I just want to see the stars with you

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I had been lounging in the bath for a solid hour now. My fingertips had gone pruney and the water was cold but my mind had been jumping from one thought to another.

Ever since meeting Harry my life had been crazy. I had been in tabloids, the few social media outlets I had were blowing up and people that I hadn't heard for in years started calling and texting again. I enjoyed my moments with Harry a lot. The private ones we had and the public ones, where we had been distant. It had been inspiring seeing him do his thing. How passionate he was about Invictus and Sentebale. But I was passionate about my things to. Law had been my thing, for a long time now. And there was no way that Harry AND law was going to be a match. Was he serious about me? Did he really want pursue this relationship?

I was suddenly awoken from my thoughts by my phone that rang. "Harry" it read. I quickly grabbed my towel, drying off my hand and answered.


"Hey, it's me. Good, you're still awake. Can we talk?"

"Uhm, yeah sure. I'm in the bath now, give me half an hour?"

"Okay, I'm just getting into the car now."

"See you soon."



I had quickly changed into one of my flowery summer dresses. My hair was still up in a bun and to be honest, I looked quite decent for the night I'd had. 

There was a silent knock at the door and quickly walked over to open it.

There he stood, his tie loose around his neck. I could see that he had been running his hands through his hair since it was all messy. His jacket now hanging on his arm. He looked absolutely smoking. Carl stood awkwardly behind him and walked off as soon as Harry nodded to him.

"Hi, come in." I said, opening the door more. 

"You look nice." He walked in and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Just a little thing I had lying around." I walked past him, sitting down on of the couches. "How was the rest of your night?"

"Very nice. Busy. I met with Morgan Freeman again. We're having lunch tomorrow." I nodded.

"Sounds exciting."

"It will be."

"So, you wanted to talk?"

"Yes." He then walked over to the couch, laying his jacket on the table next to it. He sat down and grabbed my hand. "Are you okay? After what happened earlier, you scurried off so quickly." I could see this conversation was hurting him. He didn't dare to look me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry" I squeezed his hand lightly. "I enjoyed it, really. I just thought it was a bit public. With you being in the spotlight and all."

"Rose, I'm always in the spotlight. Even when I'm backstage. There are always going to be people watching me. Except when I'm here. Like this" He motioned around the room. "When I'm in hotel rooms or planes or at Kensington. Or even at your place. Then I'm all alone, which I enjoy greatly."

"I do to, Harry." he smiled a little at my reply. "and I like public you too, but I'm just not sure if it's what I want for me."

"Like I've said before, I'm not going to push you into this relationship. I like you Rose, a lot and honestly I wish we could move this to the next level." That's when he's eyes finally met mine and my heart fluttered.

"I like you too."

"How about this: We make this," he said, motioning between the two of us "official at the ending ceremony of Invictus? Then we can go to Hawaii after and just enjoy our time together and relax, get to know each other more but out of the spotlights. Just the two of us."

"I would like that a lot actually." Ever since I had been on this trip with Harry I had been thinking about my lonely Hawaii trip and how much I'd like for him to join me.

"Okay then." He smiled. "I'm going to kiss you now." He leaned in and planted his lips on mine, pulling me close. 


Before I knew it, it was time for the closing ceremony. 

Invictus had been amazing. It had been a week full of sport, friendship and support. It had been a great honor seeing these people do their thing. Harry had introduced me to some of the best and I had greatly appreciated it all. Harry had been presenting medallions and hanging out with the winners. 

"Are you okay?" Harry and I were standing backstage again, preparing to go on stage to start his speech. He had already been on stage, presenting the final medallions. Now Rascal Flatts was performing and then it was our turn. I breathed in heavily.

"Yes, I just need to stay calm." 

"We don't have to do this, okay?"

"No, please, I want to." I smiled. We were dressed more casually this time. Him in a black Invictus polo shirt and jeans. Me, also in an Invictus shirt, that I had paired with some black jeans and ankle boots.

"It's our turn next." He said when I heard the music dying out.  

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Prince Harry and Rosalie." Wow, I didn't expect my name to be called. 

"Let's do this." He squeezed my hand lightly and then we stepped out on the stage. The lights blinding my eyes.


This one has been a struggle. Let me know what you guys want in the next chapters.

Just out of curiosity, I've put a link between all the chapter titles, has anybody spotted that yet? 😊

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