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Lucy's POV

I decided to go out with my friends after work. Loke's waiting outside my office while Zeref is waiting by the door.

I pick up my bag and some folders.

I walked over to Zeref.

"Let's go." I smiled.

"I'll carry that for you." He smiled back.

He took my bag and my folders.

"You look good with that bag." I giggled.

"Yeah, yeah." He chuckled patting my head.

He opened the door for me and we saw Loke flirting with my secretary.

"You never change Loke." I laugh.

"Yeah, I just do this because I don't feel contented without you." He pouted.

"Sigh* Loke, you already know how I feel about you." I gave him a dull looking face.

"Alright, let's go before things get awkward, your boyfriend's been glaring at me." He turned as he waved his hand for us to follow.

"I-I'm not Lucy's boyfriend" Zeref murmured.

"Whatever Mr.I'm-still-here-for-you" He smirked looking back at Zeref.

"You told him?" Zeref glared at me.

I laughed nerviously.
We arrived at Loke's Penthouse suite.
It was amazing, it had an indoor pool and a huge balcony.

"Wow! This is so cool!" Juvia cheered with stars on her eyes.

We walked in and maids lined up.

"Good evening Master." The bowed.

"Prepare dinner for us, please." Loke stated.

"Yes, Master." The said in unison and walked away.

"Want to go swimming?" Loke smirked.

"Yeah!" Levy yelled.

"B-But--" I stuttered

"Don't worry Lucy, this was supposed to be a surprise for you but Gajeel took long. Here, a swim suit, I picked it for you." She cheered.

She gave me a paper bag.

"T-Thank you" I smiled

"Now let's change!" Juvia pulled me to a bathroom.

Levy had given me a bikini it had a navy blue shade with white outlines. I then remembered Natsu and the time we spent on the beach.

I walked to the pool blankly. I was just thinking of Natsu.

I was empty inside. I was broken.

I sighed, closing my eyes and sat down by the pool's stairs. Water came up to my chest. My eyes were tearing up.

I felt someone sit on the higher level of the stairs and suddenly arms were around me.

"Lucy, you can cry if you want." Loke said softly.

"No, I just want to think. I'll stay silent for a while." I breathed.

The guys were staring at me and Loke with sad eyes.

An hour later I decided to go home. Zeref drove the car while I stayed silent.

"Lucy--" He started.

"Can we just stay silent for a while? I just want to think and be alone." I breathed as I looked out the window.

"Lucy! Don't you get it?! You're not alone and you will never be alone! I'm here, Natsu might be your source of happiness but can't you stop to think that maybe we're doing this for you?! That maybe you're making us feel like shit even though we're trying our hardest?! If you're not happy at least let your friends know that you're thankful!" He raised his voice

Unexplained Art (Lucy x Natsu) (Fanfic) (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now