Remember me

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Natsu's POV

After a week from that incident, Lucy and I had agreed to spend time with each other everyday, that way I can tell if it was real or a lie.

Ever since Lucy left, Lisanna had filled my head with lies. She became possessive over me even though she knew she could never have me.

I know I love Lucy, my heart has always felt numb when Lisanna was around.

At first I thought she really was my girlfriend and that this numbing feeling would soon go away if I remembered everything.
Although it seemed unusual, I would've remembered everything by now if Lisanna had told me the truth.

So today I decided to break up with Lisanna.

I had drove to her house.

And here I am standing outside her room, thinking of words to say to her.

I knocked on the door and composed myself.

"Come in!" She cheered

"Lisanna." I said bluntly.

"Oh hey Natsu. It everything alright?" She smiled

"No. You've been hiding things from me. Now tell me the truth about what really happened between you, me and Lucy." I said angrily. Seeing if what she's about to say is true.

"Lucy? Lucy's a liar! I'm your girlfriend, you should believe me! " She growled and clenched her fists.

"That's it. I've had enough of you and your sick personality. Lisanna you disgust me, it's your fault me and Lucy aren't together anymore. Why would you even stoop so low?!" I raised my voice.

"It's unfair! No! I'm supposed to have you! I've waited for you since we were children! I fell in love with you first!" She yelled.

"You fell in love with me first? Now answer this Lisanna. When did I ever fall in love with you?!You're obsessed." I growled

"No! You are not going to do this to me again! No!" She yelled as she fell down on her knees crying.

"We're over Lisanna. Tch, like there was ever really a relationship in the first place. Let's not see each other anymore, you're an eyesore." I looked at her in disgust.

"You'll regret this Natsu." She whispered.

I walked away slamming the door behind me.

Finally! The numb feeling is gone! I feel free!

I marched to my car happily.

"Lushhiii~" I whined as I entered her office.

"Good morning Natsu." She giggled sweetly

"Lushiii~" I hummed.

"Alright, what do you have in mind?" She smiled.

"I want to go to the park. Do we hang out there?" I asked

"Yes. Let's go?" She smiled.

"Haai" I ran up to her carrying her.

"You've grown fond of carrying me." She laughed.

"I like carrying you. That way other guys will get the idea." I said.

"I'm engaged Natsu." She giggled

"Yeah, I know. You don't have to remind me." I pouted

"Natsu! Natsu!" She poked my cheek.

"What?" I was annoyed.

"Natsuuu, you're jelly!" She laughed

"No, I'm not!" I denied as I rolled my eyes.

Unexplained Art (Lucy x Natsu) (Fanfic) (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now