Meeting them

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Lucy's POV

"Good Morning Sir. I'm Lucy Heartfilia and I was told to claim my uniform here" I formally greeted

"Ah! Miss Heartfilia, you can call me Gramps or Mr. Makarov. I was expecting you. How was your first class?" Gramps said

"It was good Mr. Makarov. Thank you for asking" I said

"Well here is your uniform, I see you've brought Mr. Dragneel with you." Gramps said

"Yes, Thank you." I said. As I glanced at Natsu leaning on the wall grinning.

"Very well. Mr. Dragneel, will you show Miss Heartfilia around. You are excused for one class period. It is better to show her around while it's not crowded yet." He requested.

"Sure Gramps!" Said Nastu delightfully

"Oh! I almost forgot, take Mr. Sting Euclife with you" Gramps added

For some reason Natsu's delighted face bacame an annoyed face.

"Alright Gramps. See you later!" Natsu waved

I bowed in respect before leaving.

"Natsu are you alright? You look annoyed." I said

"Oh no, I just preferred to show you around without Sting." He said.

"Oh, don't worry Sting is a nice guy" I smiled.

"Well, if you say so" He replyed.

We headed to our classroom to get Sting.
Natsu leaned on the side of the door, waiting for me to get Sting.

I walked over to Sting, he was staring outside the window. Patted his head giggling.

"Oi, Lucy" He smiled

"Stingy bee, Natsu was tasked to show us around the school, so let's go!" I said pulling his arm.

"Alright, alright little blondie" He stood up smiling while he patted my head.

I loved Sting, he's like a big brother that I've always wanted. Sadly I'm an only child. Sting has always been with me since we were children. We never kept secrets from each other and he'd always comfort me when I'd feel sad.

"Oi Lucy! Let's go!" Natsu said

"Hai" I said softly. I never liked shouting and I was taught be a proper lady.

So we walked around the school.

"This is the Chemistry Lab" Natsu showed
Then BOOM, a puff of  white smoke started spreading out.

I took a peek inside and there was a girl with hair like the color of the sky, white yet it had light blue shade.

"Gomenaa sensei" She said putting her hand behind he neck.

The she noticed me, Nastu and Sting peeking at the door.

She quickly removed her lab gown avoiding the teacher's lectures.

Unexplained Art (Lucy x Natsu) (Fanfic) (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now