The truth runs wild, like a tear down a cheek

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"Harry brought along his mystery girl to Toronto!"

"Well well, who did we spot in the stands cheering on her favorite royal? Yes people, Rosalie has travelled alongside Harry to join him for Invictus!"

"Just last night Harry was in Toronto for a meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau and the official puck drop at a sledge hockey match. He later joined the crowd for some quality time and to watch the game. Only a few stands besides him was his new favorite blonde, who couldn't help but snap some pictures of the prince whilst he performed his royal duties."

""She was very nice, chatting with the crowd and cheering on our favorite team. She told me she had come all the way from the UK for Invictus. To be honest, at first I didn't really know who she was until I noticed her smiling a lot at Harry, and he always smiled back happily." one of the woman that spend time with Rosalie spilled. "She was very relaxed and cheery.""

"We here at the Daily Mail couldn't be happier for the two and hope they enjoy their time in Florida later this week!"


We had been touring the different venues for most of the morning. We were both wearing our Invictus shirts and I had paired mine with a nice grey skirt and my mothers pendant. Harry had made time to talk to the athletes and families that had arrived early, which had taken up quite a big part of the morning. In the afternoon he had some interviews to do. They set up the room that had a nice overview of one of the fields 

"Why don't you go sit on the stands? Then I can see you but you won't be in shot and you'll get to listen along." He said to me whilst he was being put on a microphone for the Good Morning Britain interview, it would be the last one of the day and I had been sitting in a corner, quietly for most of the afternoon whilst he did his job. 

"Sure thing." I smiled, grabbing my bag and sitting down on the stands. It had been the most beautiful weather in Florida, and I eagerly snatched my sunglasses from my bag, hiding my eyes from the sun. I still couldn't believe I was here and sighed happily. 

The interview was about to start and I saw the host, Suzanna, introducing herself to him, shaking his hand and sitting down in her chair. She told him this would be quite casual, a bit about his cousins, a bit about his mum. He simply just nodded, agreeing.

"So, just tell me a little bit as your role as uncle. Have you taught them to be cheeky? Cause you were quite cheeky in photographs, we remember, when you were their age." Suzanna asked happily

"No" He grinned "look, kids are naturally cheeky and uhh, it's a shame that they're not old enough to come out here but hopefully whether it's the next games, or the ones after that, get them down their and give them an opportunity to come and enjoy. And to see some remarkable people doing some amazing things. I think George's almost at that age where he would completely get it, completely understand and probably be one of those kids going up and going "you've got no legs, why's that?" you know. And the guys would be more than happy to tell the kids that."

"And do you play games with them?"

"Who? With the kids or with the guys?" The interviewer and him both laughed and I couldn't help but grin myself. 

"The kids" she explained herself.

"No, of course we do. George is more happy to play with all of his toys and Charlotte is just crawling so..."

"Tell me something more on you on becoming a dad."

"Me on becoming a dad? Pff, God, I don't know. One thing at a time, Suzanna. One thing at a time." he smiled, glancing outside, catching a glimpse of me. "I look forward to the time when it comes, but at   the moment I'm dad to 110 of these competitors."

"You know your mum would be very proud of you, don't you?"

"Yeah, of course, of course. It's a great shame that she's not here." He looked straight at me this time. I couldn't avoid his gaze any longer and nodded lightly. "I wonder what it would be like if she were here and what she would say and how she would be making everybody else laugh as well. There's all sorts of thoughts and emotions that come running through, especially the fact that I was last here in 1993, with her and now I'm back here, 31 years old and trying my best to make her proud." His eyes were locked into mine. I could see he was struggling. It was time for this interview to be over, that he could clear his mind, move on. Suzanna seemed to get the clue and wrapped it up quickly, shaking his hand again and thanking him.


"That last one was rough." He said, whilst walking into our hotel suite, running his hands through his hair frustrated. He walked up to the minibar, grabbed a bottle of water and sat down on one of the couches. I decided to go and sit next to him.

"You did really great." I said to him, putting one of my hands on his leg. 

"I just get emotional, talking about all this stuff about my mum." I nodded understandingly. "And I put so much pressure on us, talking about that kids situation. I'm sorry."

"It's no big deal, Harry, really. First of all, nobody knows this" I motioned between the two of us "is happening. And second, I like this casual thing we have going on. It's very relax. To the public, it's was just you expressing your love for kids. Which you've expressed many times over and over." I explained to him

"I hope so, thank you not making it difficult." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly, 

"No problem." I smiled. "And you know, I do want kids some day." I told him happily.

"Well, my lovely Rose, I'm very glad to hear that." He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer into a hug. 


I'm sorry this is such a short one, I have exams for the next 3 weeks so I'm trying to squeeze in writing this and revising. Hope you like it! I put the interview to which I based this chapter on top!

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