Dragneel Corporations

644 16 26

Lucy's POV

I spread my arms across the sheets of my bed stretching my arms out wide and slowly open my eyes. I looked at the plain white ceiling, recalling what happened yesterday. I rolled to my side to check the time.

7:35? that's a new record.

I usually sleep in during sundays. I looked at my canvas. Remembering how Gray hugged me from behind.

Gray, how do I say it to you?

"Gray, you're like a brother to me. "

No no no, that's going to hurt him. Ugh I'll come up with it soon. I need to stop thinking about this.

Which reminded me about the time he chased me around the fountain.

The fountain was beautiful, the sight was beautiful.

A laughing Gray playing like a child seeing blue flowers around the place it was perfect.

I stood up and took a shower, brushed my teeth and other women rituals in the bathroom.

After I finished I took another canvas and painted the fountain, at the sides were bushes with those beautiful blue flowers.


A few hours later I managed to finish half of it. I heard a knock on my door.

It was Virgo informing me that my parents had arrived. They were earlier than I expected, although it's not quite shocking, they might have wanted to join the Dragneel Corp's celebration.

I walked down the stairs slowy getting the sight of my father and mother standing in the living room waiting for me.

"Welcome home father, welcome home mom." I bowed at their presence. I wasn't close to my dad but I was with my mom. I acted like a lady when my dad is around, with full respect and manner, it was always like that.

"Oh honey why don't you give your parents a hug." My mother smiled as she offered her open arms to me. While my father just stood there smiling.
I ran to both of them hugging them tight.

"I've missed you both!" I whispered

"We've missed you too Lucy." A warm voice called out. It was my dad hugging me back.

My dad has changed a bit. I wonder what happened.

"Come on honey, let's eat breakfast and talk about what's been happening around while we weren't there." My mother put her hand on my back as we walked to the dining area.

I talked about many things. So many things that I accidentally told them about Gray and our date.

"Young lady! I gave you the freedom to choose one of the three. I never gave you the choice to be with a person called Gray!" My father stood and banged the table with his hands.

I was scared. I couldn't move.

"Now honey, let's understand, Lucy is--" My mother said

"No! I will not accept this! You live in my house, and in my rules! What I say goes! You're lucky to even have the choice of three of those men!" He shouted.

I've had enough of this bullshit. For 15 years of my existence I have never felt any form of love from my father. I understand that he provides my physical need but what about how I feel? That never mattered to him.

I stood up with tears in my eyes and lowering my head. They never even let me finish. Gray's just a friend. I started to walk out of the dining room and my father grabbed my arm.

Unexplained Art (Lucy x Natsu) (Fanfic) (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now