Let's do dinner.

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After coming back from Hawaii and the royal variety show, the dinner with Kate and William was finally upon us. I decided to dress quite casually in jeans and a fluttery top.

Harry had brought a bottle of wine for William while I was carrying the flowers for Kate. Some of the kids presents were in my bag. As Harry knocked on the door I couldn't help but grab his hand. I was quite nervous for this moment and didn't really know what to expect.

We heard a bit of shuffling and finally the door opened, revealing a happy George that was being held back by his father.

"One minute, George, uncle Harry will play with you very soon." William said to the little boy and I couldn't help but smile at him. 

"Hi there" William said, hugging Harry close. "Long time no see" he said as Harry walked into the house, chasing after George.

"And hello, to you too Rosalie, glad to finally meet you." William said, guiding me inside to the sitting room where Kate was sat on the floor playing with Charlotte. As soon as she saw me, she got up and hugged me close.

"Hello. It's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you." She eyed Harry happily as he bounced George up and down his lap.

"These are for you." I said handing her the flowers. "And we did bring a bottle of wine." I quickly said to William, looking at Harry.

"I gave it to the chef, it'll be put to good use." He replied my questionable look.

"You really didn't have too." Kate said, handing the flowers to one of the staff that walked up to her. "I'm honestly so happy we're finally meeting!" I sat down on one of the chairs and Kate sat down next to me.

"So, how was Hawaii?" She asked me.

"Ooh, very nice. We had such a lovely time there. Sad it was over so quickly." she nodded, agreeing. 

"William and I have been there a few years ago actually. It was so beautiful."

"It sure was."

Charlotte started fuzzing a little, and crawled to her mom. Kate picked her up and put her on her lap,  playing with her hand. William handed us each a glass of wine. "Thank you." I said to him, sipping it.

"Are you excited for Heads Together." I asked them?

"We sure are. It's been one of our major projects we've been working on together for the past months. I'm glad it's finally launching officially." William said. 

"Me too" Harry joined in.

The chef then walked into the living area and announced food was ready. We all got up and walked to the dining room. William and Kate put the kids in their highchairs and sat down next to them as Harry and I joined them on their other side.

The food was brought out and William cut up George's and Kate fed Charlotte. We all digged into the lovely roast dinner.

"So Harry, have you introduced Rosalie to grandma yet?" William asked.

Harry shook his head whilst popping a potato in his mouth. "Not yet." he replied when he had finished it. "Might be soon, since we got Heads Together on Wednesday and her birthday a few days after." He said casually.

I didn't realize I was expected to be going to any of the engagements that Harry had scheduled for his Grandmothers 90th birthday. I thought I was going back to job hunting. I cleared my throat, looking at him.

"Uhm, I have job interviews this week." I whispered to him, trying to be as delicate as possible. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Kate was engaging William in another conversation so that Harry and I could have a little chat. 

He looked at me strangely. "I thought..."

"What?" I asked him frowning. "That I would give up becoming a lawyer? You know that is what I always have dreamed of." 

"I do, really. I just thought that we... That this..." I could see in his eyes he was struggling, that he didn't know what to say. "Never mind."

I glanced at Kate and William and back at Harry. "Can we talk about his later, please?"

He simply just nodded.

We had had a few arguments before Hawaii about what I was going to do when we got back. I thought it would be nice to get a job and work for some time. Since the relationship we had was so new I still needed to be independent and don't rely on Harry to much. I figured, eventually, when this relationship was going good and strong for a few years I'd stop my work and start doing appearances with Harry. He actually wanted me to start them now. Ever since Invictus and the great response people had on us he thought it would be a good thing to do this together. We would come out stronger in the end, which I believed but I just couldn't give up my dreams just yet.

My phone vibrated and I had a quick look at it. It was my dad calling, what did he want? I excused myself from the table and answered, walking into the living room

"Hello, dad?"

"Miss, this is doctor Stevens, your father is in the hospital."


Dum dum dummmmm, sorry for another cliffhanger guys! Hope you like this, shorter chapter

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