Being a Heartfilia

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Lucy's POV

"Luce, did you copy the requirements during our first class?" Natsu asked

I nodded giving a small grin.

"Can I borrow your notes for a while? I'll give it back after I finish copying" Natsu asked.

I took my notebook out of my bag and gave it to him.

"Thanks Luce!" He said

I started to stare out the window, waiting for class to end. Besides I already know what the teacher has been discussing. I was a straight A student back in Sabertooth Academy. I've always studied in advance and now I'm way ahead than I should have been. I can't force myself to study when my mind is so occupied with what my parents have said.


"Lucy, now that you have matured I will entrust you to our company, but you will not be working alone." My father implied

"What do you mean father? " I asked

"I have decided to merge our company to another. Although I haven't decided yet. That is where you come in" He said

"So what do I do?" I asked

"I was offered to merge my company with other three companies. Although these companies do not get along, that is why I had to choose one: The Dragneel Corp., Leon Corp., and Euclife Corp. "  He stood up from his chair and walked up to me.

"I know this is sudden but this time, I'll let you choose who to marry from the three. They are the best bachelors of Magnolia."  He continued.

"I shall do what is tasked father. I am willing."  I said

"I am proud of the lady you've become. After highschool you are to be engaged to one of these bachelors. When you finish college you will the be married and you will inherit the company." He put his hand on my shoulder and with the other he gave a folder. I lowered my head and left.

I read the documents in my room.
The first document showed: Natsu Dragneel, 15 years old. Fairtail High.
The second document showed : Loki Leon, 16 years old. Fairytail High.
The third well, it was quite a shock, but I still could choose
The third document showed: Sting Euclife, 15 years old. Fairytail High.

Marry huh? I'll let my heart decide.

End of Flashback

The bell rang and I saw Natsu sleeping soundly.  I smiled.

"Lucy, your driver is here" Sting informed
I got up and joined Sting to my car.

"Sayonara Lucy!" My friends said then I remembered that Natsu was still asleep.
So I texted Sting.

To: Sting Euclife
Hey, can you wake Natsu up? I left him there.
From: Sting Euclife
Yeah sure.
To: Sting Euclife
I arived at the mansion or should I say a lonely hell whole.

"Welcome home Miss" Virgo said.

She took my bag and accompanied on my way to my room.

She places my bag on my desk.

"Miss, do have any requests before I leave?" She asked

"No, that will be all. Thank you Virgo." I said.
I sat on the couch beside my window grabbing
Then another maid came in.

"Greetings Miss, your tea is here" Aquarius said

"Thank you." She placed it on my coffee table.
"Miss, I shall bring your dinner and your medication." She innformed and they both left.

It was quiet. It was boring. It was lonely. I miss my mother. My father is too busy. Well, I better make myself useful.

So I took some books and read them. Then I took a shower, and changed into my long sleeved dress , it was white and it was above the knee.

I went to my backyard with my dog Plue and read some more documents about the company I'm going to inherit.

This is my daily schedule. Well on Saturdays it's different. I get piano lessons every morning and dancing lessons, well for waltzing if my father decides to hold a party.

I am always taught to be a proper lady, with etiquette and manner.
The last thing I want to do is to bring shame on our family name.

This is being a Heartfilia, being controlled, being little miss perfect. Well I guess perfectly boring if I say so myself.

"Miss Lucy" I turn to see Virgo.

"Yes?" I asked

"Someone is here to see you" Virgo informed

S-someone? I barely get visitors. Well maybe its just Sting. I don't care as long as I have company, I am happy.

"Bring this person to me. I shall not leave the garden. Thank you Virgo" I said as I stared at the fountain, watching the water spill.

"Well, the princess is quite dull today. Maybe I should visit tomorrow" I turned to a familiar voice. I saw the pinkette. Smiling. It warms my heart just to see him

"Princess? What's all that about? " I asked him

"Well, you looked so prim and proper so I decided to call you that." he chuckles

I patted the space on the bench I was sitting on to signal hime to sit beside me and he did.

"Did you want something?" I asked

"Luce, I forgot to return your notebook. Some requirements are dued tomorrow so I came here to give it to you. Sorry." He smiled and I shook my head

"No, it's alright. You fell asleep anyway. Thank you Natsu" I giggled

"Sure." He stood up.

No, I don't want be alone again. It makes me feel so sad. I caught up to his shirt tugging on it which caused him to stop walking.

"N-Nastu?" He turned around.

"What's up Luce?" He replied

"Can you stay here for a little while longer?" I asked.

He looked curious, the suddenly he gave a warm smile. I leaned on his shoulder and I blushed. I'm not alone, well not alone yet.

We talked for hours he shared many of his crazy experiences, we ran around the garden and played like children and I felt like I was part of the world again. I was happy

"Miss, it is time for dinner." Virgo said.

"Well, that was a lot of fun Luce, I'll see you tomorrow." Natsu said.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." I smiled

He kissed my forehead and waved goodbye.
My face began to heat up. I think my face looked as red as Erza's hair. Goodbye Natsu.

"Miss, your father has told me that you are scheduled to meet your bachelors parents next month, he said that you are to introduce yourself as a Heartfilia and inform your bachelors about the engagement." Virgo said

"I shall schedule the date and time. Thank you Virgo." I said as I took my dog and head to the dinning table to eat dinner.

Natsu's POV

Heartfilia huh? I've heard that before. It sounds so familiar. Never mind that.

" Sir, dinner is ready" my maid said

"I'll be downstairs in a minute" I replied

Damn Luce. I'm so out of you league, It's feels as if I can't even reach you level.

I cover my face with a pillow.

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