I'm a spark and you're a boom!

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When I woke up there was a strange energy in the air that I couldn't explain, but I instantly loved it.

I had woken up at around 11 to find a text that had already been waiting for me for a solid 3 hours. Damn, did he even go to sleep at all? Wasn't he tired?

*Hope you slept well. Okay for you if I pick you up at around 7.30 pm? x H* I couldn't help but smile. It hadn't all been a dream. I quickly texted back:

*Sure! Any tips on the dress code? ;) x Rose*

I didn't even have the time to get out of bed before I got a reply back.

*Great! Formal is good. See you tonight! x H*

I couldn't wipe the smile of my face as I walked into the living room to grab some breakfast. Jade was sitting at the breakfast bar, enjoying a bowl of granola and looked up as soon as she saw me.

"Hey there, soon-to-be-Duchess." She said with a wink, I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"Please don't, nothing happened. Yet." I laughed lightly as I took a bowl and joined her for breakfast.

"How did it even happen?" She asked while handing me the granola that I poured into my bowl. "Did you spot him or something? With your redhead-radar." It hadn't been a secret that I had a special type of guy that I liked. Which were the redheaded ones.

"He came up to me actually, we had a little chat and started dancing, and didn't stop till I had enough for the evening. He walked me to a taxi and we exchanged numbers." She nodded whilst finishing up her breakfast. "Ooh, and he asked me out for dinner tonight." That was when she nearly choked in that last spoon.

"H-he what?" She grabbed my arm, just to make sure she wasn't dreaming anymore. "You're going to see him again?" I nodded as I put another spoon of granola in my mouth.

"He's picking me up at 7.30." Jade got up and started doing the dishes whilst eyeing me carefully.

"I'm so bummed now we have that wedding tonight. I would've loved to have given you away tonight." she laughed lightly. "What are you going to wear? To a date with a prince?" she asked, still not fully understanding what she was actually saying.

"I was thinking of getting that Karen Millen dress I've had my eyes on for weeks now. Could work for graduation too. Or the one from Ted Baker. What do you think?"

"The Karen Millen one is really nice." She said while nodding.

"Yeah I think I'm going to pick that one up later." I said as I got up and joined her for the dishes, grabbing a kitchen towel and drying the bowl.

"This is crazy." she whispered breathlessly and I couldn't contain my smile.

"I know..."


7.28 pm

I was nervous. And that when I don't get nervous for anything, not even for exams. There was bound to happen something special but I absolutely loved this feeling. 

I was sitting on the couch waiting for the bell to ring. I had gone and picked up the Ted Baker dress in the end because when I arrived at Karen Millen they didn't have my size anymore. I didn't want to go look there for something else, I knew what I had in mind and it would be one of those two.

Luckily Ted Baker was more successful. I had paired the dress with some Louboutins that had been in my wardrobe since my 20th birthday and my favorite Rebecca Minkoff purse.

The bell rang at 7.30 on the dot. I got up, put on my jacket and went downstairs, opening the door happily.

"Hey you" I greeted him, stepping outside. He walked up to me and gave me a light hug.

"Hey, you look great. Ready to go?" I nodded and followed him to the waiting car. He opened the passenger door so I could get in, which I did. He walked around the car and got in next to me.

"I hope you're hungry. We're having Asian fusion tonight." He said.

"I love Asian food, great choice." He laughed as he set off into London traffic.

I turned slightly to him and noticed he was wearing a light blue suit. He saw me checking him out and laughed. 

"See anything you like?" 

"I might..." I smiled and looked outside. We were driving up on Wardour Street, right into Soho. When I looked in the side mirror I noticed a black Range Rover with tinted windows following us at all times. "That car behind us...?" I couldn't even finish my sentence before his reply came.

"Bodyguards. They're just here for my safety. They've contacted the restaurant in advance, making sure there's no paparazzi waiting outside and that we can have just some time on our own." He said, shrugging his shoulders a bit. Like it was the most normal thing to say. Which I suppose thinking about it later, must've been. 

"Ooh right..." He looked at me slightly worried.

"You okay? I can always go back?" I felt the car slow down a little, and quickly put my hand on his arm.

"It's fine, really. I'm just not used to this all..." I smiled reassuringly. 

As we pulled up to the small asian restaurant I started looked around, it was super quiet for a Saturday evening, which was not normal. Harry had gotten out of the car by now and opened the door. I got out and he led me to a restaurant that looked closed, opening the door, the Maître D'or was waiting for us.

"Good evening, Your Highness. Welcome." I looked around, the entire restaurant had been closed off. I looked at him a little worried but he nodded confidently, squeezing my hand a little and pulling me closer so he could whisper in my ear. 

"It's fine. This is the most normal way."


Hope you like it! For now I'm having a Taylor Swift-type girl in mind for Rose, but if you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them.  

I know I've portrayed Harry very casual until now,but I'm just giving them the time to get to know each other as natural as possible.

I'm gonna try and upload weekly (which will normally be on Fridays!)

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