No, our lives don't collide, I'm aware of this

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I was one happy girl. I had passed all my exams which meant graduation was happening soon.

I was organizing my school books when Jade entered my room, throwing a magazine on my bed.

"Have you seen this?" She said, sitting down on the bed and shaking the new People magazine at me. I frowned, shook my head and took the magazine from her. 

"No, what is it?" I asked her whilst studying the cover. That's when I saw it. 


One of the headlines talked about Harry. And me. 


'Prince Harry spotted out with mystery blonde!

'Looks like one of our favorite royals has finally found a new girl! It's been nearly 2 years now since Cressida, and apparently there's a new mystery blonde in the mix.

So, what do we now so far?  Apparently her name is Rosalie and she's a graduating law student at King's College London. Her dad is the well-known criminal law attorney Steven Clarke, her mom, Caroline,  sadly passed away 2 years ago, due to cancer. Harry and Rosalie met in a club and went to dinner the next evening already.

We still haven't gotten any pictures, but one of our sources spilled some of the beans about their date:

"They spend hours talking and it was clear they enjoyed each others company dearly. They had a nice quiet dinner, he had closed the restaurant just so they could enjoy their time together. Later they went back to her place."'

We hope to see more of the -maybe- couple soon and wish them a lot of happiness in their first few moments. 


I hadn't heard from Harry since our dinner. He had told me his week would be really busy with Invictus and other engagements. I couldn't let this go by easy. I took my phone and called him.

He picked up after the first ring.

"Hi" He answered quickly, he sounded distracted. 

"Hi, uhm, have you seen People?" I asked him, running a hand through my hair. 

"Yes, I'm taking care of it. I'm sorry, I really have to go. I'll call you back later."

"Oka-" That's when I heard the click, he had already hang up the phone. I turned to Jade and frowned.

"He hung up on me... I think" I said, walking up to the bed and sitting down next to her. She had been studying my face and behavior the previous few minutes and looked slightly frazzled as well. 

"He probably was just really busy, don't worry about it." She took my hand and tugged it a little. "Come on, let's have some soup. Felix made your favorite." She smiled lightly but couldn't hide the worry in her eyes.


A few days had passed and Harry still hadn't called me back. I did notice that there was no hint of the story to be found online, so I guessed he did his thing. 

Graduation was approaching soon and before I knew it Jade and I had been sitting in the auditorium for nearly 2 hours. Finally our professors were rounding up their speeches. My favorite professor Mr. Smith had made a very inspiring speech about the importance of keeping your head clear and updated with the current affairs. Some people had been glancing at me, probably having read the People article. I just smiled politely back at them.  Hopefully the board would start handing out the diplomas soon. 

My phone decided to vibrate at that moment and I got it out secretively.

*Good luck today. Hope we can meet soon. x H*

Now he decided to text me? Well, He would have to wait till after the ceremony for a reply.

Thats when our dean, Ed Byrne,  got up and decided to start another speech.

"As for our last speecher, I am delighted to announce our Guest of Honor tonight to you all. He's greatly involved in expanding and promoting our current law program. We probably all know him since he's one of Britain's Prince's." 

No. I started frantically looking around. 

"Let's give him a warm welcome."

No. I couldn't believe this.

"Prince Harry." That was his cue. He  walked out from behind the curtains, a smug smile playing on his face, his eyes immediately catching mine, giving me a little wink.

What was he doing here?

Since Jade's last name started with an H she was sitting a few behind me, I turned around to her and her face was just utter shock.  

He stood before the microphone, his eyes never leaving mine. He was wearing a black suit, with a white shirt and bowtie. He looked absolutely delicious. 

"Thank you Ed

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"Thank you Ed." He nodded back to our dean, then looking around. "It gives me great pleasure to be here today to congratulate the new graduates of Kings College London." An applause sounded and some people were even cheering.

"Of course I am delighted to see that their are so many of you this year. We should all encourage people to start and end higher education. Luckily enough, there are still enough people being inspired to become amazing doctors, engineers and lawyers. I'll wrap it up now, you all probably want to go for a drink after this thing" He said laughing and another applause followed. 

They started handing out the diplomas starting from A. I saw Harry getting in line, shaking hands and pleasantries with everyone. My phone vibrated again.

*What is happening?* Jade had texted, I just turned around in my chair and simply shrugged, because, honestly, I still didn't understand what was going on. 

It took them about 10 minutes to get to the letter D. I got up gracefully, walked up on the stage to receive my diploma and shook the hand of a few professors and the dean. And then there was him. I was standing a little to close to him but I honestly couldn't care. I didn't care what everyone else in the room was thinking. I just needed to make myself really clear to him.

"Hi" He said, that same smug smile still playing on his face. 

"Hi, uhm, just so you know, I'm going to kill you later." I said, but I couldn't hide my smile. Squeezing his hand just a little to firm. 

"Ooh, I hope you do." He winked. "You look beautiful by the way." He squeezed my hand again, but he did it gently. 

"I'll see you later." I said, walking off, shaking my hips just a little bit to much. 


Hope you like guys, I'm absolutely stunned by the response this story is getting, but absolutely love it! 

From now on I'm uploading once a week since I have finals in two weeks and I need to study, a lot. :)

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