That much?

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Natsu's POV

I stood at the corner waiting for this 'Lucy'. I leaned on the wall with my hands in my pockets. I admit, I wanted to see her.

I wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for her. Did I love her that much?

I want to talk to her.

"WELCOME HOME LUCY!" Everyone greeted.

My eyes widened seeing the girl of my dreams. Literally. She wore the same dress in my dream. She's so beautiful, my heart is beating so fast, I could feel myself blush.

"Lucy." I gasped. I tear came down on my face

I remembered her crying. I remembered that I left her.

Lucy hugged everyone. Then she turned to look at me.

She showed the most beautiful smile.

"Natsu." She said softly. That voice, angelic.

I wipped my tear away. How does she do this? She hasn't done anything to me but I feel so happy. Who are you Lucy? What are you to me?

"W-who are you?" I blushed

"W-what?" She stuttered. She looked frightened by what I just said.

"Lucy, uhm. This is kind of hard to explain. Y-you see, when you left--" Gray shaked

"I had an accident because you left me." I said seriously. I wanted her to feel guilt but it felt wrong.

"N-Natsu, I--" She started.

"No, It's fine. I was just being the idiot, following you when I knew you'd still leave me." I stated and looked out of the window.


"Levy, it's okay. Calm down." She said softly.

"Natsu, you told me to never show my face again. My sickness had gotten worst, stress overcame when you left me. My father couldn't bare seeing me so messed up without you. They wanted me to move on, so I left hoping you'd be happier with Lisanna. I'm sorry for breaking our promise, but it was already broken when you left me. We both can't take the blame." She explained. She suddenly lost her balance.

I ran to catch her.

"Luce. Are you alright?!" I asked.

"You-you called me 'Luce'." She smiled

"Ye-yeah, I remembered how I called you." I blushed.

I carried her to a couch bridal style. She was light like a feather. I blushed hard just looking at her in my arms.

"I'm sorry I blamed you. We both moved on so let's not bring the topic back up. I'm happy with Lisanna." I looked away, avoiding her chocolate brown eyes.

"Yeah. I'm glad." She smiled

"Lucy, I heard you just got engaged!" Levy said

"Where did you hear that?" She giggled

"TV, duh! Now let me see it!" She squealed

She raised her left hand showing her engagement ring.

I glared at the ring. If she loved me that much she wouldn't have left, or even get engaged to someone else.


"Big sister!" Wendy ran up to her.

I turned around to see my parents walk in from the door.

"Lucy! We've missed you!" They hugged her.

She's this close to my family? My parents hated Lisanna, even though her parents and mine we friends.

"Wendy, look how much you've grown. You look beautiful." Lucy complimented.

"Thank you big sister but you look way prettier than me." Wendy giggled.

Everything was so confusing. I just wanted to know badly.

I turned to walk away. I need to know, I need to talk to Lisanna.

"Natsu? Are you okay?" Lucy asked, grabbing my arm to keep me from leaving.

"I need to know. I need to talk to Lisanna." I said in a serious tone and left.

I drove to Lisanna's place and I saw her sleeping on her bed.

I went through her drawers but there was nothing. I looked under her bed and I saw a package. It had my name and the date of when it was delivered. It was sent 4 years ago.

I left Lisanna and went to my place. When I opened the door I recalled a memory.

It was me and Lucy dancing in the middle of the room. She wore a beautiful white dress.

I ran up to my room and tore the package open.

A painting of a cherry blossom tree, my name was painted below. Something slid off the back of the painting. It was a letter.

A memory flashed that I was staring at the painting she left.

My dearest Natsu,

I had painted this for you, not because your hair had s similar shade of color as the cherry blossoms but because it was beautiful. Just like your personality.

Before I went away, I talked to the tree instead of you because I knew you hated me, nevertheless I don't blame you for believing your best friend, I guess I would've done the same of you had hurt Sting, but it hurt when you left me, it hurt when you didn't believe me.

When I fell madly inlove with you, you had promised to love and protect me, but now everything that comes to my mind about you was pain and betrayal. Though I still loved you, loved you so much that I didn't want to think that I can't have you anymore, I never had a plan to give up on you. I still thought we had a chance but you hated me. I honestly thought that I'd spend my future with you but everything crashed down when you left me crying on the floor.

But even after all that. Natsu, I would like to thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you for showing me how beautiful life really is. Thank you for treating me like a princess even though I didn't deserve it. Most of all, thank you for loving me. By now you would think that you have already doubted me but trust me when I say,
I love you...

Hopefully soon, when I see you again, we'd be able to settle this.

Love Lucy.

I looked at the velvet box on my drawer. I knew it wasn't for Lisanna, it was for Lucy.

I loved you that much?! I loved you that much to buy an engagement ring during Highschool?!

My head started to hurt. Images flooded my mind like a flash fire. I took my painkillers and drank them. I panted hard trying to bare the pain.

"Lucy." I whispered crying my eyes out.

That much?

My phone rang, it was Gray.

"Hello?" I sniffed

"Natsu, you know you could talk to me if you want to remember." A soft voice said.

"Luce" I was touched, it wasn't much but I knew she still cared for me.

She still loves me, I know. If you loved me this much then you thought right, by that time I thought I should've just loved Lisanna.

I realized that my heart was only for you, I never felt anything for Lisanna. When she told me that we were dating I couldn't believe it but I felt pity so I went out with her.

"Lucy, I want to remember you. I feel strange when I see you. I want to see you. Please help me." I sniffed

"Where are you?" She asked

"I'm at home. Come over?" I invited.

"Sure. I'm on my way." She said warmly.

Unexplained Art (Lucy x Natsu) (Fanfic) (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now