The 3rd Batchelor

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"Everyone! Listen up!" Erza yelled, slamming the door open. She walked infront of the whole class with two guys behind her.

On her right was Jellal, we aren't close but we go to lunch together. Apparently he has a thing with Erza, they were childhood friends.

He's  quite handsome, Sometimes I wonder if he's a model or not.

He has blue hair that almost covers a scar on his face near his onyx eyes.

On her left, well I don't know. I've seen him before but he's always surrounded with girls.
He has orange spiky hair, and beautiful hazel eyes that are sadly covered with glasses.
He's cute.

The whole class became silent. They sat in their proper seats, well Erza is scary.

"I have an announcement, since we are finishing the last week of September, I have planned the School's Holloween Party. I will be busy with the planning. None of you shall approach me when I am busy, instead you are to explain your matters to the student council's Vice President, Mr. Loke Leon. That will be all." She announced.

Loke took a step forward to be recognized. He winked at us, making the girls go crazy. They looked as if their eyes were shaped as hearts.

I didn't mind him, I don't like playboys.

Unlike Natsu and Gray, they get chased after girls even when they're not trying to catch attention.

Okay, Stop. Why am I comparing them.

I sighed and stared out the window.

I felt a soft brush on my bangs and unexpectedly a hand gently pulled my chin up.

"Miss Heartfilia, is it?" Loke said

I noticed some of the girls glaring at me. I rolled my eyes.

"U-uh Yes?" I asked

"Well, I hope you choose our company. I'd gladdy take your hand in marriage. A fine lady you are, such a beauty." He said taking my hand and gently kissed it.

I started to blush.

"H-How d-d-did you know? I thought I was supposed to inform you after I get the signal from my parents?!" I stuttered

"Our parents can't hide secrets from me. I know everything that goes on in the business including you. " He winks.

Gray blocked him from me and so did Natsu and Sting.
"Who do you think you are?!" They said in unison

"I'm Lucy's soon to be fiancé. What about you two?" He claimed

Natsu, Gray and Sting just stood still. They couldn't utter a single word out of their mouth.

They shook their head and turned to look at me, waiting for me to say the truth.

I just sighed.

Loke chuckled.

"Alright, that's enough fun for today. Heartfilia, you are to meet me outside after class. I shall take you to dinner tonight. On your father's order." He stated.

Well that does sound like my father.

I nodded and smiled, he took a bow of respect as he left with Erza and Jellal.

Natsu, Gray and Sting violently took out their chairs and dragged them to my table.

They glared at me crosing their arms over their chests.

Unexplained Art (Lucy x Natsu) (Fanfic) (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now