to me again, but right now, I needed to do what was best for me. I couldn't wait forever till he'd realize his daughter was graduating and needed a job. He'd make peace with my choice sooner or later.

"I know some people at K&B, they're very happy there. And, I could ask Eric if maybe we need somebody at our legal department."

"Ooh, no, please, I don't want to be a bother." I said, smiling up at him. That's when the waitress came to pick up our plates. 

"It's no problem, I'll let you know something." He smiled.I didn't feel comfortable having this conversation with him so decided to change the subject.

"So, Invictus..." I couldn't even ask him a question, he immediately replied happily

"I'm honestly so excited to be going to Orlando in two weeks. I'm going to watch training tomorrow and the day after, just as some moral support."

"It's a really cool event."

We continued dinner, he was happily talking about Invictus and I asking about the few things I knew of the event. 


As he drove me back to my apartment I realized I didn't want this night to end just yet. I figured we could put the car in the garage-spot we owned since Jade & Felix had taken the car out to their wedding and probably still weren't home yet. 

As he slowed down to drop me of I turned to him. "Do you maybe want to come in for some tea?" He looked quite surprised by that question but nodded happily.

"Sure" He said, so I gave him the directions to the garage where he parked the Mercedes with ease and we both got out. Walking out of the garage I noticed the two men in suits standing at the other side of the street and looked at Harry, he just shrugged, putting his hand on my lower back, guiding me to my door. 

We walked the few flights of stairs up to the little duplex I owned and opened the door. I turned around in the doorstep, looking up at him.

"It's not much, but it's mine, so no judging." I told him with a wink. I got out of my jacket and kicked off my heels. It didn't matter they were Louboutins, it always felt great to kick of a pair of heels. I walked through to the kitchen and I saw that he followed me.

"It's really nice actually, you look quite comfortable." I nodded whilst grabbing some cups for tea and my kettle. I put some water in it and put it on the stove, making it boil. 

"I love living here in Covent Garden, there's always something to do. And there's a Marks and Spencer right around the corner which makes shopping for groceries a lot easier. Green tea good for you?" I asked whilst rummaging through my cabinet.

"Sure. Let me know if you need me to do anything." He answered whilst strolling to the living area, getting out of his suit jacket and throwing it casually over the couch. He was looking at some pictures up on the windowsill as I noticed the water was boiling by now so I poured it out into two cups and joined him, handing him his cup. 

"That's my mother." I said, picking up the picture he was looking at. It was one of her and I at a BBQ the summer before she became ill, she still looked her beautiful, healthy self. 

"She was very pretty, I can see where you got your beauty from." He smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer. I took the picture frame from him and smiled.

"I miss her a lot. She was delighted when I decided to go to law school, and now she can't even be here for my graduation." I shrugged slightly, and looked up at him. He was looking outside, he's head clearly somewhere else. That's when I realized, putting my hand on his arm. "I'm so sorry, I should think sometimes before I speak."

He looked down, smiling sadly. "It's okay, really, don't worry." He pulled me in a hug and I hugged him back. 

We spend the rest of the night, sitting on the couch, talking, about anything and everything. Our moms, his engagements, my school, our travels. 

It must have been one of those few nights he could relax, because soon his shirtsleeves were rolled up to his elbows and he was laughing aloud. I liked this carefree Harry, I had only seen him uptight, when out and about. I could get used to this easy life.

We both had a delightful evening, hopefully soon to be repeated. 


I know I'm updating sooner than I said, I just had this chapter finished and was super happy with it :) Let me know what you think!


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