So I'll paint you a clear blue sky, without you I am colour-blind

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I was sitting on the private plane Harry and I had boarded at a small airport just outside of London. Ever since graduation and the deal we made I had been the happiest girl in the UK. I had had meetings with security personnel from Harry, talking through what was appropriate to do and what not. One of the woman on the pannel even handed me a little booklet with clothing tips. I was excited to get to Florida, enjoy Invictus and then move onto my holiday in Hawaii. 

I had my job interview with Kingsley and Brown on Wednesday and it went amazingly well. They seemed like a really good company to work for and all the people that I met there seemed really nice. They had given my until I returned from holiday for my answer on whether I'd take the job or not. I hadn't specified where exactly I would be going to, since I'd guessed they'd find out sooner rather than later about this Harry thing.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He interrupted me. He was sitting next to me, already wearing his suit, ready to meet Canada's prime minister Justin Trudeau since we'd be landing in just an hour and he'd go straight into the meeting. 

"I'm sorry." I smiled picking up one of the magazines I had brought along with me on the trip. "Ooh, but this seems interesting." I read the title aloud to him

"Prince Harry reveals he IS on the hunt for a new girlfriend!"

He chuckled. "Aah, well that interview was actually given before I met you." He said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it lightly.

"So I AM your girlfriend now?" I replied good-heartedly. 

"Only if you want to be." he said, squeezing my hand a little. "I'm not going to be the one pushing you into this, I know the life I live and it's not an easy one to deal with." He said sincerely. He got up and squatted down before me, grabbing both of my hands now. "I like you Rosalie, and we'll just have a good time the next few weeks and we'll see what happens after that." He pulled me in and kissed my cheek, getting up again. He ran his hand through his hair. "I'm going to talk to captain Smith." He said whilst walking off. 

Wow, that was intense.

I still hadn't made up my mind yet about what I was feeling for this man. I knew I liked him, but I would be giving up so much I had worked so hard for if I would start this relationship. It had always been my dream to become a successful lawyer like my dad and I knew that if I was going to be with Harry, it would never happen. It would be a dream to date Harry, honestly, but I just didn't know if I could sacrifice it all. 

I grabbed the magazine to get my mind of of all these serious thoughts and started reading the interview.

"Prince Harry has revealed he is on the lookout for a new girlfriend despite the 'incessant' intrusion into his private life."

"Speaking candidly in interviews to promote the Invictus Games in Florida, the young royal said: 'At the moment my focus is very much on work. But if someone slips into my life then that's absolutely fantastic.'"

"The Prince said he is also trying to negotiate a private life where 'if I talk to a girl, that person is then suddenly my wife, and people go knocking on her door'."

'"If or when I do find a girlfriend, I will do my utmost... to ensure that me and her can get to a point where we're actually comfortable with each other before the massive invasion that is inevitably going to happen into her privacy,' he told The Sunday Times."

"Later, speaking to the BBC he said that while aware of his privileged position, the intrusion into his private life is 'incessant'."

"'Everyone has a right to privacy,' he told the Andrew Marr programme. 'Sadly, that line between public and private life is almost non-existent any more.'"


I rolled over on my back, still feeling tired. It was funny, I didn't remember my sheets feeling this luxurious before. I could even smell a light touch of musk on the pillow. 

Then I remembered, we were in Toronto. Harry had met with Justin Trudeau the previous day and in the evening we went to a match of sledge hockey where they did the ceremonial puck drop. It had all been great fun and I had cheered along with the other fans.

I felt something warm sitting down besides me and tiredly opened my eyes. It was him, he was already dressed in a black Invictus polo shirt and khaki's and ready to start the day. He looked absolutely gorgeous, his hair still wet from a shower and unshaven.

"Goodmorning" he said smiling, pushing a lock of my hair behind my ear. "You look beautiful."

"Hi" I said, stirring slightly in the bed, stretching my muscles. "What time is it?" I looked outside where the sun had just started coming up. Toronto was absolutely breathtaking, the vibe that this city had was just amazing. 

"It's just after 8, we should be going soon. Florida is waiting for us." He said excitedly. "I got you something." He said handing me a small black box wrapped with a yellow bow. 

"Ooh, what is it?" I asked, sitting up, resting my back against the headboard. I was wearing one of my favorite concert t-shirts and couldn't help but feel self-conscious.

"Open it." He replied, putting the box on my lap. I carefully lifted up the lid and smiled up at him when I saw what was in it.

"My own Invictus shirt? Thank you so much, Harry." I put the box to one side and sat up on my knees, hugging him tightly. "You don't know how much it means to me that you're giving me this." I realized in that very moment I was only wearing the shirt and my panties and that this was all probably very inappropriate, so I sat down again quickly, wrapping the sheets around my bare legs again. 

"I thought you could wear in today maybe? We're going to be touring the competition venues and meeting some competitors and families." It was only 8 am and already he couldn't wipe his smile of his face. It was just amazing seeing him this excited about something and I couldn't help but smile alongside him. 

I grabbed the t-shirt out of the box, admiring it. "Okay, let's go then."

And before I knew it we were up in the air again, on our way to Florida.


Invictus is next! 

I'm going to let out the Sentebale polo match, might work that in after Invictus. 

I updated a little earlier then expected, hope you're liking it!

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